My son loves toy guns. Despite my best efforts to wean him off weaponry, his desire to shoot things continues to grow.
And so does his collection of Nerf guns.
Every birthday, Christmas or trip to Kmart to spend his allowance usually results in another gun. And where does my son keep this growing gaggle of guns? In the super expensive toy box I bought for him? Neatly piled in his massive closet? Of course not. That would be too logical.
No. His toy guns live all over the house. On the floor. In his bed. In the bathroom entrance way. Wherever he last drops them.

But all that’s about to change. Because I’ve uncovered a whole slew of super easy Nerf gun storage ideas, even for DIY-challenged like myself.
So how can you control the plastic gun population in your household? Here are our favourite Nerf gun storage systems that are just begging to be borrowed:
Nerf gun peg board hack
Mums all over the world have discovered that the uber-efficient peg board can easily be hacked into a storage area for Nerf guns.

You can pick the peg board and an assortment of pegs up from Bunnings and jazz it up with signs, stickers and even hazard tape. Simply nail it to a wall and you’ve got yourself a personal artillery.
I mean, what little Nerf-gun loving kid wouldn’t love it?

This is our project for the weekend. No, that doesn’t mean I am going to attempt to make it myself. But what I am going to do is bribe my partner to make my son one and supply him with beer for doing so. I will also supervise. With a wine in hand. Naturally.
Other cool Nerf gun storage ideas
Not keen on the peg board? Don’t worry. Here are some other solutions that don’t require any pegs.
1. Nerf gun wire rack
Wire racks and shelves make a nifty storage option that can be repurposed for other collections once the Nerf phase passes.

2. Nerf gun cupboard
And how cool is this Nerf gun storage cupboard idea? Pick up a similar cupboard at Ikea or scoop one up secondhand on eBay or from your op shop.

3. Nerf shoe rack storage
Now here’s a genius idea that keeps your Nerf guns tidy – and bullets too.

Nerf dart storage ideas
Okay so the guns are out of the way. And looking extremely organised. Now what to do with those darts? If you go the clever shoe hanging bag option (shown above), just use a couple of pouches for the bullets. Otherwise, you can use different containers around the house to store your endless supply of bullets. Like a tool box or old lunch box, for example.

You can also buy different specially-made Nerf dart storage solutions such as a personalised box or a Nerf dart holder.

For those with a slight obsession with Nerf guns, We’ve saved the best for last. Behold the Great Wall of Nerf Guns.

Because you can never have too many plastic toy guns hanging up in your home. According to my son, at least.
Looking for more toy storage solutions? Have we got some good ones for you! Check out these clever ways to store your children’s small toy collection (like Shopkins, Littlest Pet Shop and LOL Surprise Dolls) plus these ingenious LEGO storage hacks.