
Do Air Fryers Really Work? We Roadtest One to Find Out What the Fuss is About


I have to admit I’ve been sitting on the fence when it comes to the air fryer debate. A sucker for hot chips, I’ve tried oven baked to ‘be more health conscious’ but I just didn’t think you could beat the crisp and crunch of the deep fryer.

So when Philips approached us to road test their Air Fryer XL, I couldn’t resist. I mean I get to satisfy my curiosity and put one through it’s paces all in the name of research! 😉

I was armed and ready. This was going to be interesting…

Philips-Air-FryerFirstly, hands up those of you who are as sceptical as I was because you can’t quite fathom how can hot air give you the same result as deep frying and UP TO 80% LESS FAT?  #waveshand

I wasn’t quite sure how you could get the same results in reportedly a LOT less time than traditional oven cooking so here’s exactly what happened over a couple of weeks using the Philips Air Fryer XL in our household!

Firstly, for the curious, and to explain just how this machine can work so efficiently and effectively, the air fryer uses a hot air combination with high-speed air circulation and a top grill to prepare a variety of tasty dishes (per below) in a healthy, fast and easy way. Best of all, your food is heated from all sides at once and there’s no need to add oil to most of the recipes.

So here we go – I tried quite a few dishes I’d traditionally use the deep fryer or oven for and here’s what happened along the way!

Testing the Philips Air Fryer XL


I couldn’t wait to unpack this baby and put her through her paces. A quick reference to the cooking guide and I was off. 6 minutes? Are you serious? This can’t be right!

I popped my son’s favourite shoestring fries in the basket and popped her on for 3 minutes, as you need to stop halfway through to give them a shake and a shuffle. 3 minutes in the jury was still out but I could see the crispness starting to form. By the end of 6 minutes I was convinced. They were cooked JUST as well as if I’d thrown them in the oil!  #winning!

Following on from that, I popped some Potato Gems in another day to see how they cooked up. Ordinarily done in the oven, they come out soft and don’t get that crisp you get in the fryer. Well let’s just set the record straight here, JUST as perfect as the deep fryer but only 6 minutes and NO OIL NEEDED!  #bravo

Finally on another occasion I threw some fries and chicken nuggets into the basket, popped it on for a total of 6 minutes and they were cooked like they’d just come out the deep fryer! Seriously awesome result – with 80% less oil!


I thought I’d be a bit tricky and try cooking some cupcakes in the air fryer. Now let’s make it very clear I don’t bake often. I’m more a savoury kind of girl so this was going to be prove interesting.  We mixed up the packet mix (yes!) in the bowl, divided them into patty pans and took a guess to pop them in the air fryer for 10 mins (saving me an additional 15 minutes on cooking in a traditional oven). Let’s just say my instinct was right and in 10 minutes I had perfectly cooked cupcakes and a 4 year-old with a deliciously looking chocolate face! They were delicious, light and fluffy and went down a treat in our house!

Result: 10 minutes from start to finish (again no waiting for oven to heat up!)

Pretty impressed we had cupcakes cooked in 10 minutes flat, and zero time spent waiting for the oven to heat up! They tasted pretty damn fine too! 😉


To be a little different, I had bought some marinated BBQ ribs from my local butcher and thought rather than cook them on the BBQ, I’d pop them in the air fryer to see how they fared. Again I guessed the time and had to keep adding a few minutes at a time to get the end result I wanted but WOW, it was only 10 minutes at 200 degrees AND they didn’t dry out at all. Sweet, succulent and really delicious, the kids gobbled them down and were a real hit!




By now I had the hang of this and knew I’d slice some much needed time off heating up some frozen pies and pasties from two very hangry boys. Instead of waiting 20 minutes ONCE the oven had heated up, I popped these babies into the air fryer and BOOM, ready in 10! (Saving me 25 minutes on my traditional oven and a whole lot of whining from the kids!)


We chose to have Chicken Kievs one evening and to be honest while I love them, I tend to avoid them as they often break open while cooking (and turning). I thought this’d be a great test so popped some into the oven and they cooked perfectly – and tasted amazing too!


Essentially the Philips Air Fryer will cook anything you’d generally cook in your own oven in MUCH less time.  Best of all, and seriously one of the best features, is that you DON’T have to wait for the oven to warm up (and that can save you some serious meal prepping time!)  It gets to temperature pretty much straight away so your cooking time can reduce significantly and means you can get dinner on the table so much faster!

Because of the unique rapid air technology, it’ll cook the food crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside.

So how does an air fryer work? Here’s my super quick rundown!

  1. Patented technology provides fast and precise circulating hot air mimics what oil does when frying so you get the crispy taste on the outside of the food
  2. Patented starfish design means you don’t need to turn your food and it cooks faster and more evenly
  3. Grill element gives you extra crispiness and browning
  4. Optimal heating profile means you’ll get the nice fluffy inside because you get optimum balance between heating power and temperature

So what’s the verdict?

In all honesty I was sceptical. REALLY sceptical. It didn’t take long for me to be won over by the efficiency and quality of food the Philips Air Fryer turned out. PLUS, it saved me a LOAD of time in the kitchen for snack and meal prepping which really made a big impact overall for us.  Hands down it’s going to be one of my most loved kitchen appliances now!


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. Christina E Reply

    How straight up the review is, showing how efficient and consistent the air fryer is with the simplest meals resulting in its over all value for money. Philips has once again created a product that would help relieve the stress, time & energy in making snacks or simple meals for a family. How I need, would love one for my growing family of eight..

  2. Wow I have always been skeptical about these too, maybe I need to give one a try

  3. Loved this review and really makes me want to save for a Philips air fryer. We have 4 kids, so cooking quickly and efficiently is important. Seeing the variety of foods you have tried and how quickly they were made is amazing. We often need to quickly make more chips or forget something, so this would be be amazing..

  4. This sounds amazing and I wish I bought an air dryer instead of the thermionix which was a total waste of money. We have activities in every afternoon and preparing dinner is always tricky. Love to have one of these to help.

  5. The Airfryer sounds like a very useful and healthy appliance for a growing family

  6. Sharon Stacey Reply

    Loved this review as I’ve always associated airfryers with cooking chips but never thought of cooking something like cupcakes in it! A very practical review for families with kids, cos let’s been honest we all need things done quickly these days!

  7. Heather weller Reply

    Loved this review and the range of foods you cooked. Yum so want to see how crispy gluten free chicken nuggets come out. I missed fried food.

  8. Amanda Goodchild Reply

    I’ve really wanted to try one of these. With a 4 year old father with coeliac disease I have to cook a lot from scratch. I’m looking for anything that cuts down cooking time and isnhealthy

  9. I’ve been looking into buying an air fryer for awhile now and was never quite sold on the idea. Your review has finally tipped the scale….I’m gonna do it!

  10. Angela Ruhland Reply

    Have always cooked foods like chips and nuggets in the oven to stay healthy. So happy to hear the Air Fryer can make them golden and crispy as well as super fast!

  11. Nancy Ruhland Reply

    Wow. So much enthusiasm. And why not. I know what it’s like to have to magic a meal as fast as humanly possible or even faster. I have never been a fan of deep fryers. Fire hazard and health hazard. This would keep the troops happy. I would love to give this a go. No more baking hot kitchen from a baking hot oven. Bonus.

  12. Oriana Cuffe Reply

    Sounds incredible and making food healthy would love to try this Aur Fryer.

  13. Miranda Blackmore Reply

    I love how the Air Fryer makes tasty cooking look effortless and super healthy for the whole family. Truly magic on your bench top!

  14. Stephanie Nielsen Reply

    food looks great like that not much oil is required cooks everything fast great when you have hungry children

  15. I love the fact you can cook so much with such little oil, this is great for the kids!

  16. I love how versatile the Philips airfryer is, I did not know that you could use it to make such an amazing variety of foods in a healthy, guilt free way!!

  17. I’ve heard so many positive reviews from people I know who own one, would love to have one but can’t really afford one. Would be a great way to cook healthy, quick easy meals the my 3 kids and myself.

  18. Sally Louise Reply

    The variety of foods used in the testing makes it a very worthwhile review!

  19. Kelly Lucas Reply

    Being able to cook all the classic fried food and know that it’s not only healthier but you don’t have to worry about hot oil sitting around for hours is a great plus

  20. I’ve been wanting one of these for ages (still waiting for the price to come down) – I have not had a deep fryer for over 20 years (my kids don’t even know what one is) because of the oil factor. Now I have heard an honest review that I trust I might just go ahead and get one (if I don’t win of course) – I didn’t even know you could cook ribs and other things in them (by the way, my salad lunch look shit now and all I want is ribs) 🙂

  21. Louise Baida Reply

    I loved that the review showed so many different things that can be made in the airfryer. I have been looking at these forever, but my husband wasn’t convinced. I might have to show him this review!

  22. Alicia Tsouskas Reply

    Versatility and ease of use really showcased it is not just for fried food. The health benefits and convenience for the family really shone through and would love to have one at home.

  23. Angela Dennis Reply

    I love the fact that you replaced all cooking methods with the air fryer, even the BBQ, and that you cooked a variety of everyday foods, also giving comparison traditional cooking times when possible

  24. I love the way it makes cooking easier and it’s so versatile, I would be able to eat my favourite foods without feeling guilty. 🙂

  25. Kevin Wong Reply

    Love the fact that it cuts down the cooking time while still maintaining the crispyness and taste.

  26. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    I’ve heard great things about the airfryer so far, and it’s wonderful to read your review and find what I’ve heard confirmed. I love the idea of no pre-heating the oven! I’m dreaming of ribs now…definitely on my wishlist, thanks for the review. 🙂

  27. I love how you haven’t left anything out you’ve reviewed it truthfully love how this would be amazing and healthy

  28. marypreston Reply

    Your review made all of the cooking seem so quick and easy. Got to love that. Sounds much healthier too.

