
Mum’s Surprise Double Birth – “I Delivered Twins When I Was Only Expecting One Baby!”


Parenthood is full of twists and turns, and sometimes the surprises are far beyond anything we could imagine. For Lyndsey Altice, a pregnancy that seemed typical at first quickly transformed into an unforgettable journey. As she approached her due date, everything appeared to be in order. But when the time came for delivery, what started as an ordinary home birth became a remarkable story of unexpected joy and awe as her one baby soon turned into newborn twins!

A Plan Gone Awry

Imagine preparing for the birth of your first baby, only to find out you’re about to have twins – but not just any twins. This is exactly what happened to new mum Lyndsey, who planned for a straightforward home birth, only to be stunned by the surprise arrival of two babies, just minutes apart.

So Many Surprises

From the start, Lyndsey’s pregnancy had its challenges. Extreme morning sickness, migraines, and unexpected complications in her second trimester threw her off track. Doctors performed multiple ultrasounds, but there was no indication of anything unusual—only one heartbeat was detected, which seemed to confirm a typical, singleton pregnancy. Despite the surprises, she carried on, hoping everything would be smooth when the time came.

However, one ultrasound did reveal that her baby was in a breech position, which meant a change in plans. Lyndsey’s midwife recommended a home birth, but with complications mounting, she decided to head to the hospital to be on the safe side. But no one could have predicted what would happen next.

A Quick Turnaround

After 30 hours of waiting and contractions, Lyndsey felt like she was finally close. She arrived at the hospital and got into a birthing tub, where things took a quick turn. What she thought would be a long, drawn-out labour, ended up being the fastest she could have imagined, and we love that for her. She gave birth to her first baby, but the surprise came just moments after the first delivery.

‘Surprise’ It’s Twins

Just two minutes after the first baby, Lyndsey had another, and it was another shock: her second twin, born in the rare “en caul” (still in the amniotic sac). With two babies born so closely together, the hospital staff was stunned.

En caul birth
En Caul births are incredibly wonderful and rare. Source: janabrasilfotografia

The only thing I could muster out was, ‘Oh, f—!’

A Beautiful Coincidence

Ada Maze and Billie, born just minutes apart, each weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 20 inches long. Their birth was remarkable not just because of the surprise of a hidden second baby but also because the twins shared striking features, including matching hair strands. Both babies had a similar pattern of hair – three long strands sticking out longer than the rest, a small but adorable feature that made them look even more alike.

Mum holding newborn twins
Source: Lyndsey Altice

What Makes This Birth So Special?

Lyndsey’s birth story is rare for many reasons. Not only did she experience the unique phenomenon of hidden twins, but the delivery of her second baby so quickly after the first is an incredible event that only happens in about 1 in 1,000 twin births. The en-caul birth of Billie, where the baby is still in the amniotic sac, is considered incredibly rare and is often associated with a greater sense of protection and mystery for the baby.

The joy for Lyndsey and her family was palpable. Ada and Billie passed their APGAR tests with perfect scores, and after just 24 hours in the hospital, they were free to go home. Lyndsey couldn’t have been happier, even if it meant sacrificing her original plan for a home birth.

Though Lyndsey had to adjust her expectations – from planning a home birth to delivering in the hospital, then to the surprise of twin babies – she found that parenthood often works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, life’s unpredicted moments bring the most joy. Ada and Billie’s birth story is a true reminder that the unexpected can be beautiful, and in the case of Lyndsey and her family, it was nothing short of extraordinary. Double the joy, double the love – and an unforgettable birth story to share.

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Tina Evans is a complete introvert, an avid reader of romance novels, horror novels and psychological thrillers. She’s a writer, movie viewer, and manager of the house menagerie: three kelpies, one cat, a fish, and a snake. She loves baking and cooking and using her kids as guinea pigs. She was a teenage parent and has learned a lot in twenty-three years of parenting. Tina loves Christmas and would love to experience a white Christmas once in her life. Aside from writing romance novels, she is passionate about feminism, equality, sci-fi, action movies and doing her part to help the planet.

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