A mysterious orphan, a mythological figure and a – park ranger? That’s right! Disney’s awesomely imaginative retake on the tale of Pete’s Dragon has all that any much, much more.
Robert Redford plays Mr. Meacham (an old wood carver), who’s been telling the tale of a fierce dragon that lives in the areas woods. For years he’s been spilling the details of the dragon’s doings for the local children. Meacham’s own daughter, played by Bryce Dallas Howard, has grown up listening to her father’s stories. And, that’s exactly how she thinks of them – as stories. That is, until she meets a 10-year-old orphan named Pete.

In a time when it seems like every 10-year-old is tethered to a tablet or mum’s iPhone, Pete is seriously out of touch. Not only isn’t he ferried from place to place in his parents minivan (obviously, as he’s an orphan), but he claims to live in the woods. In the woods? Yep, in the woods. That’s alone, without adult supervision, without the benefits of the Internet and without video games (can your child even imagine?). But, Pete does have one advantage over other kids.

What’s that? Pete has Elliott. And, Elliott just so happens to be a dragon! Yes, we all know that Disney’s movie magic means that there are often amazingly outrageous characters that come to life on the big screen. But, in the context of the movie itself, the characters just can’t imagine that Pete would be telling the truth. Sure, Mr. Meacham has been talking up this so-called dragon for what seems like ever. Indeed, he’d like the local kids to think it’s real. But, when Meacham’s daughter Grace finds Pete (and his wild claims), she’s got to figure out what the real story is.

Enter 11-year-old Natalie (played by Oona Laurence) and here dad Jack (Wes Bentley), to help Grace figure out whether Pete really has a dragon friend or not.
Fun for the whole family (yes, that includes mums and dads too), Pete’s Dragon comes to Australian cinemas on September 15.
To celebrate the release of Disney’s Pete’s Dragon, we’re giving away 10 Family Passes for 4 valued at $80 each. To enter, simply complete the form below and tell us what you love about Disney and/or Pete’s Dragon!
Win 1 of 10 In-Season Passes to see Pete’s Dragon in Cinemas Nationwide
Love how in Disney movies the magic comes alive my kids love Disney
‘Dare to Dream’ because Disneyland is where your dream will come true. Love anything Disney!
Disney movies are always magical moments and family favourites!
the best in movie magic… Pete’s Dragon will be a must see movie… Taking us high in the air..
I love Disney movies as they are the favourite memories that i have from when I was a child and now I want to share those magical moments and make new memories with my daughter.
I love that they are timeless. Something I enjoyed as a child can be enjoyed by my children
Disney movies are magical and offer something for the whole family to enjoy 🙂
I love that Disney promotes imagination having no limits
I love the way all Disney characters are brought to life so you can get swept away with your imagination and feel like you are actually a part of the movie itself! (even a mythical creature like a dragon can become so real and thought provoking in a Disney movie) Amanda Giffard
I have memories of watching the original Pete’s Dragon move as a child. My kid love both dragons and Disney, so I’d love to take them to see it as Disney movies as highly enjoyable for the whole family
I love that Disney make beautiful movies that can be enjoyed by the whole family not just the kids.
I remember loving the old animated Pete’s Dragon as a kid – would love to see a CGI Elliot.
It’s all gorgeous and innocent
Great stories and gorgeous characters!
Its family fun for young and old
I love how much heart Petes dragon has and loved watching this movie as a child.
I love the way Disney brings happiness and joy via the tv to all of us. It is always refreshing and magical!
I love that Disney has stories/movies that please the whole family. Something that 4 generations of my family can happily sit down to watch together. All the new remakes have made them even more special as the older generation can remember how it was when they watched as children and get to experience it all updated and with their children/grandchildren
It’s sheer feel good fuel for the imagination, for kids and grown ups alike.
Disney is a world of amazing characters, far off places, interesting adventures and endless fun, with highs, lows, up’s, down’s, taking viewers on journeys they’d never get to experience or enjoy in real life. Escapism at it’s best, Disney is Disney, a lifetime of memories already made and yet to come.
Pete’s Dragon was a childhood favourite of mine ,the new film looks awesome and my family would love to see it 🙂 There is also a link on the Disney page for You to add your address and have Elliot fly over your neighborhood and the kids loved it .
Pete’s Dragon was a favorite as a child and I would love to see the new one to share the enjoyment with my family.
The smile it puts on my daughters face!!!