  29. Wow! The review showed how versatile the air fryer is. As a huge hot chips fan, I am thoroughly impressed. I’m also on a diet so this looks like I may still be able to enjoy my crunchy chippies without all the fattening vegetable oils

  30. You can prepare so many different types of food in the Airfryer. It looks amazing! And so easy to use too!!

  31. Reducing fat is great for everyone’s health, I love that we can still eat our favourite foods but with less fat which not only contributes to being overweight but heart disease as well. Phillips Air Fryer is on the Christmas wish list.

  32. I loved the pictures and the inclusion of the time saved with each item cooked. Good job with the guessing of the times too!

  33. Richard Harrison Reply

    The range of stuff you can cook with it! Seriously impressed! And hungry, after seeing that Chicken Kiev

  34. Ian Cowling Reply

    Loved how you used everyday examples of recipes that WORK with the air fryer.

  35. Darren Earley Reply

    You answered every question that asked about the air fryer and only that you answered my childrens questions too so you really sold it to us cheers Darren

  36. Scott Crumlin Reply

    The Super Quick Rundown made it easy to understand in a snap!

  37. Brianna Taylor Reply

    I actually didnt realise it was just like an oven – cooking ribs and kiev and even baking thats amazing! I was sceptical on how good chips and other deep fried goodies would turn out, but to know its great and can do everything else has sold me! I need one of these air fryers in my life asap!

  38. I love how we get a honest opinion, this will revolutionise the way I cook for my family saving me time and money yet still receiving health benifits from foods we love.

  39. stephen elsworthy Reply

    Sounds like its too good to be true; but I would love to prove myself wrong. Just hope it holds enough to feed 6

  40. Ceinwen Walton Reply

    Wow interesting to see all the different things you can cook in it other than just the obvious ones and so quickly !! Would work well in my family where the teenagers are in and out of the house between meeting up with friends and sport commitments.

  41. Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    Apart from the little cutie in the photos…I love the speed and ease of the air fryer. The fact that it reduces the amount of fats/oils in our food is awesome! My mum has one and it is the best thing ever! I would absolutely LOVE to have one, especially with a little impatient chicken nugget fan in my house. “The oven just takes too long mummy, I’m hungry NOW!”

  42. Karina Lee Reply

    I love the fact that you showed us how to cook ribs using the airfryer! I love ribs but I have never tried to attempt making them at home. It all looks too hard to get it right but you make it look so simple using the airfryer!

  43. Loved the fact that all the examples you cooked in the review were staples in my household!! It was like you’d personalised the review for my family!!

  44. Shannon Wotton Reply

    You have opened my eyes to the versatility of the Phillips air fryer. I knew they were great for chips but never realised that you could use an air fryer for so much more! The time it took to cook food in the air fryer was another eye opener. It’s so quick! Will be fantastic for birthday parties! All this and it’s a healthier way to cook. Where do I get one?!

  45. I love that you jumped right in with those every day type things, wether side dishes, snacks or the only bloody thing my two year old will eat this week! (ahem sorry) where was I? Oh yes, great review in real time, can’t wait to get my hands on one of these bad boys. How great in Summer to bake without the oven too. Love this!

  46. I love the healthier cooking option instead of deep frying and using loads of oils. It’s faster, healthier and less washing up afterwards. Tick, tick, tick!

  47. I was surprised to find out that an Air Fryer can be used to cook more than just chips. Nice photo of your Happy quality assurance tester too!

  48. I’m really keen to try the air fryer because my family loves everything that they’re not supposed to eat. By using the air fryer they can still eat things like chips and ribs but with much less fat. But the best thing about the air fryer is you don’t have to waste time waiting for the oven to heat. Our oven takes ages to heat and cook anything so the air fryer will be a great time saver.

  49. Hayley Murrells Reply

    glad to see there are alternatives to deep frying! My husband has wanted to get a deep fryer for years but I keep saying no!

  50. Belinda Bee Reply

    I like how you tested foods kids love (I have a large family) and therefore I found this article to be very informative, relateable and honest – if funds allowed I’d run and and buy the Philips Vivo Airfryer today ♥ because I love the idea of using less oil and quicker cooking times to achieve the same results as conventional fried/oven cooked food!

  51. Kassy Shrive Reply

    Being able to cook such a variety of meals with the 1 machine.

  52. Gervase Dsylva Reply

    Love the convenience and that waiting for the oven to heat up would be a thing of the past.

  53. Rebecca Foster Reply

    The bbq ribs looked great and so less greasy than cooking the normal way. I am health conscious and this air fryer is a great way to enjoy treat foods without all that fat. Great to help lose weight too.

  54. Debra ogilvie Reply

    What’s not to like. It cooks super quick and is a healthier option. Better than deep frying and better for our waists.

  55. the philips air-fryer is not only for foods that you normally fry…it’s for everything! baking, broiling, grilling…

  56. I’ve never really been fussed with fried food, it usually ends up leaving me feeling terrible. But after reading this and seeing the versatility I’m sold, I need one! stat! Given that this can cook up kievs in 10 minutes, and make perfect cupcakes (unlike my oven which is super unreliable), means I wont have to feel the guilt of another night of ‘sketti’ on toast when I’m bogged down with uni assignments/exams or under/overcooked birthday cupcakes anymore.

  57. Lisa Loizou Reply

    I was also skeptical, but after reading the review saying 80% less oil I definitely want one!
    And it’s so convenient

  58. Gillian Streeter Reply

    With 4 kids I love the idea of cutting down cooking time!! Especially in those afternoon when we have sports and don’t get home til late. Thank you for this review.

  59. I never deep fry and home made sweet potato fries in the oven just aren’t that great. But I nearly died of exitement when I read you could bake in it too!

  60. Lauren King Reply

    Would love to make sweet potato chips. and would love to try the cupcakes.

  61. Tony MacKenzie Reply

    I did not realise all the different foods that could be cooked in the Philips Vivo Airfryer. I NEED ONE!!

  62. Kirsty Perkins Reply

    I’d love to try this! My dd LOVES hot chips, so it would be awesome to make them without the added oils

  63. Julia Morton Reply

    I love the fat it only uses 80% less oil,that is alot and is very beneficial to my families health

  64. I would love to be able to try the Philips air-fryer XL as the review showed a lot of my family’s favourite foods and the ones that normally take so long to make especially the bbq ribs. We have a deep fryer at home that just sits in the cupboard as the family does not enjoy the taste of deep fried food. It would be fantastic to be able to air fry food for the children as they are learning about eating healthier and this would certainly help as they are out training or playing sport most nights and time for dinner preparation is greatly reduced. Good on you Philips, keep up the good work

  65. My Mum-in-Law recommended the Philips Vivo Airfryer to me, but I was a little skeptical as I didn’t think I would use it that often. However, after reading your review, I will eat my words! It looks like practically everything we eat could be cooked in it! (Don’t tell my Mum-in-law she was right though!)

  66. This was a great review for me – I was sceptical about the same issues as the reviewer so I related to the review and it answered the questions I would have wanted to ask. Now I really want one of these air fryers! My husband and I are both trying to eat healthier and improve our diet, and we have a fussy “white-foods” son so this would be perfect for us to have some healthy mealtimes that will keep everyone happy!

  67. Kerensa Jane Soteriou Reply

    I love the variety of meals you can make and the fact that it’s healthier is fantastic!

  68. christine morris Reply

    I love all the comments, that the Philips Air fryer is effective, Easy to use, Its Effectiveness, and great value for the money. My friend has one and have also been telling me it’s a great product to use, she uses hers all the time and the quality of the foods done in the Air Fryer are delicious :, Thanks for the chance 🙂

  69. humptydumpedme Reply

    Mostly the fact it’s better for your health and still tastes great because my son is a huge fan of fried chips and it worries a lot about the oil he is ingesting

  70. Caroline Kelly Reply

    The multi-purpose functionality is a winner in my household.

  71. Samira Bousalim Al-Ekhtiyar Reply

    It can make so many things – who new!! And for it to be a healthier option, yes please!!

  72. Very honest and helpful review, showed all different foods you can cook and how quick and easy it is. I like that the Philips Air Fryer is quick and easy and also much healthier than deep frying, which is important with two little ones at home.

  73. I loved the diversity you showed while reviewing the Air Fryer, I had no idea the range of foods you could cook in one. Its a serious option to cook family meals in and with a fraction of the oil.

  74. Heather Hopley Reply

    I appreciated your review and the fact that you personally tested the Air Fryer with a variety of foods. With an appliance like a “fryer” the tendency is to assume that it’d be great just for those foods normally deep fried (chips, nuggets etc) but it’s wonderful to see that the Philips Air Fryer also cooked other foods very successfully! I’m sold!

  75. You’ve convinced me! As soon as I read how quick and easy it took to do fries just like the local fish and chip shop I knew it was for me. No more having to get in the car (and be dressed appropriately), stand in line, order, then wait and race home again before they get cold! It’s a time thing with me. And of course, they’re so much healthier. And with all the time I save in cooking fries, I can spend on baking some deliciously devlish chocolate muffins. A brilliant review about a brilliant time saver for me.

  76. Catherine Howard Reply

    My son can’t get enough of chips so to know there is a healthy alternative to cooking his chips and keeping my son happy is great to know. I also didn’t realise how much time I could possible save. I really want to get one to cook some chicken Kiev because I hate it when I lose the garlic butter when I cook them in my oven!

  77. Sarah McKenzie Reply

    I love that you can get the same result as deep frying without all the fat! My family gets to suffer with eating all ‘fried’ food oven cooked as I don’t like the idea of all the fat, so I would definitely love to give this a try!!

