
Prepare Your Child for Kindy with Kindi Kids Toys


mum centralKindergarten is packed with friendship and play but it can also be a scary time for little ones. They’ve spent four or five years by our side. Then suddenly, we’re not there to guide them or offer a cuddle when tears start to smart their eyes.

It’s hard for them and it’s hard for us. But it’s all part of the journey of growing up. And it’s up to us to help them with this important transition.

Goodbye baby, hello big girl

Is your big girl ready? Maybe. Are you ready? Probably not! But hey, it’s happening whether we’re ready or not. We’ve put together a few tips to help with the transition to big school as well as showcasing Kindi Kids toys to alleviate those first day of school jitters.

Thanks to Moose Toys we have Kindi Kids to help ease the sometimes bumpy starting school transition. Kindi Kids are the latest obsession for little girls and all about helping them prepare for kindy through pretend play.

Kindi Kids Moose Toys
Kindi Kids toys – fun for everyone! Photo: Moose Toys

What are Kindi Kids? In the range you’ll find Rainbow Kate doll plus three fun accessories kits – the Kindi Kids backpack, a Kindi Kids lunchbox and a Kindi Kids scooter. The backpack set, lunchbox and scooter are brand new additions to the Kindi Kids range. Look out for the NEW Kindi Kids items available from Feb onwards!

Keep scrolling for more information on how to use Kindi Kids as one of the tools to help your child prepare for kindergarten.

A practical checklist to starting kindergarten

Before you arrive at the school gate, check your child has these key skills down pat. You can use the Kindi Kids to role-play and talk about all of these skills.

kids lunch, school lunch, lunch box

  • Can she wipe her own bottom? Number twos happen at school too so do a quick bum-check to make sure she knows this important skill.
  • Does she know how to properly wash her hands? Super important, after-poops and before meals.
  • Can she open and close her lunch box?
  • Can she adequately voice her concerns to teachers and peers?
  • Does she recognise her name? Will she be able to read any name-tags, supplies or bags with her name on it
  • Does she display fine motor skills? It’s a good idea to practice using scissors, holding a pencil and colouring with crayons.
  • Is she comfortable around other children?
  • Can she follow a routine? Kindy is fun but it’s also slightly structured with outdoor play, mat time and mealtimes. Try to establish a routine at home if you haven’t done so already.
  • Can she dress herself/ take her shoes on and off? Check that she can button her buttons, zip up her pants and put on her shoes and socks.
  • Will she be okay to leave you? This is often the hardest part of starting kindy. We’ve been by their sides for four years and suddenly, we are not there.

Helping her settle in to kindy

The first day of big school is day one of 12 plus years. Expect some ups and downs. Give her space to work through problems and be there to help when she needs it.

Kindi Kids prepare for big school
Are you ready for school? Photo: BigStock

Offer plenty of reassurance

Remind your child that, even though you have to say goodbye, you are always with her. Sure, you may not be there for mat time, or meal time, or nap time, but you be waiting at the gate with a big cuddle, ready to hear all about her day.

Do dry runs

Practice doing the morning routine a few times before the big day. Help her pack her lunch, put on her school clothes and drive to the school. Most schools are happy to let you and your child visit the kindy before starting.

First day of school kindi kids
You’ve got this. You have practised. Photo: BigStock

Except it to take time

Going to school five days a week might mean they feel more tired and overwhelmed. It’s a big change and it may take some time for your baby to get used to a classroom and make new friends. Consider easing off on their activities for a few months until they get used to the new routine.

Give a special transition gift

A cute way to help your child feel more confident at school is to offer a little gift – something to help her with this transition. A special necklace, a little charm for her backpack or even a picture of the two of you that she leaves in her backpack.

A Kindi Kid is perfect for this. These were not around when my daughter started kindergarten but I wish they were!

Kindi Kids dolls encourage roleplay
Kindi Kids dolls encourage roleplay. Photo: Moose Toys

Kindi Kids help your girl to discover their voice and develop their individuality, imagination, and confidence in their journey to kindergarten.

Before your child starts school, you can role-play different scenes with the Kindi Kids to get her prepared. After kindergarten starts, these gorgeous little dolls allow her to act out experiences that have happened in the classroom and the playground. Things that seem simple – making friends, learning to read or play handball, can actually be really hard for kindy kids.  Make sure you listen in so you can work through any tough times with her and offer guidance.

Kindi Kids come in six different bobblehead, accessorised dolls – Rainbow Kate, Summer Peaches, Marsha Mello, Jessicake, Peppa-Mint and Donatina. Each of the Kindi Kids has wobbly, bobbleheads & their own “Snack Time” accessories with a magical movement that makes them appear to be eating, biting or scooping their yummy treats. Plus, they’re the perfect size for your big girl and a great playmate to bring to cuddle when she feels scared.

Kindi Kids also has a YouTube Channel where you can watch the girls in action as they navigate to the world of Rainbow Kindi. Check out the webisodes to entertain kids over the break and use it as a tool to discuss and help kids feel OK about starting school. Trust us, you’re little girl will LOVE the Kindi Kids Bobble dance.

You can check out the current Kindi Kids range at Big WTargetKmartToys R Us and other toy stores. And be on the lookout for the NEW Kindi Kids items available from Feb onwards!

shop now

To the mums with babies starting kindy, stay strong

It’s hard to let go, I know. I was a blubbering mess. Just remember, they will always be our babies and dropping them at school doesn’t change this.

So, wipe away those tears (or hide them under a large pair of sunnies) and celebrate this major milestone. We’ve done a fantastic job of guiding our babies this far. Now it’s time to sit back, relax and let them take the lead.

Kindi Kids toys to look out for!

To celebrate your child’s transition to big school, be on the lookout for these fun Kindi Kids toys!

Moose Toys Mum Central Kindi Kids competition
Photo: MooseToys
  • Snack Time Friends Rainbow Kate $40: Rainbow Kate will be your daughter’s new best friend. With her big, glittery eyes, her amazing rainbow hair and her adorable head that bobbles with every movement, she is all set to help you get ready for kindergarten! Rainbow Kate comes with two Shopkins – a Rainbow slushie Shopkin and a Rainbow cake Shopkin.
  • Fun Delivery Scooter $25: The Kindi Kids Fun Delivery Scooter is just the right size for all the Kindi Kids friends. The Scooter comes with a Smoothie Shopkin and a Strawberry Shopkin.
  • Fun Puppy Petkin Lunch Box $16: Pack it up and prepare your Kindi Kid for meal time. The Lunch Box comes with three Shopkins – a Stack of Fun Sandwich, a Fruit Cup Treat and a Magic Spoon.
  • Fun Owl Petkin Backpack $16: Kit your Kindi Kid out with her very own little backpack, complete with a pack of Peek-A-Boo Crayons Shopkin, a Clip-on Bag Tag Shopkin and a “Magic” Juice Sippy Cup.

    This is a sponsored post for Moose Toys.

    More tips for starting school:



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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