DISNEY movies – across generational enjoyment… Gran loves dragons too and would love an excuse to watch Pete’s Dragon with the littlies.
They are magical!
With the name Pete, he must be neat.
So lifelike Petes dragon will blow my little girls mind and with a wing flap the rest of her will go flying too!
Anything Dragon is a hit in this house!
Love Disney movies! Great for kids and adults too!
With a little boy in the house anything with Dragons and dinosaurs is always a hit. It is also one of the few movies that all four (hubby, myself, 13yo and 4yo) of us would love to watch.
Just like all of the Disney movies, Pete’s Dragon is magical & life like. Drawing the youngsters in, making them overly excited & unable to turn their little heads away from the screen. Would be fantastic to be able to take my 6 babies to watch it on the big screen.
What is not to love about Disney, my little man has yet to be to the cinemas, and would love for this movie to be his first Cinema experience. A fantastic store to be remade !!
The Dragon! I loved the original, but this one looks even better.
I love the Disney films because they are great entertainment for the whole family.
This looks like a great Disney movie for the school holidays for the family
I’ve always loved Disney Films and now I have kids I can go to the movies and watch them without feeling weird 🙂
Disney movies are one of a kind classics! Suitable for the whole family and more often than not end up becoming a favourite in our house.
I remember seeing Pete’s Dragon when I was a little girl. I absolutely loved it and I would love to share that love with my kids
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid so I am very excited to see this remake. I think my son will really love it as it is so imaginative and he has a great imagination too!
Love Disney movies and Pete’s Dragon is a fabulous family entertainment movie that will definitely gain new fans.
we love dragon movies that have great scenes and characters and we love disney movies for making our imaginations go wild 🙂
The unreal fantasies that Disney creates keep our kids enthralled for hours on end, with their beauty, magic & that special something!
Disney movies always bring a sense of wonder and fun
Disney is not only for kids but also for adults, and it always leaves great memories to us with so many classic fair tales.
We LOVE Dragons!!!
I love Disney because I know that the kids will enjoy the movie and be captivated by the tales.
Escape into a magical world of dragons
Disney always make good, fun, family friendly movies which are enjoyable for all.
Disney makes kids happy and this is a great story for them to remember when they grow up.
I <3 Disney I was brought up with Disney movies and now my niece and nephews will be.
I love the positive messages associated with Disney movies, and also the strong female characters.
I love Disney and would love to win because it’s how I hold onto my childhood. When I was growing up Disney taught me how to dream, how to be myself and also to realise that anything was possible.
Love the magic of the story. A timeless classic from my childhood that I now get to share with my own children!
I love the magic of a friendly dragon that only Disney can bring to life.
Pete is friendly with a heart of gold I wished I had Pete as an amigo when I was small.
Disney movies are always good.
Our family loves Disney movies, particularly those ones involving animals and creatures like dragons. We’ve seen virtually every trailer we can for this movie and are very much looking forward to it. Our daughter is sure that Elliot is just outside our house … only invisible! She’s seen him outside our house on the computer, so he must be there! 🙂
I love Disney movies. They are entertaining for the kids to watch, they let their imagination run free and always provide a good message. I am excited to share this classic story from when I was a child with my kids. Pete’s Dragon is a magical story.
I love that there is a Disney story for everyone and usually more than one. I love how Disney makes you smile and that you can never be too old or too young to watch Disney.
I love that all disney movies can be enjoyed as a family, we love them all
Disney has been around forever and is so family friendly
All dragon kids movies is a must see with my boys and specially Disney one, it will be awesome to get to see Pete’s Dragon
Many of my favourite memories are from the movies made by Disney and their lovable characters.
The Magic!!!
I know I can always take my boys to see a Disney movie and trust that we will all thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you.
Disney family movies are fantastic!
The animations are life-like and the story lines are very heart-warming.
Disney movies are just magical!
Disney brings stories to life… Seeing is believing, you just have to open your mind and hearts to the wonderful world of Disney, there’s a story for everyone to love!.. And I love to see Petes dragon as I love mystical creatures……
Disney movies are fantastic.
Disney takes a story and turns them into magic. A wonderland where children and Adults can escape and believe in magic.
I remember loving the original as a child, and can’t wait to share the new experience with my children.
I love how much interest my son showed in Pete’s Dragon when we saw the preview trailer. He really wants to see this movie!
Disney have such great stories with great lessons to be learnt.
The trailer looks so much better than I expected it to be. It would be nice for my kids to be able to see a movie in the holidays like many of their friends
It takes me back to my childhood!