  78. I love the fact that it can cook so many recipes, from sweet to savoury in a healthier way!

  79. What a great way to cook healthy and your post makes me want to inspire other people to do; debunking the myth that air fryers are solely for chips! Air Frying will also save me time and money and I would reward myself with the monies saved in a very special way!

  80. Paula Harris Reply

    You had me at “time poor mum”….this would be awesome and way healthier than what I’m doing now

  81. TanyaCrerar Reply

    Hubby has pestered me for years to buy a deep fryer but it’s use is limited and clean up is messy. This review has me rethinking my stance though and we could be soon enjoying a variety of fried foods without the oil and mess.

  82. Leanne Baker Reply

    I have to admit it, I was as big of a sceptic as you and I never even took the time to hear the spiel, for that reason I had no idea they did all that you mentioned. I had long ago dismissed them as an expensive chip cooker much to my embarrassment.
    I love baking and hearing your experience in baking your cupcakes has me intrigued and those ribs literally made my stomach growl.
    I would love to win one of these since I have been enlightened to all they can do.
    I would be keen to give crumbed steak a go, they are favourite meal in this house but my least favourite to cook, I have a feeling that could change with one of these!
    Thanks for the review, you should know you have converted at least one person!

  83. This would be fabulous on those hot days where you don’t want to oven heating the whole kitchen. Would also be a great time saver on those late home from work days! Not to mention the health benefits of cooking with less fat!

  84. I like that the review was written from a skeptics point of view and listed the reasons why she converted. very informative

  85. I lover the variety of things you can make and cook! For some reason I thought an air fryer replaced a deep fryer and I basically only cook chips on that so I am keen to try one!

  86. Kerrie Tullipan Reply

    It’s more than a machine that cooks just chips,
    uses no oil and still gets food crisp?
    I’ll be able to serve dinner so much faster,
    I will love being the Philips Air Fryer’s taskmaster!

  87. Sheldyn Warwick-Hart Reply

    I loved that you were openly skeptical which instantly made me trust your opinion so much more! I also really loved the idea of cupcakes? i would never think of baking in an air fryer!

  88. Sharee Ussher Reply

    I’ll be completely honest I was also sitting on the fence when they were first released but was still interested. Seeing your pics & your review has made me really want to get one for my family as I now see it’s not only more beneficial for us health wise but also would save a heap of time too. I couldn’t believe how quick & delicious looking those BBQ ribs were that you made with your son. I wouldn’t have dreamt to cook ribs otherwise but feel I’d have the confidence to do it with an Air Fryer. Would love this as an addition to our growing family of 5 (make that 6 in August).

  89. I love the idea of fuss-free fat-free family cooking! The idea of cooking cupcakes in an air fryer is awesome 🙂

  90. Luke O'Dwyer Reply

    I have been tossing up between one of these and a crockpot-like device. SOLD!

  91. Trish Leonard Reply

    I could make so many delicious healthy meals that my family would love.

  92. I loved the various examples this product could be used to create!

  93. Christina Lungo Reply

    I loved seeing the fresh ingredients and the range of food that you can make! Looks amazing

  94. Debra Gear Reply

    Wow!!! I was gobsmacked. I had no idea it had some many uses. I had always wanted to buy one but I thought all they did was cook fish and chips. Fingers crossed to win this one otherwise I will definitely be purchasing one after reading your review.

  95. Cindy Bacalakis Reply

    I had no idea it did all those other things as well as frying. An awesome review

  96. Its so great to hear something tried and tested by another mum, because I would rather only buy appliances I’d use all the time.

  97. Lisa Johnson Reply

    I love how you tested the things we eat every day. I loved the review as i have been wondering if they are worth the money. This machine looks awesome too. Thanks.

  98. Alysia Sheehy Reply

    Wow! I had no idea you could bake and fry in one of these!! Our oven doesn’t work so I haven’t been able to bake for about a year now 🙁

  99. Donna Bennett Reply

    I love the way it uses no oil. I have started eating a lot more healthy these days but I still crave things likes chips, with the Philips Air Fryer from what I have just read you can still cook these things healthy, plus many other delightful creations from ribs to cupcakes, really seems like a magical product!

  100. I to was skeptical, but after reading the review I definitely want one.Such a healthier way to cook & faster as well

  101. Rhonda M Phillips Reply

    I love that you tested a variety of foods to show how versatile the Philips air fryer is. What I love most about the Philips Air fryer is it saves time in the kitchen and cooks food using less oil. A must have really!!!

  102. Melissa Gannon Min Reply

    Love how u can bake cupcakes in it as well as fry chips!

  103. Nicole Muller Reply

    I had no idea that you could do so much with the air fryer. I would love to have one for our family. It would benefit each of us health wise. And everything is made so easy to cook. Awesome. Yes! We would love one thank you!
    kind regards Nicole

  104. I loved how it was explained with each separate item that was cooked, exactly the time it takes and how the food item came out. A real honest review.

  105. Becky Palmer Reply

    You certainly did your homework when it came to product testing and showed the great variety of meals an airfryer can create!

  106. I had no idea the Philips Air Fryer could make so many things. I must have one to make fantastic meals!

  107. Extremely fussy still and now 11yrs old!!! I try to make home made Chips, nuggets, fish fingers. He also likes cocktail frankfurts. Then I add the vegies which he’s no longer spewing up. An Air Fryer would be the answer to my worries with his health!!!

  108. Nicole Woods Reply

    I love the versatility. Who knew an air fryer could make so many different dishes?! Philips have truly outdone themselves with this one!

  109. I never ever deep fry because it’s always too oily and hard work cleaning up plus all the splattering. I would love an air fryer – best of both worlds.

  110. Sarah Phillips Reply

    I loved reading about all the different food you can cook in an air fryer. I’ve thought about buying one to replace our deep fryer but I thought we would only use it to cook schnitzels and chips.

  111. Gillian Harridge Reply

    Saving time on food prep and the quality of food it produces. Ticks the boxes for me.

  112. I have never tried a deep fried as I found it unhealthy but, there are so many recipes I would love to try with the Philips Air Fryer!

  113. Rebecca Yangzon Reply

    What a great Review I didnt even know that so many different foods could be cooked in the Philips Air Fryer .What an amazing product love that it saves on time and cuts down on fats .What a huge plus it would be to own such a handy versatile product .

  114. Katie Silvestro Reply

    I have never Tried an Air Fryer, and What a great Review.

  115. I love the versatility of the Philips Airfryer, I thought it only fried things you normally deep fry. Surprising!

  116. Emma stewart Reply

    I honestly thought the only thing you could do in an air fryer was chips and although chips are my biggest weakness i couldnt really justify the price just for a “chip cooker” . So exciting to now know all the foods you can cook in there!

  117. Kate Ninnes Reply

    I love that the Phillips air fryer can cook such a variety of foods. And it’s so healthy!

  118. Erin Edhouse Reply

    Ive never used an air fryer and didnt realise you could cook so much with it.

  119. Bronie Elson Reply

    Having been skeptical about the claims of crunchy chips like the ones cooked in the deep frier I had always been unsure about purchasing one. . It was great to hear a reliable source telling me they work before I buy yet another kitchen appliance. So thanks Mum Central

  120. Lauren Julie-ann Johnston Reply

    I’m really interested in seeing the baby in action!

  121. Brookelyn Cooper Reply

    Tested with 5 of my fav snack/dinner foods & with up to 80% less fat than deep frying!! #winning

  122. Either way if I win it or not….. I know what appliance I’ll be getting next

  123. Sam Minshull Reply

    I have always wanted to try this! and when our family want something Naughty it wont be so sinful! this would be simply amazing to win!

  124. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    What I loved most about your review on the Philips Air Fryer was seeing the different types of meals that could be cooked and how easy it was.

  125. Felicity Turner Reply

    My hubby loves anything deep fried so the air fryer sounds like it a kitchen appliance I just have to have in my house. Happy Hubby Happy wife

  126. Dayen Roelsma Reply

    I liked how quickly & healthy it cooks a wide variety of food. I would love to try this out myself.

  127. Tess Eames Reply

    I love that you displayed the versatility of this amazing Air Fryer! Never would I have thought to cook ribs in a fryer let alone bake delicious cupcakes! Of course I can’t not congratulate you on your gorgeous (and well fed!) kid, he was the true highlight of the review!

  128. melanie whittle Reply

    I love that this was an honest and upfront review that tested different types of foods in the airfryer and that you stated the reservations that i myself have had about this product but now reading this i would love to try it

  129. Jenny morgan Reply

    First thing I loved about the review was time, time, time it saved in the kitchen. With busy lifestyles, this is one appliance I really need.

  130. Donna Joy Leysley Reply

    I love this part “Because of the unique rapid air technology, it’ll cook the food crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside.”

  131. staceyshailer Reply

    I love how much time was saved by cooking in the Airfryer, because I am so time-poor, especially when it comes to meal times!

  132. Lisa Summers Reply

    I’ve been wondering about these airfryers for quite some time but haven’t read a review as succinct as this one and it really sold me on the idea!! I love how Belinda tried several different things and showed how diverse the airfryer is and I LOVED how she pointed out how quick and easy it is because let’s be honest, I’m a busy working Mum and quick and easy resonates well with me! Plus it’s a healthier version which of course is important! Thanks for showing me how awesome these devices are 🙂

  133. No added moisture, with easy mess free meals which are time friendly too

  134. Stephanie West Reply

    I loved that you tried so many different foods of different sizes and compositions. These are all things that my family like to cook ourselves and it really helps to show the diversity of the product! 🙂

  135. Lara Haynes Stewart Reply

    i love the idea of no oil & the amount of things that can be cooked in the airfyer is amazing

  136. I love that ill be able to cook healthier meals for my family

  137. Lucia Saal Reply

    I love that you covered all kinds of cooking. When I think air fryer I think chips…but I love that it can bake and its so versatile.

