
How to Predict the Number of Kids You’ll Have Based on the Lines on your Pinky

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Can you determine how many kids you’ll have based on the lines on your hands? This TikToker (and countless others who practice Palmisty) certainly think so! And we’d love to know if it’s accurate for you.

Check out your hand and you’ll see it’s riddled with different lines and creases. Well, many believe that these lines predict your future. This is known as palmistry and one of the groupings of lines can, apparently, tell you how many kids you’re meant to have.

mum central
Source: Supplied

Your child lines

But not just any ol’ lines of your hand. You need to be looking in a very specific area:

  • They appear around your pinkie
  • It must be your dominant hand
  • The lines are vertical lines (up and down)
mum central
Source: Supplied

As TikToker @triplemoonguide explains, this only works with females and it can be a bit tricky to determine. He states that really short or faint lines may indicate a miscarriage while lines really close together may suggest twins.

You can see where exactly to look in the TikTok video below:

@triplemoonguideReply to @eniwaysblog ##palmistry ##palmreading ##astrology♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose


Does it work?

I’m skeptical, to be honest. I’ve got four lines and three kids.

Here’s what the rest of the Mum Central team reported:

  • SK: Five lines, three kids.
  • LK: three lines, three kids
  • AT: 0 lines, one kid
  • BJ: Five lines, two kids
  • BW: three lines, two kids
  • ED: two lines, two kids

What about you? How many lines and how many kids?

If you love a good ol’ prediction, then check out this Chinese chart that predicts the gender of your unborn baby. We’ve also got a list of the women most likely to have a baby in 2021. Is your name on it?

What to read next

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. 10 lines. 2 faint (2 losses) 4 bio kids. (I wanted 6) 🙁 now I can’t have anymore.

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