“How are you guys going?”
A text we’ve ALL sent to our husbands when it’s they are on daddy duty.
Well, this dad, who happens to be a graphic artist, got a teensy bit sick of receiving this text message from his wife every time he was watching the kids. So he did what all graphic designer dads do best. He instilled the help of Photoshop.
Not only is this particular dad a graphic artist but he also works from home. He watches his two-year-old daughter, Alix, during the day while his wife works outside the home. And thus, now when his wife sends him the “How are you guys going” text, his responses go a little something like this:
1. Dads can multitask TOO
This screams of “Look mum, NO HANDS!” to me. Well played.

2. Hanging at the skate park
At least he dressed her well for the occasion, right?

3. Field trip!
Kids these days, always risking it for the ‘gram.

4. A shocking discovery…
And they said those outlet covers are child-proof.

5. Toddlers are SO good at hiding from Dad
When you can hear noises on the roof but don’t know what they are. Kids maybe?

6. What a simple trip to the post office looks like
I mean, at least be wearing a helmet. SAFETY FIRST.

7. Balance is key, it really is.
Fresh air in the lungs and a beautiful day for a walk, am I right?

8. Speaking of home schooling, it’s going well…
This is what they mean when they say “home IS an education”.

9. At Ikea, you must try before you buy
First the couch, then the meatballs.

10. Dinner prep is all under control
It’s fine darl, the oven is clean as a whistle!

11. Reminding ourselves that children are a gift. Albeit, a noisy one.
Some gifts are harder to regift than others. #fact

Imagine being on the receiving end of these messages? The horror! The hilarity! The OK BABE, I GET IT NOW. You’ve got this.
After all, what happens with dad, stays with dad. Though let’s be honest, how many of us wonder what actually DOES happen at home when we’re not there?
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