  138. Helen Clark Reply

    I loved in the in depth trial you gave the air fryer, It certainly is exceptional. I have a cheaper model that does no where near as much as the Phillips one. Your family obviously eat like mine. I would dearly love to own one of these exceptional cooking masterpieces.

  139. Maree Gray Reply

    You had me with the chicken nuggets!! Love that you can cook them and fries and make them a much healthier option. And the bbq ribs – yummo 😀

  140. Kate Slack Reply

    I love how you tested out a variety of different foods. I love that you can cook frozen pies in 10 wow!

  141. I love that you cooked cupcakes in it rather than just fast food…They look deliciously light & fluffy too

  142. Anita Andrews Reply

    Wow I didn’t realize the variety of foods that could be cooked in an air fryer. Much more than just chips!

  143. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    I fell in love with this Air Fryer when I read the review. I was wanting to buy one for my family’s health sake, but didn’t know if it did what it was supposed to do. If I am not lucky in winning this great prize, i will be off to buy one after reading the review.

  144. Margaret Ann Davies Reply

    Love it if I don’t win this I am going to save up to buy one … I am trying real hard to lose weight & this is just what I need & I am amazed a all the food you can cook in it … awesome prize

  145. I loved how your review showed the diversity and range of how I could use this in my life

  146. I love the versatility of the fryer and how easy it is to cook quick, healthy meals for my family.

  147. Juanita Thorn Reply

    I respect your opinion as you were sceptical of all the hype…like I would be. And I love that you tried many different dishes to cook to show the variety of food that can be cooked perfectly with the air fryer. But I hate just HOW MUCH I WANT THIS NOW!!!!

  148. Michelle Budge Reply

    Being able to cook chips and gems without oil. It’s so much better for me and my family.

  149. Katannya Whitney Reply

    The idea I could save so much time without sacrificing my families health is great. More time to enjoy my babies!

  150. Ellie Aitken Reply

    Wow all that power that is being saved fantastic and great food what more could any mum want

  151. Mandy Gebhard Reply

    Good to hear that everything that was tried, worked well.

  152. Love how in depth and comprehensive your review was without becoming repetative and boring. The actual Philips Air Fryer speaks for itself.

  153. Lauren Baptiste Reply

    I’ve been wanting an air fryer for quit some time, but they are above my budget, this would be amazing to win one!!

  154. I love the fact that you tested both savoury dishes and sweet, I never would have thought to cook cupcakes in an air fryer! Genius! The philips air fryer looks like it could be a massive time saver in my kitchen, with no more hovering around a slow oven and healthier, guilt-free, delicious meals for my family! (Especially my fried food loving husband!) Amanda Giffard

  155. Julie Hearn Reply

    Love that it was approached with scepticism but was completely converted.

  156. You tested everything I love and want faster than it will cook in a conventional oven! Cupcakes – wow. My kids would love me forever. Kievs – yummo. I have had an air fryer on my “wanted” list for some time now and you have definitely convinced me that the Philips Air Fryer is the one for me – now to win it would be nice.

  157. Colin Burt Reply

    Live the amount of times saved but especially no oil!!! Gotta be good for you and still enjoy the crunchies

  158. All we need mow is the airfryer and my set of kitchen appliances will be done!

  159. I too have been sceptical , I had no idea you can cook cupcakes in it, have been looking at getting a normal deep fryer but after reading this review , you have changed my mind. Well done

  160. Maria Braund Reply

    I need a new oven, I have always been sceptical about the air fryer but you made it sound so easy and so yummy

  161. stacey coppin Reply

    I love that your review has opened my mind to owning an air fryer and made me realise just how healthy comfort food can be!

  162. Hayley Shaw Reply

    wow it sounds amazing ! love that you tried a range of foods including sweet and savoury!

  163. Paul Walker Reply

    It would be nice to have less fat (both in my cooking and around my waist).

  164. Definitely no longer a skeptic,
    Anything that can make dinner time faster and healthier is a winner in my books,
    It might even be able to replace the trusty slow cooker.

  165. Michelle Green Reply

    Love the photos! How cute! I love the grill element, makes it far more appealing. <3

  166. Allison Scrivener Reply

    Being full-time working parents, we would love to make times easier, quicker & still healthy!

  167. Nicole Ashton Reply

    Great revue!! I was a skeptic but now I believe!! I would love to win this.

  168. Belinda Green Reply

    Belinda Green Healthy, wholesome meals at the touch of a button. Simplicity at its best.

  169. Nicholas Chang Reply

    Thanks for review. I am surprise to find how versatile the airfryer is especially the idea of the ribs.

  170. Emily Marsland Reply

    Omg! What a great addition to my household that’s just starting to make the transition to eating better & healthier! This would remove a lot of the strain that our nearly 4yo son puts on us for his ‘treat’ fried meals… this would mean no more take-away meals either!

  171. Eva Kiraly Reply

    I really love the sound of the chips and gems crispiness without the oil, I love my potato crispy and in no time at all! #Winner winner Chicken dinner!!

  172. Linda Luczak Reply

    Fantastic review! Honest and candid. I loved the versatility of the Philips Air Fryer. I was a sceptic, too, until I read this tried and tested review. I’m a believer!

  173. I love that you don’t have to wait for it to warm up. That saves so much time. Amazing!

  174. Wow – what a surprise packet! I thought they were only used for foods that are normally fried – never realised how versatile they are. This would make my mealtimes easier and my family healthier 🙂

  175. Rachel amanatidis Reply

    Has so many uses .. Healthy foods here we come .. Easy and quick even heat distribution means no burning food .. Nutrients stay in the food .. No grease no fat no worries !

  176. Andreea Nicolescu Reply good would it be to cook healthy crispy food, I loved the review as it really showed how this can help busy mums

  177. Jennalee Izzard Reply

    I loved you’re honesty, when making a purchase on an expensive item I feel it’s important to read reviews that are unbiased and authentic. I really appreciate “what’s the verdict” and “super quick run down”.

  178. Much healthier and easier way to cook my food so better for my kids

  179. Jasmine Stanford Reply

    I love that uses 80% less fat than traditional frying and tastes just as good! SO good for the waistline lol

  180. Sarah Hickey Reply

    This product cooks so quick its amazing, love to have this for my family. It would help me in the kitchen & the food would be great all the time

  181. When I think Air Fryer I think of cooking chips and the like but to see cupcakes can be made in one was fantastic news. Goodness, I wonder what else I could use one for other than the items you made.

  182. Sherna Swanepoel Reply

    Wow I have read it and love the versitilety of how much one can do with the air fryer. Thanks for sharing!

  183. Theodora Polentas Reply

    I love that it’s a healthier option and that you can cook so many different things in it. My son loves his fried food and this would be a great way to give him some new tastier options, made quickly and healthier, fingers crossed!

  184. Melanie Viney Reply

    The air fryer sounds amazing! Anything that saves time and is healthy to boot is an absolute winner in my book.

  185. Catherine Gierak Reply

    I liked that fact that you stated upfront that you were sceptical about the product, as I would have been too. But having read your review, I’d love to own one myself now!

  186. Alice Robinson Reply

    I liked the photos! How much fun did your testing look! Your kid looks beautiful and so does your cooking. I am currently pregnant and having cravings for ribs. And chips. mmmmmmmmm… followed by cup cakes. mmmmmmmmm.

  187. Pamela Singleton Reply

    I am impressed, this machine is amazing, I love that you don’t have to wast electricity warming the oven and the extra time cooking. So all in all The food is healthier, less time to cook, so a massive saving in time with tastier results.

  188. Anita Black Reply

    I love that it saves time in the kitchen and also it is the very healthy alternative to cooking in oil

  189. I love the load of time you saved on prep and cooking regular meals to give us a realistic grasp of how awesome it is

  190. Love the fact it is a deep fryer,oven,grill,bbq..all in one and with minimum oil!!

  191. Phyllis George Reply

    I like the idea that you reviewed different cooking methods.

  192. I found your review illuminating, it explained the air fryer well, making wonder why I don’t have one yet. It’s time saving, cooks well, no oils added, so better for you, no reason not to have one, I’d love one.

  193. Thank you for your thorough review. I too am skeptical of air fryers but you have helped put my mind at ease and answered ll my questions like, “Does food come out crispy?” Plus, those ribs look amazing and are one of my favourite foods. I’d love to put this machine through it’s paces and brag about it to all my friends and family!

  194. Kara Johnston Reply

    I loved your review because the pic of the chocolate covered boy made me go “Huh?” until I read that you can bake in an air fryer too! So this won me over. Thank you!

  195. June Lawler Reply

    Great Review I’d love to realise the dream of guilt-free, low fat cooking.

  196. Renee Bolton Reply

    Oh wow! I have very fussy kids, but the love chips etc. With one of these, I could make things that are much healthier for them!

  197. I really loved how you trialled different foods. I didn’t realise you could cook cakes and meats in it. I too have been sitting on the fence. I didn’t think about the time wasted preheating the oven. My question is .. does it allow enough chips to be cooked for a family of 4??

  198. Kelly Toyne Reply

    I love how it cuts down how lomgs things take to cook and is a healthier option.

  199. I really enjoyed reading about the variety of dishes that can be made. From entree to dessert is covered.

  200. Cindy Nickels Reply

    I love the ease of use, the reduced time required in preparation and waiting for ovens to warm up, and the perfect size for just two of us. No oils used is a major bonus.

  201. Love to experience based on reviews sounds awesome and i need to cook healthy

  202. Charlyn Carroll Reply

    I loved the different foods you tried, who would have thought, cupcakes! Also the times given, I wasnt even aware it took less time. Seriously considering this product, might have to save my pennys & ask very nicely at Christmas.