Love Disney movies , They’re cute, they’re animated, they make you laugh, they make you cry and everyone aged 3 to 80 makes time to watch them over and over again. There is just something in the air that makes the little kid in all of us come out to play when the castle lights up at the end of the previews.
I personally like the sound of this movie because most dragon movies would star a little boy but this one has a girl and my daughter loves dragons!
The thing I love about Disney films is that they never disappoint. You are always guaranteed a heart warming, entertaining and family friendly film.
I love Disney becuase it takes you to another world and allows adults to enjoy the magic with their kids.
A beautiful story told in an amazing way love Pete’s dragon xx
Reminds me of my childhood Disney is for all kids big and small
Love disney because they always make magical movies
I love Disney because you can never be to old.
Disney reminds me of Sunday nights as a child…it was either us kids being allowed to watch Disney OR Dad watching The Winners, a football show on the ABC, which sadly used to win out on the majority of occasions.
I love dragon stories! They make me feel young and free! I wish I had a dragon friend like Pete does (real or not!). I also love how Disney makes movies 🙂
Would love to take my soon to be 10 year old granddaughter, not sure who would enjoy it the most.
I love Disney because they really bring stories to life.
disney creates wholesome movies about fantasy lands and it’s apart of mine and my children’s childhoods
You never grow out of Disney. They tap into your inner child while entertaining your actual child. If it’s Disney you know it won’t disappoint. This is on our school holiday to do list
Disney caters to the whole family, there is always double meaning comments/situations to keep the adults and the children entertained.
Disney is just the best for movies the whole family can enjoy.. I remember watching and loving them as a kid and now I get to share that experience with my kids..
Disney transcends age
i love that you can share the disney magic that you had when you were a kid with your own…
Fantasy makes the world go round – thanks Disney for your grand contribution!
Awesome movies for the whole family to enjoy! Movies that stand the test of time. Such cool characters 🙂
Hearing the word Disney gets me excited i know its going to be good.
We just love dragons, my whole family is nuts about them, I collect them and so we cant wait to see this movie…
Disney is timeless. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a favourite Disney movie! Even my 85 year old nan does! My son is only 2 so at the moment he is all about Cars but I know as he and his imagination grow, so will his love for Disney! Every time we watch a Disney movie and the intro plays, I say to him “You’re going to remember that sound for the rest of your life”
Disney makes the most magical and timeless films. We love them all!
Love that Disney is family friendly and can bring a smile worldwide love that Pete’s drag an uses imagination
I like the magic of Disney.
This movie looks absolutely enchanting – I’m excited to see it and love the magic of Disney, brining families together.
because the whole family enjoy those movies
A forest, a young boy, a dragon, pure imaginative delight. With a house full of dragons, and a grandson who adores them as much as I do, I can’t wait to share Pete’s dragon with him
Disney is timeless for all ages and we love it
I love animation and the story lines the create a great film for whole family to enjoy
Disney has been my whole childhood. It has empowered my inner child even as an adult. Disney movies are the definition of magical. My son is going to grow up with a love and appreciation for Disney movies.
I vaguely remember reading the Little Golden Book of Pete’s Dragon when I was young – but I’m loving the modern take Disney have put on this new version! It will relate more to our kids these days but still hold ‘the Magic of Disney’.
Pete’s Dragon is one of those movies that still vividly evokes my childhood, and I’d like to relive that!
I love how Disney isn’t just for kids its for the whole family. All Disney movies are full of magic and fun which is why it brings families together
I love that Disney, even though the movies might sound like they’re for children, are for everyone, with meanings in all their lines that touch the heart and we can all learn from them.
Disney creates the most wonderful movies for children of all ages and their parents!
Disney is fabulous at entertaining children but more importantly the parents too
Disney stories are timeless and each time they are re-imagined they are equally as magical. I’m very excited to see this re-imagined version of Pete’s Dragon as I loved the original animated movie as a child. I’m also looking forward to sharing this magical movie with my own kids.
Disney movies are always magical and amazing!!!
We love Disney because the stories are so entertaining and suitable across so many age groups (including adults!).
It’s a story about friendship, growing up and moving on. On the surface, Pete’s Dragon is a children’s movie, but it has the wisdom of an old grandmother’s tale.
I love that Disney movies cater for the whole family. Love the animation.x
I love everything about Disney,all the stories they create,making the world feeling safe 🙂
Love Disney. Something for the whole family to enjoy, time and time again.
