
The Pognae Baby Carrier + Hipseat Combines Comfort and Luxury


It’s an ultra luxe baby carrier. It’s a super handy hipseat. Actually, it’s both! 

That’s right, mums. We’ve got your exclusive look at the all new No. 5 Plus All-in-One Pognae baby carrier in action.

Find out why this luxury baby carrier is turning heads everywhere it goes.

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Baby carrier dreams really do come true! 

At Mum Central WE LOVE searching for brand new baby products that are both stylish AND super convenient. The No. 5 Plus All-in-One Pognae baby carrier ($349) ticks both these boxes, but also offers oh-so-much more!

It has ALL the features you expect in a quality baby carrier, like:

  • Newborn support plus the ability to carry a heavy toddler (up to 20kgs to be exact)
  • Comfortable shoulder straps and ample back support 
  • Water resistant outer fabric and soft, organic cotton inner lining
  • Flexible design – Wear it in front with bub facing outwards or towards you, or carry baby on your back

pognae baby carrier

Get carried away with the new Pognae baby carrier

But what sets the No. 5 Plus Pognae baby carrier apart from all the others on the market is the little details.

Here’s a few features that especially stood out to Sydney mum-of-one Brittany when she road-tested it for us. (That’s her holding adorable bubba, Jasper, in our photos. Isn’t he a cutie?!).

5 more things we love about the Pognae No. 5 All-in-One Carrier

1. Comfortable and sooo easy!

From putting the carrier on to carrying bub around, Brittany says carrying Jasper was a breeze with Pognae!

I can carry Jasper for hours comfortably because his weight is distributed comfortably on my body,” Brittany explains. “He feels safe and secure and obviously enjoys being close.

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2. Carrier PLUS Hipseat 

A baby carrier that can convert to a hipseat? Genius! The anti-slip base hipseat gave Jasper a secure seat to wiggle around while still being supported. Plus, it gives those aching mum arms a break! It’s easy to switch between the carrier belt and hipseat belt, depending on which you want to use to tote bub.

pognae hipseat

3. Ventilated mesh back panel

Another plus? The mesh back panel which can be rolled down to prevent sweaty sleeps. There’s even soft organic pads for baby’s drool – removable and machine-washable of course – and an organic cotton sleeping hood for napping in privacy.

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4. Stylish design

The cute triangle print is very on-trend and complements a variety of outfits! “We have received plenty of compliments on its look and how practical it is!”

No 5 all-in-one Pognae baby carrier

5. Patented quiet zipper

Unlike most carriers, Pognae has a velcro-free zip to remove the carrier with minimal noise. This is especially handy if baby falls asleep and needs to be transferred to the cot or car. “The quiet zip opening makes this easy to do without waking him up,” Brittany tells us.

The handy pockets to store little things like dummies is another added bonus!

No 5 Plus Pognae Baby Carrier Review

mum central5 Stars all Around  – ‘I absolutely love it’

No.5 Plus Pognae Baby Carrier

10 pognae baby carrier


  • Carrier plus Hipseat
  • Suitable from Newborn to 20kg
  • Mesh Back Panel
  • Patented Quiet Zipper
  • Plenty of Support & Pocket Space
Comfort & Easy to Use
Style & Design
Value for Money

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Get Yours at 15% Off

Pognae’s mission is to help mums feel confident and comfortable when heading out with bub. And they’ve clearly achieved this!

Lightweight, comfortable and easy-to-wear, I absolutely love my Pognae No 5 Plus Carrier! It makes parenting easy and I couldn’t recommend it more. 5 stars from us!” – Brittany, mum to Jasper, 10 months

Find out more about the Pognae baby carrier or buy one for your bub.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Sophia Schmidt Reply

    This would be very handy right now with a 4 month old and almost 3year old

  2. Kelly Demicoli Reply

    This would be perfect for when my son goes into his boots and bar for his clubfoot. I’ll be able to carry him around without anything digging into me.

  3. This would be so practical for helping me get my little one to sleep as he is now 14kg and has outgrown his smaller carrier.

  4. Omg this would be a godsend, with 9 week old that likes to be upright alot makes it hard to do things with other kids.

  5. This sounds fabulous. I especially like the ideas of fitting such a wide age, the Velcro free quiet exit, and those handy pockets!

  6. This sounds fantastic, I really like how it has the breathable mesh bit as Bub gets hot and sweaty in the one we have specially in summer. Plus the quiet zipper is an added life saviour

  7. My 2.5 yr old still needs to be carried and doesn’t help support his weight so this would be a godsend for my back! Or if that doesn’t work I’ll happily gift it to a friend who is due in a short while

  8. Vikki Amendola Reply

    This would come in very handy for a very busy mum like myself

  9. Kirstie Sweetin Reply

    My youngest hates walking so I’m always lugging the pram around. This would be much more convenient!

  10. How cool is it that this lets u carry bub in so many different ways. My son loves being carried, but it really takes a toll on my back. Onto the hip rest would be a backsaver

  11. I love how versatile it is for so many different stages of your little ones development. The little pockets look super handy too

  12. This carrier looks amazing. The hip carrier for a heavoer bub and the pockets are brilliant features.

  13. How wonderful it would be to win this. My 3 month old baby Jasper is a big bubba. when he just wants to be comfortable and comforted this would save my aching arms and back. I live in Qld so the lightweight breathable design would be amazing.

  14. Meiliana tjong Reply

    This is would be good and handy to carry my 3 month old Son.sound amazing!

  15. I’m in need of a new carrier and this would be the PERFECT carrier that is PRACTICAL, DURABLE. EASY TO USE, EASY TO CARRY!

  16. I looking for a baby carrier for my son and this is perfect for me

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