  203. I read this review from a purely logical POV, and not with the emotions of maybe getting a new to. This was an impressive bunch of words, as my 1st thought was….’was this paid advertising? Hell no, just a darn good read! The low fat debate was a convincer too.

    • Thanks Dave. Philips sent me the machine to review but did not pay me for my opinion. Maybe they should have! hahaha

  204. I love that you can cook a variety of foods in it with the less fat and it cooks cakes aswell

  205. justinedrake Reply

    Besides the cake mix over one happy face, the variety of food you showcased from the air fryer! I think I need this in my life!

  206. Cath Bennett Reply

    Love that there have been different types of foods used, honest opinions and love the low fat , winner winner chicken dinner

  207. I’ve always wondered if I will get the same crispy, crispy crunch when cooking in an Air Fryer. Now we can have freshly cut hot chips without worrying about the added fats.

  208. Wendy Compergirl D'Arcy Reply

    I have wanted one of these but wonder if its going to be one of those appliances that ends up in the cupboard I so want to do some air fryed chips though

    • To be honest, so did I Wendy. It now sits on our benchtop as we tend to use it in some form every day! My thermomix sits in my kitchen cupboard! 😉

  209. The time I would say preparing dinner would allow me to spend more time playing with my children and also teaching them that cooking healthy can also be tasty.

  210. stressless Reply

    wow …very impressed with the review and the product, sounds like an amazing time savour and much healthier than deep frying

  211. Angela Rutherford Reply

    Great review, two of my friends love their air fryers but I haven’t been convinced I’d use it enough to warrant the cost. Didn’t realise you could cook cake, pies etc in it.

  212. Julie Italiano Reply

    Wow! The time saving capabilities sound amazing, and to be able to cook some of my sons favourites without all that excess oil would be incredible. Great review, made me crave some cupcakes!

  213. Samara Cassidy Reply

    I have been lusting after an airfryer for some time and after reading your review it is now a must have for me. Chips without oil! Yes please, kievs that look amazing! Yes please! and cake in 10 minutes! I would be one very happy mumma bear

  214. Cat wetherall Reply

    The airfryer is completely unique. I think it’s best feature is that it can cook a raost without pre heating and wouldn’t that be great in the middle of summer.

  215. My daughter can’t have oils and has to use tablets to compensate but her husband, the fisherman, catches the best fish. She has borrowed a friends to test, with me being included, yeah! I must say from many years of cooking I am VERY impressed. The chicken was tender, yet the nice crispiness on the outside. The fish was delicious, without the mess and TIME! My family needs this to enjoy and I get to enjoy the food and the grandchildren! Thanks

  216. I thought it was only for fried foods! Those ribs look fantastic.

  217. Debra Marr Reply

    The best of both worlds without the mess and extra kilojules, was most impressed with your review and the variety of uses all without unhealthy fats.
    An airfryer would be very well used in my kitchen.

  218. The variety of foods so we know what works 🙂 and the time saving is a killer bonus that was really good to know.

  219. Nata Glavan Reply

    Informative and to the point, you have made the Airfryer very appealing to my family, Philips Airfryer’s superb quality and efficiency in action will ensure many years of delicious satisfaction.

  220. So unique and the versatility is amazing. As a night shift worker I would use the Air Fryer very often for its speed and efficiency.

  221. Having just had to move into a new rental with a RUBBISH oven, my kids and hubby would definitely appreciate this too boost the dinner results!

  222. Joanne Blackburn Reply

    Love the idea of the Airfryer, instead of frying food in oil. It’s much healthier too.

  223. I can’t believe you can make cupcakes in this… AMAZING! It really is more than just a fryer.

  224. margie sincoe Reply

    Blown away by the range of foods that can be cooked in the Airfyer and completely love the health aspect of this product.

  225. One central appliance that can cut out cooking time and still do the same job as the oven would make for one very happy mum. Even better that you can make cupcakes in it.

  226. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    As my kids love crisp deep fried chicken and chips. This prize would improve my cooking processes to healthier and less cooking time for my family. I don’t like jumping oil when I doing deep fried. Thank you.

  227. Kerry Nyland Reply

    I have been a doubter about the Airfryers too. I haven’t purchased one as I believed they could only used for things you would deep fry (and thus must be avoided!!!). To know that you can cook other things (cupcakes, ribs etc) in them makes it so much more appealing!
    To have an Airfryer would also mean less mess…I hate cleaning up oil!!!

  228. Leanne Pickles Reply

    Had a very bad and frightening experience with hot oil a few years ago, I nearly BURNT our house down! I love crispy chips etc, as do the rest of my kids and Husband, but I’m terrified about using too much oil so we just put up with oven cooked chips etc, which just isn’t the same. Thank you for proving there is a way to get the same effect with next to no oil and the bonus is that it’s healthier.

  229. Terri Todd Reply

    I loved the fact that you tried so many different things to cook, honestly I wouldn’t have even thought to try cupcakes in an air fryer.
    A massive time saver for those in a hurry and food with less oil being healthier, sounds like a dream come true

  230. Caroline White Reply

    A few years ago, I had an incident with pot with hot oil and I nearly burnt the house and the worse mistake I nearly made was to put water on a oil fire, lucky I didn’t. instead I picked it up and the flame hit my hand and I threw the pot in the laundry cement and it tipped upside as I threw it and put the flames out.

  231. I honestly thought these were just for chips! I love that they can take a heap of time off your kitchen time and make the sname more healthy!!!

  232. I loved how the review explored the entire range of items you can cook with it. I was expecting a review just to focus on deep frying but the versatility to deal with foods such as ribs opened my eyes to how great it would be to have such a healthy alternative way to cook in my kitchen

  233. Erin Pritchard Reply

    Great review, found it very helpful especially the cooking times

  234. Nicolle Gibson Reply

    Loved the review have been trying to find a review which is honest… Loved knowing that chips come out so good.. Yum

  235. Narelle Abbie Reply

    so great that you can cook more than just chips in these!

  236. Pentahedron Reply

    I have always been very skeptical with air fryers too. It may have saved lots of time and had crispy chips but did they taste as good as if they were fried in oil? I’m still on the fence …..

  237. Charl Lowther Reply

    I’m impressed with all the different foods you can cook in them and just how quick and easy it sounds!

  238. I’m impressed with how fast it is to cook and the variety that can be cooked in it.

  239. Precious Jewel Reply

    Thank you for the comprehensive review. The variety of food plus photos of some of the them really complete the picture for any sceptic like me.I am converted too! Would love to win one!

  240. Trish Roberts Reply

    Wow excited not only would I save time cooking for the kids, but I could have some naughty meals and feel a bit better about my guilt!

  241. this sounds like my dream machine, i love that is cooks fast (which is so needed in our household to create fast healthy meals for hungry children) not to mention that i could use it for numerous types of cooking – seriously amazing 🙂

  242. Like you, I have been a fence-sitter about air fryers however your honest review has actually swayed me in favour of them! I’m going to have to start saving my pennies to buy one in the (hopefully not long) future and get those healthier snacks happening.

  243. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Airfryer can reduce over 80% fat during cooking process than traditional cooking process. It is a excellent kitchen appliance for everyone. As Diabetic disease became more concerned today’s modern lifestyle. I love this prize for improving quality of life .

  244. Xzavia Green Reply

    I love that you enlightened me on what else you can cook in there! I thought it only did foods you would normally deep fry. AWESOME!!
    Also, wow what a time saver when you get home with hungry kids or realize you forgot to cook chips to go with dinner.
    Or even better, a late night muffin craving?!

  245. Beki Fowler-Mills Reply

    I love that you have showed me things I can cook that I wasnt aware of before. The ribs look great and I wasnt aware I could cook them in there.

  246. Mel Heinrich Reply

    I hadn’t previously considered the time saved by not having to pre-heat the oven, thanks for including that info in the review.

  247. I love that you gave honest reviews of a different variety of foods, all of which I would typically cook for my family too. I’ve been interested in one of these too but too scared to buy

  248. wowza seeing those RIBS!!! drool xxx great dinner ideas for the fam bam

  249. Jenny Woods Reply

    I would love to win the Philips Air Fryer for my daughter-in-law who is a carer & often doesn’t get home until late & then has to cook the evening meal. It would save her so much time & she would be able to have tea ready quickly instead of waiting for her old oven to heat up & cook the meal.

  250. April Robinson Reply

    I’m the same, as in I’ve been wondering if these appliances actually do what they say it will.

    I like the idea of less fat.
    I really like the idea of chips and nuggets in 10 minutes.
    But then you mentioned cupcakes…. I’m sold!

  251. simone vernon Reply

    I have been eyeing off these air fryers for months but had no idea you could do full meals and desserts.

    Awesome review, you tested every meal and it passed.

  252. Love the fact that you need barely any oil to make healthy delicious chips for the family. There’s no need to feel guilty about giving the little ones chips anymore.

  253. Anika Swaffer Reply

    The level of skepticism was on par with mine – reassuring!
    The variety of foods tested – again reassuring to know these ‘inventions’ also offer versatility.

  254. Joanne Lloyd Reply

    Great review, as I’m a home baker I was unaware that you could bake cupcakes in an air fryer, so many possibilities! Love how versatile this machine is!

  255. Kelly Price Reply

    OMG this machine sounds freaking amazing ! Its not just for my children’s main food group (nuggets) BUT main meals and cupcakes. Seriously I want one to try 😀

  256. Tina Hopkinson Reply

    Being a busy family of 6,I liked that this would save me time and not affect the quality of the food…winning!

  257. Valerie Wee Reply

    I would love to cook healthy and delicious food for whole family. It would be fun to use this machine.