Something magical for us oldies to reminese while the young ones get to find their own love of the Disney classics
What child, or adult for that matter, doesn’t fantasize about having a dragon as a friend? 🙂
my son loves Dragons Petes dragon is something the whole family can enjoy
That its and older story redone
My girls love any Disney movie and are fascinated by dragons..
You can’t go wrong with Disney, loved it as a kid and love that they’ve remade it for the new generation to enjoy
It’s would be fun for all ages and full of excitement and great for kids imaginations this would be fantastic
I love that my kids can still fall in love with all the old characters that I loved when I was a kid. All thanks to Disney! <3
The magic of Disney ❤️
Disney is timeless
Disney always manage to bring to life how you imagine a story to be.
Looks like an amazing movie with a great story line that could be enjoyed by the whole family!
Disney is all about Magical dreams .
Disney is magical for the kids & whole family.
Disney is the greatest for the young and the young at heart brings new and old memories for all who love Disney movies
This looks like a great movie for all the family – Disney does not disappoint with it’s magic and fantasy and who does not like dragons..
Love Disney movies, I grew up with them and love to share them with my own children 🙂
This movie is giving space to poor imagination. My daughter would love it.
Sharing a Disney film with my Grand-kids makes me feel as young as them 🙂
I love that Disney movies promote imagination.
I remember the original Pete’s Dragon, one of my favourites of childhood. I’m looking forward to sharing the modern day version with my own kids.
My kids saw the original Pete’s Dragon for the first time last week. I’d LOVE to take them to the next! I love Disney’s imagination, and I love that they are currently reimagining their animated classics in live action. As movie quality continues improving, it adds an extra dimension to the classic tales.
A gentle magical fantasy that my 3 children and I would love to see.
It takes you away from reality and closed-mindedness and stimulates a child to dream of what could be, whilst promoting the best of humanity’s emotions – hope and wonder.
In a Disney movie – anything is possible with a little faith and magic. You can’t watch a Disney movie without feeling uplifted. You always walk away believing that everything is well with the world and that miracles can and do happen… What’s not to love?
I have been enjoying Disney Movies since I was a child they are always entertaining and lots of fun to watch, I still love them today along with my children.
Disney movies are something everyone grew up with and always entertainment for the whole family a good sound family day out .
Disney movies are timeless and can be watched time and time again. I certainly loved watching them growing up and so did my children and now my grandchildren do as well.
Disney lets ur imagination run wild and no better way to experience than by sharing the experience and memories with my son
The fact that Disney films and products move and evolve with the times… and the fact that Disney will eventually become an uber corporation that leads and controls all other global corporations…! Planet Disney.
Simply that my whole family can enjoy together 🙂
I love that Disney caters for all age groups, the storylines are well thought out and executed perfectly.
Disney….entertainment for the ages….without doubt one of the best forms of family entertainment is sit watching one of their movies
Love Disney films, something for everyone in the family.
Love the fun of watching movies with the family and there are no better ones than when Disney is involved
I just love the magic Disney brings to our family
Disney brings my family together and we all love dragons!
Kids enjoyment and laughter
I love that Disney has beautiful stories which always have a little enjoyment along with huge entertainment value r
I love the magic that Disney brings to the screen and children lives!
Pete’s Dragon was one of my favourite movies as a kid. I would always look forward to visiting one of our family friends’ house on a Saturday night as they had the movie on video and all us kids would watch it. I would love to see the new version with my son who loves dragons!
I love that it brings a touch of magic to our lives.
From the Magic castle with the fireworks to the last scene we love all Disney movies in this household
My daughter thought that dragons were agressive and likes that in this film it is friendly
My kids would love this! Perfect time for the school holiday and family bonding.
If it is a Disney movie, my kids love it. They have seen the shorts and would love to go!
I love Disney stories because the underlying story line is always never give up, no matter what!
No matter
your age there is something special about Disney films, they give a feeling of
warmth, joy and wonder which you always remember.
Pete’s Dragon was one of the first films I ever saw. I introduced my 5 year old to it recently and she loved it. I would really enjoy going with her to see the new film as it’s a beautiful story that fuels the imagination.
I love Pete’s Dragon because I’m old enough to remember the first movie of that name – and now I have children old enough to enjoy it this time around.
Disney movies always have something to teach children and my children have learnt many values from watching them.
Even as a young teenager I can get her to go and see Disney movies with her younger siblings. Disney provides entertainment for all ages.
