
Santa Baby: When a December Birthday is Not So Jolly


The Christmas tree is up, the lights are untangled, the turkey is ordered and the presents are wrapped. Now it’s time to kick bag and relax with some festive bubbles and marvel at your handy work.

Unless you have a Christmas baby.

Instead, right about now you might find yourself frantically hitting up Pinterest for a ‘no bake’ unicorn birthday cake and wishing you had kept better track of your fertile days!

The struggle is absolutely real. While Santa fans are getting ready to jingle ALL the way, there are households all around the world desperately trying to mix the tinsel in with the balloons.

I know this for a fact. I am a December birthday girl and all my life have had to slot my special day in amongst all the other Christmas plans. Not such a problem for me now. I do quite like to own the Christmas Parties as my ‘own personal’ celebrations.

But spare a thought for the kids who are desperately trying to count down the sleeps till their birthday, whilst the countdown to Santa is blasted all around them.

Christmas humour

5 gripes that mums of December birthday babies know too well

Thinking of planning a party for your too-close-to-Christmas cherub? Good luck with that December birthday party! Here’s what you need to know.

1. Pretty much everyone has plans.

Christmas parties are in full swing, all the end-of-year concerts are booked and friends and families have locked in catch-ups before ‘things get too busy’. It is likely January isn’t an option either; everyone is taking the chance to head away and trying to organise a common date is near impossible.

2. No room at the inn

Whilst organising a date is a challenge in itself, you have jingle bells on if you want to outsource the venue. If you are looking for a play centre, bowling club, or any type of function space, get in ridiculously early. Everything is booked well in advance for all the break ups.

3. Shopping is awful

Plan to nick to the shops to grab the birthday present and a few decorations? Haha. The shopping centres have just hit madness mode. Car parks are crazy, queues are long and the self serve option is bound to stuff up and leave you desperately waving your hand for assistance. And who even has the space to hide both Christmas and birthday presents?

4. One present is NOT acceptable

Here’s a tip, folks. As a December baby, DO NOT even discuss the option of bundling the birthday and Christmas gifts together to get a ‘better present’. Little kids are not fans of quality; it is QUANTITY all the way! Personally, I feel a bit like this even as an adult. And don’t even talk to me about birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper!

5. And a special shout out to those women due to give birth around Christmas!

Santa has to be super organised if older kids are involved. The heat is absolutely exhausting and everyone is tired and cranky. All power to these ladies who are contemplating birth smack bang in the middle of everything. I am tipping the manger jokes are starting to to wear a little thin, but bring on the Wise Men (or women) if they are gifting wine, lasagna and soft cheese.

mum central

Right now I am staring down another December birthday that will pass in a whirlwind of exhaustion and promises to ‘catch up after Christmas’. But all is well, my friends. On behalf of all the December babies, I will eat mountains of chocolate cake with lashings of cream and other wonderful stuff.

I promise you. There will be no cherries, no pudding and definitely no revolting fruit mince pies in sight.

But… I might forgive you if my gift involves a Gin Advent Calendar… maybe just this once.

STILL planning to throw your kid a pre or post-Christmas party? Here’s how to do it on a shoestring budget.



Self proclaimed salted caramel expert and champagne taster, Anna might be heard shrieking at her kids to "hold on with both hands" at a Melbourne playground near you. She lives with her son, daughter and cycling obsessed husband, and dreams of one day writing books in a little cottage, in front of a big window, beside the beach.

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