  258. Nicole Middleton Reply

    Wow! Very impressed at the variety of foods you can cook in one of these! I figured it was chips only – not main meals & desserts also! And I love anything that saves me time in the kitchen!!

  259. Bronwyn Dowden Reply

    This looks amazing, fast and healthy something I need in my kitchen to help me on my journey to get my health back.

  260. Katrina Stubbs Reply

    I love how your review mentioned the air dryer reaches the desired temperature quickly. Nice and quick for dinner and would make crispy chicken so.delicious. would love to cook healthy meals in an.air fryer

  261. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Wait is a amazing prize for priceless health and happy life. It would bring more joys and less stress about weight issues.

  262. So many amazing ideas that I never thought of – I thought they were just for chips!

  263. My husband has been looking at these for ages – and I poo-pooed the idea thinking that it took up too much space but after seeing how useful they are, he might be getting a kitchen appliance for Father’s day!

  264. I thought you could only cook chips! I was surprised when you mentioned that you made some cupcakes with it!

  265. I love any machine thatakes it easy to feed my large family quickly and well. Air frying meets that bill!

  266. Maddison Dean Reply

    Potatoes and ribs!! Making me hungry just thinking about it!

  267. Love the idea of not cooking in oil, and not wasting time and electricity waiting for the oven to heat up – all the most yummy things (especially chips and nuggets) cooked fast and more healthily! Winner in my book

  268. I have a friend with an air fryer and yes, that baby does the best chips. But I liked your review doing so many other foods. 10 minutes for cup cakes – yes please!

  269. Juanita Munro Reply

    The efficiency in time NOT WASTED, THE TIME IT TAKES TO COOK AWESOME SNACKS/FOOD & of course the converted busy health conscious mums confessions!! AWESOME! I believe!

  270. John Szabo Reply

    Cooks food that is better for you and would reduce my cholesterol

  271. Karen Tatum-Hunnam Reply

    I love that it cooks so quickly and is healthy using little or no oil for all those yummy naughty foods. Your review also made me think i’d even give baking cakes a go (as Im not normally a cake person) but 10 mins seems too easy!

  272. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Today I made crisp chicken wings for my family. My kitchen had a lot of mess. This prize is truly life saving machine for my game change experience, no more mess and cleaning up.

  273. Rebecca Costa Reply

    I love that you made cupcakes and they can cook in airfryer and so quickly too as i can make these quickly for my hungry teenage son for after school snack!!

  274. Sakina Kapadia Reply

    Love the fact that i can eat all my favorite foods without the bad calories and watch my weight. Philips air fryer is gonna be the most used item in my kitchen if i get it.

  275. I loved the honest review and an insightful look at what can be cooked in the Philips Air Fryer; functional and convenient for families with deliciousness, healthiness and innovation – this beloved treasure would be the ultimate kitchen companion!.

  276. I loved your little helper! I also really love the idea of making ribs!

  277. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    This Phillips Airfryer has great benefit and unlimited creation recipes for today’s modern family. It is perfect prize for everyone. I love it.

  278. Claire Mounsey Reply

    I’ve heard and seen the healthy options that can be made with the airfyer and would love to own one. It would make my kitchen complete.

  279. Jemma Hansen Reply

    I liked that you tested chicken kievs in the air fryer as my family love those (and chicken schnitzels). I was very interested to see your review of how the air fryer performed in cooking those. I was also surprised to see that cupcakes could be cooked in the air fryer, what a great idea!

  280. I didn’t realise it would do things such as chicken nuggets, I had only ever thought chips etc. It has a lot more function than I ever realised.

  281. OMG you can cook cupcakes in an airfyer!! I never knew, I only knew about chips I didn’t think you could do anything else really other than things you can deep fry. This has awoken me and I really want to have this appliance in my kitchen now!

  282. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a wonderful machine for all busy mums. The dinner time would never be the same again . What is dinner tonight. Philips Airfryer has answers.

  283. i loved how you demonstrated how quick and EASY it can be to get a meal on the table which is great for me on busy nights 🙂

  284. Sarah Shelley Reply

    How simple it is to use and the range of different foods you can cook in it as you described above. I have been searching for a healthy fryer that suits my family needs for a long time. This Philips Airfryer sounds perfect so thanks very much for the review.

  285. Sarahmary92 Reply

    I love anything that captivates convinience and you portrayed the air fryer as such a must have appliance. I’d love to test out my skills and get cooking with the airfyer

  286. Claire N Chris Reply

    I have been wondering if it was really worth after reading this im thing why dont i have one???

  287. Faye Hannam Reply

    I have also wondered what this product would be like in our kitchen. After reading your review I am thinking “What a little beauty”.. Not too big for the bench, low on fat and great food as a result… Winner, winner, chicken dinner…

  288. Shaleah Campbell Reply

    I love the idea of less time hearing Mister2 meltdown over waiting for his order!

  289. Nazesh Kanwal Reply

    Review is too good and well explained by providing cooking of different meals specially with pics and good thing about product is avoiding fats which is must for healthy eating. I am having high cholesterol now a days and finding some good ways/products to reduce fats in my diet

  290. Jenny Glasson Reply

    Conducting a review using food that the average everyday family eats is genius! We don’t want to read reviews using new exotic super foods that 1 we can barely pronounce and 2 we have to go to specialty health food shops to buy. We want to know that our regular snack, lunch, dinner, party, everyday foods can be used and cooked to perfection. So for that reason this review was GOLD and has pushed me off the fence and into the growing group of people wanting a Phillips Air Fryer!!!! Thanks

  291. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a priceless prize for maximum benefits healthier lifestyle and eating behaviour. I love this positive review. Thank you.

  292. Catherine Hope Reply

    This would be awesome to have to provide a healthier option for my picky eaters

  293. Kylie Jackson Reply

    I have a Tefal Actifry which I love using, but the Philips was my preferred choice (my husband bought the Tefal for me as a gift). I like the drawer style basket and no big turning mechanism in the middle leaving space for larger items like schnitzels and cupcakes. Would love to win it!

  294. Elizabeth Kaminski Reply

    I was curious about this myself and I love the fact that we have an honest review complete with photographic evidence 🙂

  295. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a fantastic machine to create mouthwatering recipes and they are healthier and tasty .

  296. Being a huge sceptic myself, I love that this was written by a sceptic! It shows the diversity of the air fryer, and uses examples we can all identify with! I may just have been converted as well!! 🙂

  297. Stephanie Garner Reply

    I would love to try this product, now I have read this review I may be tempted to purchase!

  298. Gail Davies Reply

    The review was honest ,,, sounds perfect for healthy meals !!!

  299. Deborah Bolam Reply

    Your review was great also been looking at this product you might just have convinced me with your review or it might have been the bbq ribs

  300. Melinda Davies Reply

    I have always been doubtful about “air fryers” and how they could possibly brown, crisp and create food just as delicious as the deep fryer or oven. This could be the turning point for me. Thanks for all of the great ideas of what to try, I wouldn’t have thought to do cupcakes!

  301. Misty Vieira Reply

    I love how honest and straight up the article is written up there’s no smoke n mirrors it’s all as it happened n makes me so excited to get my hands on one as I’ve had the “heathly oven” problem forever and have wondered how to get the best of both worlds so thank u for letting us in on ur awesome find 🙂

  302. Sarah riddell Reply

    I am too a bit of a skeptical about the air fryers and I really like how you were also and you have a really honest review! I can’t believe you can do cupcakes in their! I’m so interested now in what else can in be done in them! I’d love to win so I could find out!!!!

  303. Andy Graham Reply

    This looks the health promoting appliance this family needs. I’d looked at an air fryer recently but your review showing how it performs in a regular family has helped me make up my mind, answering many questions the sales assistant was unable to do so.

  304. I had been on the fence about getting an air fryer and had almost bought one last month but decided against it as I kept imagining it adding to the already accumulated junk on the bench that seemed like a good idea at the time but never lived up to the hype. I love that it doesn’t just do chips but cupcakes too. With a child with food sensory issues I would love to win this to know the food I’m giving him is a little healthier

  305. Your review was a winner- I would like to experiment with my. Four kids on what else we could create

  306. I want to try the kievs! I’m the same about why don’t cook them so was great reading that review

  307. Nichelle Mold Reply

    I honestly didn’t know you could do so much with an Airfryer, I loved your review about cooking cupcakes and the rest of the things all looked like they were cooked in a oven , not dry at all. Yummy. Great and thorough review.

  308. Shannon Philp Reply

    I have been umming and rrring about whether or not I wanted to get one of these and after reading the review I think I am going to have to get one.

  309. The fact it cooks everything you can cook in your own oven but in less time. Yes please. My oven takes double the amount of time every recipe tells me. So this would be awesome

  310. Alison ( guest ) Reply

    I was very impressed with your review, i would love to be given the opportunity to let my toughest critics aka teenager’s give this air fryer a workout. My family could really do with healthy home cooked options rather than a quick unhealthy visit to the local drive through. Thank you for the awesome review and the opportunity to win this fantastic prize.

  311. Regine Kong Reply

    I would so love one! Chips nuggets and fish fingers are a staple at my place

  312. Great review! I must admit I had been skeptical for a while too but now am excited to give one a go! Anything that saves time at feral-o’clock is a winner for me!!!

  313. Donna Briggs-Wilson Reply

    I was impressed with what else it can cook, not just “fry”. Sounds like I would save a lot on electricity buy not waiting for the oven to heat. Big plus too with how versatile it is.

  314. Elizabeth agha Reply

    Loved the pictures. Less oil is always a bonus when cooking. Thanks for a great in depth review.

  315. Samuel Chan Reply

    It is much quicker than the oven, yet the food is just as well cooked, if not better. Fast cupcakes will also go down well in my household

  316. Chips crispy on the outside soft on the inside the best way to have chips

  317. Yasmina Elkadi Reply

    I can’t believe you can do so much with this machine besides chips!! I need this in my life.