Disney is kid friendly and make great movies like Pete’s Dragon.
It provides a break from day to day reality.
omg this was my all time fav movie growing up! would love to take my children to watch this and fall inlove all over again
this was my favourite movie growing up.. I would love to take my girls to watch this and fall inlove all over again
I love it when my childhood classics come to life for my kids to enjoy. This looks amazing
Disney makes you believe and that is where the magic lies. The belief that anything is possible, even owning your own dragon, I mean that’s something special.
I have started introducing my children to movies that I used to love as a kid, and it’s such a wonderful, nostalgic experience. I would love my children to see this too.
I love the innocence and magic of Disney and the make believe. Every child and adult needs to imagine sometimes 🙂
The story line sounds just like the unforgettable Grimm and Anderson Fairy Tales that had me enthralled as a young child
I’m yet to see or read any version of Pete’s Dragon but I love and trust that Disney brings new and old classic tales to life in an authentic down to earth way.
My son and I watched the trailer for Pete’s Dragon on tv- and we instantly said “we’ve GOT to see that”!! As we are both big fans of dragons, and mythical creature/fantasy movies!
And who doesn’t love a good Dragon movie!!
I love that this will be a great movie for both kids and adults. So much more enjoyable when everyone can watch
i love medievil style movies and my son loves dragons
This keeps imagination alive in adults and kids alike. A traditional movie with a new twist. We will all enjoy.
I love how Disney keeps all of us, toddler, teen and adults smiling and enjoying time together. Very hard to find these days.
There is just something magical about Disney, for all ages!
i like how disney is a world of fantasy
I love Disney especially when they used to have their movies playing on Sunday nights, awesome family night and memories
Anything Disney & anything about Dragons is always a winner in our family 🙂
Disney, somehow, just gets better and better!
Disney is for all the family, even great-grandma will be on board for a Disney film!
Disney is for the family
Suitable for everyone to see
Disney’s always so much fun
The perfect movie night for evryone
I love that I will enjoy this movie as much as my kids!
I love that I grew up watching Disney movies on a Saturday afternoon and my kids are growing with Disney enjoying their movies all the time.
looks like an amazing movie I would love to watch with my kids
Disney movies are always amazing! The special effects will have that Disney Magic and has amazing cast, I’m not familiar with the book but my kids are will be great school holiday movie.
Sadly, the music.
Disney movies are so amazing. It’s a perfect way to spend time with the kids and I love them all!
The wonderful soundtracks and basically the magic that Disney brings!
Disney stories are for the full tribe,
The test of time – they do survive!
Wit for Parents and laughs for every child,
They allow the imagination to go wild!
Disney brings things to life and takes us on a journey, caresses our emotions, that’s what I like!
Disney inspires, conjures and stimulates little and big minds alike. Everyone needs magic in their life!
It appeals to people of all ages and makes you feel young again.
Disney films inspire us and remind us that it’s okay to feel. They evoke emotion and have beautiful messages the whole family can learn from 🙂
Pete’s Dragon is on my list of must see movies (I pretend I’m going purely for the kids, but I’ll enjoy it just as much as them!)
Disney make all my crazy thoughts and dreams come true, cant wait to take the kids to see Pete’s Dragon…. who hasnt dreamt of having their own pet Dragon
I love that the whole family can watch Disney movies and enjoy them. My kids are really into dragons at the moment so this movie look great.
I remember this story as a child and loved it and my kids especially my son would just love to see this as he’s really into dragons
Reliving a great childhood story.
All ages can watch the Disney movies, brings you back to your childhood.
When an animated dragon can stimulate, engage, educate and even frighten an adult, a remarkable Disney movie has been achieved!
I’m loving the trailer for Pete’s Dragon because let’s face it who wouldn’t want a dragon for a pet!
Brings back those disney movie memories cuddled up with my parents on the sofa !!
Such a beautiful movie! Hope the remake lives up to the original 🙂
love this!!!!
OMG this is going to be amazing for this old mum to sit down and try to not tell the kids what is about to happen lol
Disney the world of amazement, magical journeys, mystery and fun even for us adults
Love Disney movies, both kids and adults enjoy them and can watch them over and over again.
I love that disney always opens the kids imagination and im looking forward to seeing Petes Dragon
I love being able to see my old favourite cartoon movies brought to life with my kids
Love that Disney makes up the wonder of my childhood and is now doing the same for my kids.
