Melissa McCarthy is one of the funniest ladies on the planet. She’s been in countless classic comedies from Ghostbusters to Bridesmaids and we love her in everything.
Recently she shared some sound advice she gave herself years ago and we couldn’t help but nod our heads and salute her.

Not only is Melissa full of funny lines, but also pearls of wisdom too. Check out her Note to Self, which is most likely from a time before she married her husband (if her first and fifth pieces of advice are anything to go by).
Melissa McCarthy’s advice to live by
She touches on all sorts of important topics, reminding herself to eat the cookies, call her mum and buy both pairs of shoes. All of her perfectly-worded pieces of advice remain relevant and awesome today:

To me.
In 10 years, you will NOT remember his name.
It’s OK to cry it out.
For the love of God — buy both pairs of shoes.
Please listen to that little voice inside your head.
A walk of shame can be character building.
Call Mom.
Just eat the damn cookie!!
Go ALL IN –> you’ll never get today back
xoxoxo, me.”
While we’re not sure exactly when Melissa wrote this, we’re picturing her as a young 20-year-old, possibly hungover and heartbroken, possibly still wearing last night’s clothes. Possibly also hungry.

Melissa met her husband, Ben Falcone, who plays the air marshal on Bridesmaids, in 2004 and they now have two daughters – Vivian,14 and Georgette, 11.
Hopefully, her daughters follow her on Insta and listen to their mum’s awesome advice. They are definitely words to live by.