  318. Kylie Miles Reply

    Love the fact it is so versatile with baking and frying etc. great time saver for a growing family.

  319. Jennie Jeppesen Reply

    With a Coeliac child, anything that can make baking easier is awesome by me!

  320. BLAIR ROBERTS Reply

    I love that you tested multiple items and not just the traditional chips.

  321. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a remarkable machine with unlimited recipes. Philips Airfryer has answers for everyone.

  322. Mel Morrisby Reply

    I too am a great sceptic. You just can’t beat deep fried chips. Sounds like they really do work… and not just for what you’d think… Cupcakes?!! I now feel obligated to try this out.

  323. The Philips Vivo AirFryer is an appliance to acquire. Fast, efficient and economical meals is my greatest desire.

  324. Danica Judge Reply

    Woah. I love that you showed other foods! I had no idea it was for more than chips! Now I want one so bad!

  325. Adele Smith Reply

    Essentially you sold me on the Philips AirFryer with the photos. I’ve often wondered how this appliance could really be anything but something else taking up much needed space in my kitchen, but the photos send through proof of the results. In your review stating that: “Philips Airfryer will cook anything you’d generally cook in your own oven in MUCH less time” makes me more inclined to look at this product as saving time and money (power bill) is a big HELL YES from me.

  326. I love that you tested such a variety of things to cook rather than just the standard chicken and chips. It’s nice to know that this can be used for more than one dish and that it is therefore a worthwhile appliance.

  327. Jacky Burkett Reply

    I had no idea you could cook cakes in it so loved hearing about its versatility and the very satisfied look on your son’s face!

  328. i was too unsure about this machine. have been looking at them for a while. now i am convinced they are as good as people say they are. definitely on my to get list.

  329. Fiona Searle Reply

    Hmmmm my 3 year old daughter saw a box with a air fryer with hot chips at the shops the other day and said that’s what she wants for her birthday present. I said the chips probably don’t come out looking like that. She still wants it and said “we will have to see who is right!!”

  330. I like that you tested things families actually eat rather than quail stuffed with beetroot or some fancy recipes the average family doesn’t relate to.

  331. Cara Serotzki Reply

    I love the versitility the review demonstrated! I didn’t realise an air fryer could cook so many things- including cupcakes!!

  332. Bree Davis Reply

    I loved that the review was concise (not filled with unnecessary rambling or brand-brown-nosing); that you tested multiple food options especially ones that aren’t the usual suspects for a fryer and provided photos so we can see the results. I DETEST waiting for the oven to heat up for anything and the idea of freshly made cupcakes in minutes is tempting (and dangerous for my figure). Thank you for the review and competition.

  333. Ratnickissy Reply

    Its not so much what you can cook with this air fryer (standard or creative recipe) but the amount of time it saves with cooking alone. Esp working full-time and a busy mummy – time is of the essence! Less time cooking and more time with the family is what I would look forward too at the end of a hard working day.

  334. Ellen Grieve Reply

    I too am skeptical! But this review has turned me around. Making healthier choices for my family at meal times will improve our overall health!

  335. Rachel Barnett Reply

    I have been attempting to research Air Fryers for so long so I am beyond grateful for this review. I had no idea that I could cook anything in this, I thought they were designed for more traditional fried foods. With 2 growing boys and a husband who has a love affair for chips I could us using this daily. What a truly amazing prize and a brilliant way to make easy healthier choices. If I don’t win I will defiantly be buying one 🙂

  336. Sonja Cooper Reply

    Love that you tried out so many different foods…who knew you could cook cupcakes in an air fryer! 😀

  337. Sonja Ellis Reply

    wow i have wanted one of these for a while to get rid of by big bulky deep fryer. I did not realise you could do all of this stuff with it. bonus and even more reason to get one of these one day.

  338. Peta Chardon Leu Reply

    Loved the idea of it being quick with no warm up time. My father in law has Celiac so can’t have the local store brought fish and chips with everyone else on Saturdays but now I can see how quick, easy and like deep fried the chips are like I’m wondering if we could do chips in it while the others get theirs from down the road so he isn’t missing out. Wonder how fish would go!!!!

  339. I loved the variet of foods you tried, your review has certainly changed my mind! I need one now

  340. Tamara Taaffe Reply

    I liked the fact you were able to cook a different variety of foods. I’ve seen these around the shops, I didn’t realize they were such a versatile product!

  341. I loved that this review is so realistic, what all us busy mums cook for dinners. My kids love hot chips but that’s not enough to convince me, love all the other things especially cupcakes you can do. Might even be able to teach the older kids to use it.

  342. Charelle Krulic Reply

    So amazed at the variety of things you can make and the speed and efficiency and the thumbs up rating from the smaller members of the family!!! Fantastic!!

  343. Michelle Richardson Reply

    cupcake in 10minutes and dinner on the table in ten minutes are my ultimate fantasys.

  344. Anastasia Xynos Reply

    I’m amazed that this can actually replicate the deep fried taste/crunch without the use of excessive oil.

  345. love the in depth review that that answered all my questions and really gave a great description of how the air fryer works

  346. Kristie Shephard Reply

    I’m studying a masters of nutrition and dietics, and I know many people struggle to change their unhealthy dietary pattern by giving up their favourite foods – I am now convinced to buy a phillips airfryer to test it myself to assess whether it is a viable method to making diets healthier, especially when it involves children!

  347. I love that it’s so quick and easy to use. Would make dinner time so much easier

  348. I love a quick meal while I heel. Having something easy & super quick, gives this busy household the ultimate tick ✔️

  349. Brilliant review on the airfryer. I’ve been sceptical about them for ages. Now I really want to get one!

  350. rana Robertson Reply

    Awesome info, i have been thinking about one for a while and this has sealed the deal, thanks

  351. Casey Quin Reply

    I’m trying to lose weight but also having a hungry baby who simply cant wait for dinner time! I love that its healthier and saves so much time. I would love to give this a go!

  352. I loved that you took a risk and made cupcakes in the air fryer because not many people wound try it. I love the fact that they worked and it would be a quick way to make cupcakes with kids.

  353. Shenee Jackman Reply

    I have two very fussy children which makes it hard to cook most nights of the week.
    I have tried cooking things in the oven but they don’t like ‘soggy’ foods.
    This seems absolutely fantastic because I’ll be able to make the foods they actually eat in less time AND it will be so much healthier than frying it in a deep fryer or in a pan full of oil!

    Thankyou so much for the review fingers crossed!!!

  354. Nicole Rodriquez Reply

    Awesome review showing lots of different types of cooking, love the speed it cooks with to feed my hungry little tribe after daycare nice and quick.

  355. Eloise Tonkin Reply

    Interesting read, I have always been sceptical about the difference between this and a normal oven. I like the fact it is quicker!

  356. Great to have a ‘normal’ mum experiment with types of food that we normally cook for kids, plus some yummy ribs!!!! This would certainly help with my 3 little boys.

  357. The great photos so I could see how golden brown the results are

  358. I loved that you were as sceptical as me! And tried a variety of things

  359. As a baker I LOVE the thought of not having to wait for the oven to heat up to cook things, so much time could be saved!

  360. Lucy FitzGerald Reply

    So informative!! There was me thinking you only really cooked chips in them…..cupcakes would’ve never crossed my mind! My husband wanted to buy one the other day and I said “What for, we’d hardly use it”…’ve converted me, I really want one now!

  361. kcjfamily9 Reply

    I am sold on the fact that a LOAD of time in the kitchen for snack and meal prepping is saved which really makes a big impact overall for my family. Happy mum = happy kids!

  362. Kit Man Ha Hau Reply

    This review is great that it includes tests to demonstrate the greatness of the air fryer. As I know few mother’s using this air fryer and the food tastes good and also the simpleness to use this air fryer. I really love to have one of my own.

  363. Julie Hodsman Reply

    I have always wondered the same and hence was very skeptical. Great to know. Love my chippies.

  364. Andrea Chiarotti Reply

    I love eating healthy and so does my family so this lovely air fryer is exactly what I need

  365. Annaliesea Reply

    I loved how you were sceptical but tested it and loved it – I too am sceptical, but so wanting one myself now!

  366. I was amazed at how versatile the Phillips Air Fryer is and now I want to get rid of my fryer (uses oil) and get one!

  367. Liked that you tried real food, not just typical deep fried foods like chips. If food like chicken kiev and ribs and cupcakes (whether home made, packet or frozen) cook well then this gadget could replace the time and energy with cooking meals in the oven. You should mention portion size though, how many batches would you need to do for a family of four?

  368. Tracey Hall Reply

    Your review has shown me how handy the Airfryer is and that I should not be skeptical about how it works. I should jump off the fence, give strong hints out and go for it as it would get a work out here.

  369. Catrina Murray Reply

    We never have ribs because they are so time consuming to cook! I can’t believe you can do ribs in this machine = fabulous/we need one!

  370. Things we’d generally cook in the oven, but much less time. Great is all I can say.

  371. Rachael Stathis-Prisk Reply

    My family love hot chips and i would to make healthy hot chips for us all. Rachael Stathis

  372. What I loved so much about your review is that you’ve totally, completely, utterly sold me on it. It’s not a matter of ‘if we get one’, now it’s a matter of ‘when we get one’. Dying to try the Airfryer out, having it take over from the pots, pans and oven too.

  373. Alice Gosling Reply

    80% less fat. Awesome, my family and I are trying to lose weight. So many options on what to cook is fantastic.

  374. Eamond Tomaszewski Reply

    I was talking with my partner the other day about buying one of these and look here great ideas for cooking quickly for those hungry little mouths that do not stop eating please very much if not i think we will buy one soon anyway
    lol !!

