Do you know what’s sexy? Not six-pack abs, not broad shoulders, not massive arms. Not even a naked butt. Nope, it’s a clean playroom and an empty kitchen sink.
Just ask this guy, he knows where it’s at!
To be fair, looking hot as heck doesn’t go unnoticed as being sexy, but nevertheless, I digress.
Many, MANY of us have been telling our significant others that doing the dishes, putting the bins out or taking over putting the kids to bed (without being asked to) is sexy as hell and a sure-fire way to set the mood for the evening (if you know what I’m saying, wink* wink*). But sadly, it mostly falls on deaf ears.
Not this one though. He heard, reaped the benefits and now he’s telling ALL the men.
Unlocked a new relationship level, spread the word.
Corey Peters set the internet on fire with this Facebook post:
After being with a woman for 7 years, I promise you there ain’t nothing sexier than sending her some
pics like this. If you guys think your relationship is getting kinda stale, send her some sexy sh*t like these and I promise she’ll be all over you when she gets home. #yourwelcome#sexierthannudes
And you know, he’s not wrong. Send your significant other pics of nudes. Nude sinks, that is. It’s AS HOT AS THE SUN.
Send pics…
The viral post has garnered 98 THOUSAND comments so he KNOWS he’s right. Check out some of the gorgeous pics below. The best before and after pics I’ve ever seen, I can only imagine how much *cough* joy these brought Corey’s partner.
Corey works his magic in the bedroom….

Who is he kidding? The bedroom was just a teaser. Corey continues to the playroom.

The family room is ready for relaxing and a bit of Barry White playing in the background…

And then hits a home run with the kitchen.

Oh Corey, let us know when you’re setting up a boot camp for partners all around the world. You REALLY DO know what’s sexy – a bloke who’s not afraid of housework and chores. Nicely played, you’re sure to sleep well!
What do you think? What’s sexier – a bloke with a Thor-like body or a bloke taking the bin out?