I loved Pete’s Dragon as a child, and am very much looking forward to sharing the joy of the remake with my children! Disney enables me to bask in all the classics time after time no matter my age!
Disney movies are the best!
Pete’s Dragon is a heartwarming family favourite! The friendship between Pete and the lovable Elliott gets them into some trouble however Pete rescues his magical friend. Can’t wait to take my grandchildren to see this new movie!
Disney movies are not just for the kids, but the whole family. Can’t wait to watch this with my kids!
Disney movies are imaginative and colourful and most are suitable for the whole family to watch.
I fondly remember as I child, my aunt playing “Puff the Magic Dragon” on the piano for me every time I would visit and I would sing along. As a child I always thought this song was about Elliot and remember relishing in the song and movie and my aunt playing this song!
I have the animated version at home and am very much looking forward to this version at the cinemas
I love adventure fairy tales and love dragons.
I never got to see it when the original was released and I so wanted to go (it was back in the days when you NEVER went to the cinema because no one had money). So I’d love to see it as I never did!
my girls and i just love dragons and fairytales
As a kid I always loved the song Puff the Magic Dragon, so when my boys got all excited about this movie, it took me back to my own childhood and I would just love to be able to take them to see the movie. Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂
This would come perfectly at a time where my 5 year old is questioning the magic of Santa as a friend at daycare told him it’s your parents-over and over! Through the magic of Disney I’m sure we could keep the magic of childhood alive. 🙂
I love having my mind transported to another place
The film looks so magical!
the magic of what may live in our forests because Disney makes the impossible possible and petes dragon makes make believe, believable
Always great movies that become part of your childhood – three its great sharing them with your own kids!
I love that Disney films are made not to be watched once, but again and again… with little details and hidden secrets each and every viewing, the enjoyment lasts a lifetime!
i would love to have a pet dragon like Elliot what wonderful adventures you could have 🙂
I love Pete’s Dragon so much that I wish I had one of my own, he could fly me to and from my throne, and I’ll scream out above the clouds, I am The Mother of Dragons!!
I love the story line and he feels loved and protected by it, a heartwarming family movie, my kids and I would love
I love all Disney movies and I can’t wait to take my son to his first ever cinema experience and I think this movie would be brilliant for that, I’m sure it’d be his new favourite and he’d remember it forever. He’s almost 6 and loves dragons, he even had a toy one attached to his schoolbag.
I love the sense of hope, confidence, friendship, kindness and leadership that Disney films inspire in young and old!
I love that Disney caters to all ages and our whole family enjoys their movies!
I loved the old version so much – it’s lovely to see they’ve remade it for my kids generation.
Disney always go out of their way to engage viewers of all ages so I am looking forward to watching Pete’s Dragon with the kids and seeing what magic Disney have brought us!
I think Disney sparks the imagination. Disney’s songs get stuck in your head and its a safe choice for my family.
Disney has been in my life since forever, I’ve dreamt of a life with a nanny called Mary Poppins, a fish named nemo or a bed that can fly me wherever my heart wanted to go
Disney was always my favorite as a child. And I still have my Pete’s Dragon book from when I was a child, now my children enjoy it like I did. Would be amazing to see the movie, as the family loves the book.
I love the fantasy of Disney and how even if times get tough there is always a happy ending and you come out smiling – who doesn’t love the look or feel of a great smile!
I love Disney movies and looking forward to watching Pete’s Dragon.
The characters are so cute!
Disney means you never have to grow up!
i love a good dragon tale – especially when it has a special friendship with a child. So heart warming!
I love the friendship between Pete and Elliot. My kids just love dragons and Disney movies. If they’re combined, bonus!
I love that my teen daughter watches Disney movies if she’s had a rough week and then the world seems a better place!
Disney is for young and old. My daughters can enjoy the movies that my Mum and I loved so much growing up and we can enjoy new and magical tales together.
My boys are Dragon mad, and they’re Dragon me along with them. Please save me from more terrible puns by keeping them quiet for the duration of the movie. For Pete’s sake? See – there I go again!
I would love to watch this movie with my kids and show them how dragons are mythical creatures that capture the imagination of so many different cultures, appearing in countless folklores and tales.
Dragons are real – but now they are extinct. What folks in days gone by thought were dragons; were actually dinosaurs (bones, fossils, etc). What an amazing interpretation of what they found to try to explain one of the mysteries that life held for them. Such an amazing and fascinating insight into life from years ago; that has captivated our imagination to the present day.
Disney is great for for children and adults, they always have great stories