  375. Isabella Basile Reply

    We all love frying food cause it tastes better however we also don’t like the fact that it is unhealthy. This baby solves all our concerns.

  376. Claire H Simmons Reply

    that your review showa that it works and reduces the fat. which is why the air fryer is a family essential

  377. The variety of food you tried was great; ribs and cupcakes? Amazing! My favourite fact about the Air fryer is that it cooks with 80% less fat.

  378. Dorothy Kezich Reply

    Philips Airfryer is efficient, easy to use, economical, worth every cent, a magical appliance for everyday use for healthy fat free meals. I’ve become a convert after having seen one in use at a friends house. My family would reap the benefits if i was lucky enough to win one.

  379. Elizabeth Jackson Reply

    Like you, I have wondered about these ever since they first came on the Market. Also like you, I have been so sceptical about them. In all honesty I have been of the thought, “great, another Kitchen Machine that I will use once and then put it in a top cupboard and forget about it”. After reading your review, much to my surprise, I am feeling very excited. My whole Family as well as myself adore fried food. But as My husband and I are both on Cholesterol Medications and our Adult Daughter who is a University Student and is very health conscious, we rarely eat any of the foods we all love. But regardless of what people’s diets are, fried food does have the exciting, crisp & one of a kind taste. It’s comfort food, reward food and just down right delicious. Nothing takes it’s place. This Philips Vivo Airfryer is an amazing Innovation. To be able to go back and have the foods we all love without all the oil’s and or fats is pure paradise to my ears, as is the thought of not turning foods to late or turning them to early, just a shake, wow. Circulating hot air cooking foods is brain storming. But I see so much more in this and that is the efficiency and cooking times, not only save time but also saves money and relieves everyday pressure of OMGoodness, what am I going to cook for tea. Then it’s top of by, cooking yummy foods like Cupcakes, who would of thought. I can see endless lists of different things that I could cook in this, Muffins, cakes, Rosti, stuffed vegetables and so much more. I am sitting her writing this and my mind is going into a gorgeous, scrumtious spin, with the hundreds of things I could cook in this, saving money, saving Energy, being once again able to eat our favorite foods and even the friendly Environmental impact this Philips Vivo Airfryer has. No dumping of oil or fat, less food wastage. Oh I said my brain was in over ride. If I don’t stop now this will end up being a book. I would truly love, adore and would be so amazingly grateful to try this remarkable Philips Vivo Airfryer

  380. Bianca Hensman Reply

    I loved how thorough this review was! Most would road test one item but this looked at a variety of foods. I’m sold!

  381. Sidra Sajid Reply

    This review is done by a mum who thinks with kid’s point of view. And I am also convinced for Philips rapid air technology- crisp outside, soft inside.

  382. Kathie Winn Reply

    I loved reading the sections about the food that I wouldn’t have thought about putting in the air fryer, such as cupcakes and BBQ Rips. This looks to be an awesome, versatile kitchen helper. Thanks!!

  383. Cathy Bailey Reply

    I am so impressed with the results of the Philips Vivo Airfryer.Your testing of it has totally sold me on it.

  384. Nicole Gurney Reply

    Oh this sounds awesome. Would love to cook muffins in 10 minutes. Or hey just halving the cooking time with my two kids would be a treat in itself. I’m sold too

  385. I was sceptical at first. Never like fried food too greasy for me. However your testing and results havbe won me over.

  386. I like how straightforward you guys are, too many reviews these days are stacked with superlatives. All I want to know is what it is, how it works and why I want one. You’ve definitely done that, I love how the product adds the flavour of a guilty pleasure with only a fraction of the calories. Can’t wait to buy one.

  387. I’ve always wanted to try out and Airfryer as I’m heard they are super healthy and the review attested to this

  388. would love to be able to be able to fry things with out all the oil would help with my granddaughter & her health

  389. Great review! I love how she tested a variety of different treats that the kids love whilst also showing the air fryer’s versatility. Definitely have won me over 🙂

  390. Didn’t realize you can do so many things with one of these. Love the idea of indulging in some guilty pleasures without the guilt…

  391. If what they say above is true… then its a genius.. would love to have one

  392. I love the cooking times, no more waiting for the oil to heat up. Healthier but still tastes like it has been deep fried

  393. I really enjoyed the reviewed. I would love to give it a go and start healthy eating!

    Kersan , Thankyou.

  394. Jessica Maloney Reply

    The repeated reassurance that I can cook all my favourite guilt pleasures WITHOUT OIL, hence making me feel less guilty in the future!

  395. What a refreshingly honest review – I’d love to give it a go!

  396. Helga Grenkowitz Reply

    It was such a nice and honest review. It makes me want to try the Philips Air Fryer myself even more. We haven’t had any fried food for years because fried food is usually very unhealthy. I really enjoyed your review and the effort you put into it.

  397. Gayle Stagg Reply

    Have been sitting on the fence too when it comes to the air fryer but would like to give it a go because of the heathy reviews about it.

  398. Katherine Bamford Reply

    Oh my goodness!! Phillips have created a kitchen miracle! Always trying to ‘healthy’ things up every meal, there have many many a ‘healthy/junk food’ night that’s turned out a flop. Things like homemade chips that are soggy, nuggets that aren’t crunchy, crummed fish where the crumbs have fallen off…the list goes on! Lol I love that the Phillips airfryer can come to my cooking rescue and help me give my kids a yummy, crunchy and healthy fast food dinner…without the disappointed faces and moans! The fact that it’s easy to use, economical and is talented enough to cook things from chips to meat and cupcakes…Amazing!! It’ll be fantastic to come along on camping trips with us too 🙂

  399. I have just been looking into getting a Phillips Air Fryer, this would be perfect for my sons much loved chicken strips and I won’t have the ‘I’m starving, is it ready yet?’ That I currently get using the oven. Being a single mum I’m short on time as it is! This would be amazing!!!!!! I will be getting one regardless if I win but it will be a much cheaper one lol

  400. I wasn’t sure whether or not to purchase an air fryer, but thanks to your review I now know I want the Phillips Air Fryer so I can make healthy family meals quick and easy.

  401. Lynette Hurt Reply

    I would love one of these to help with my daughters eating! She is soon fussy and this will make some of the things she will eat much healthier!!!

  402. Amanda Jane Reply

    Would love to try one of these for healthy cooking for my kids! Crispy food is the best!

  403. Ten minute cupcakes! I knew air fryers were great with chips and the like but I had no idea you could cook desserts with one. That gives me so many ideas…

  404. Wow. Looks fantastic. The kids would love to test out the cupcakes in 10 minutes!

  405. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a game changing cooking experience with maximum health benefits for everyone. Good Luck everyone. Thank you.

  406. Suzanne McGregor Reply

    Wow, one compact machine that can cook like an oven or a deep fryer, with fantastic results, and in a much shorter time, with less oil, Phillips,I would love one of these to cook up a storm in my kitchen!.

  407. Alison Humble Reply

    Healthy cooking! With 3 kidlets running around I need to keep us all in good health

  408. Amanda Holland Reply

    I was given different air fryer that takes much longer to cook chips, it turns potato gems into mush and doesn’t do all of the above. Reading the above review makes me want to get a new one! I love how it’s quick, easy and there is more to it than just cooking chips

  409. James Pizzey Reply

    it had all the information you needed to know this is and will make life so easy in the kitchen

  410. Ann-Marie Day Reply

    The time factor and that things can come out crispy without the need for oil. Healthy. 😀

  411. Jodie Johnston Reply

    I loved how you tested it with a heap of different food – it really shows how versatile it is. I’m really impressed at how quick it seems to cook food plus the added benefit of being a lot healthier than cooking in oil. Would make a great appliance to have at home to help cook meals and snacks for the kids.

  412. I loved the range of varied items you prepared in the Philips AirFryer. I honestly had no idea it was so versatile and could be used in so many time saving, healthy ways!

  413. Deborah De Geeter Reply

    I loved the range of food that you prepared with it and how it is so much healthier for you than cooking in oil.

  414. I enjoyed how you covered so much in the review. Dessert, something for the kids and kievs for the adults. It sounds like an amazing machine. My friend has one and shes always raving about it.

  415. Joni Langos Reply

    I’ve been contemplating buying one of these for a while now, but could never justify the price just to make slightly healthier and crispier chips. Your review has opened my eyes to all the possibilities, and the time I could save. Thank you.

  416. Kathleen Usher Reply

    I love everything about the air fryer but have not been able to afford to buy one. I liked that in the review you showed a variety of food items that highlighted meals that are kid friendly.

  417. domandlauren Reply

    I loved hearing how cooking each item actually went, everyone just says oh its so good but never tells me what it can really do! Now I think I need one (and some potato gems thanks)

  418. I love that through this review, I have found something that will protect me from hangry people!

  419. I LOVE fried food but do make some attempt (most of the time) to have a healthy-ish diet. THEN I read this review..what? I can have the crisp fried food without the guilt? I’m in! What I love most about this review is that it is everyday food that I would probably cook for the kids, not Masterchef-style fancy-shmancy, coz let’s face it, who has time for that?!

  420. Nikki Partyka Reply

    I loved the fact you are like me and feed our munchkins nuggets and chips! And that you were skeptical but you still gave it a chance, to be pleasantly surprised.

  421. Narelle Emerson Skelly Reply

    I’m a Weight Watchers member and I’ve heard other members talking about air fryers but had my doubts about whether I would use one, your review has convinced me I definitely would !

  422. Elisabeth Martins Reply

    I love the fact it’s healthier. I am currently on a diet which prevents me from eating deep fried things which I miss dearly. The fact that this allows me to eat yummy food again without getting fat or damage my cholesterol is perfection for me.