
How to Relieve Pelvic Girdle Pain During Pregnancy


I’m 32 weeks in. There’s eight weeks to go. And my pelvis has given up. 

Like around half of all pregnant mummas, I have recently discovered the absolute hell that is pelvic girdle pain (PGP), aka sacroiliac joint (SJ) pain, aka Why the F can’t I walk (WTFCIW).

Pelvic Girdle Pain is the dreadful pain stemming from the pelvic region during pregnancy. Actually, I’ve read it can happen after pregnancy too. So that’s a fun thing to look forward to…

You can blame the hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments and means your pelvis has to work overtime.

So, like pretty much all issues in pregnancy, we can blame the hormones. But I prefer to blame my partner. Because his massive unborn daughter is the one bearing all her weight into my nether regions.mum central

Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

Pelvic Girdle Pain makes you walk like a stuffed penguin with a stick up its butt. Trying to get up after sitting hurts. Attempting to roll over in bed hurts. Even trying to lift your massive body off the toilet after a poop hurts.

All sense of gracefulness pretty much goes out the window with pelvic girdle pain. Because it’s impossible to roll out of bed without looking like a rhinoceros who overdid it on the Nutella.

Pelvic pain can happen as early as the end of the first trimester so I am grateful I’ve made it to the third trimester before getting struck down. I’ve heard of other mums who went their entire pregnancy with it. And somehow lived to tell the tale.

But if you are suffering from PGP, you probably don’t give a stuff about what’s causing it. You just want it to go away. So what can you do?

1. Waddle around the block

Walking slowly and frequently throughout the day can provide a bit of relief. But don’t overdo it.

2. Get a cane

Sure, you can use it for walking. If you want to look 101 years old.

But, instead, I use it as my personal pointer stick to point out objects on the floor that need to be picked up by my partner and my kids. Because my pelvis won’t let me bend.

3. Float in a pool

You can do exercises or laps too. But I prefer to just float. Or sink. Depends on how bad of a day I’ve had.

4. Bounce on one of those yoga balls

If you have to sit for work, bring in a yoga ball to sit on which is supposed to help with the pain. Or at the very least, bouncing up and down on a massive ball throughout the day is bound to annoy your co-workers. And maybe even cause your boss to suggest you work from home from now on. You never know!

5. Get a pair of SRC pregnancy shorts or leggings

Not only do they neatly tuck all your bits away, but SRC pregnancy shorts also take an enormous amount of pressure off your pelvis. You wear them like any other pair of shorts but they can assist with heaps of different pregnancy-related ailments including pelvic girdle pain, low back pain, sciatica, mild varicose veins and even vulval varicosities. Plus, they have the research to prove it.

For (un)lucky mums like me who have hit the pregnancy pain jackpot and struggle with ALL of the above, these shorts are a godsend. You can also opt for leggings too, if you prefer to rock the full length pant.

SRC pregnancy shorts and leggings

6. Crawl up stairs

Stairs are the worst when you’ve got pelvic pain. Try walking up stairs backwards or crawling up them. And try to avoid the weird looks people give you when they see a pregnant woman crawling up a flight of stairs.

7. Bring out the comfy shoes! 

Comfortable shoes, such as trainers, will help alleviate the pain. And they make you look like you’ve just been exercising, not crawling on your hands and knees in an attempt to make it to the third floor.

8. Ice it  

Stick an ice pack over the pelvic joints for 15 minutes a day, several times a day.

9. Try the EMMETT Technique

The EMMETT technique is basically a magic touch system that can help alleviate all types of aches and pains (okay, there’s a little more to do than that). You’ll need someone who specialises in the technique though – not just a random person touching you.

10. Get medical assistance 

A Women’s Health physiotherapist should be the first port of call as they can assist in many ways. Many also recommend chiro and acupuncture so have a look at these avenues too.

The good news for sufferers of pelvic girdle pain is that there are a few things that experts suggest you avoid. Like lifting heavy items and vacuuming. So you have an excuse to make the kids get the groceries out of the car and clean the house.

Sorry family, but you’re on all chore duty from now on. If you need me I’ll be in the pool … pointing at things that need to be picked up with my cane. And strutting around with my SRC pregnancy shorts on.

Join me!! Pull up a floatie, grab a cane and pick up a pair of SRC Pregnancy Shorts. They are not only recommended by penguin-resembling mum like me, but also by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

SRC pregnancy leggings pelvic girdle pain

The shorts retail at $189 or you can pick up full-length leggings like the ones above, for $199. All SRC pregnancy shorts and leggings are backed by 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Plus, because they are considered a medical product, you don’t pay GST. You might even be able to claim them through your private health insurance.

mum central

Pelvic girdle pain is only one of the many issues women face when growing an infant. Check out our How to Be Pregnant in 2018 Guide for more cheeky goodness.

This is a sponsored article for SRC Health

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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