
Scientists Reckon This Song Can Cheer Up Your Crying Baby


Yes, you read that right. In a world first, a team of psychologists and a Grammy-award winning musician have put their heads together and come up with a ditty sure to bring a smile to any bub’s dial. Because science.

Musician (and mother of her own little baby!) Imogen Heap worked closely with leading baby psychologists, including Dr Caspar Addyman, to write “The Happy Song” for C&G Baby Club in the UK.

And parents everywhere swear it really works! According to Dr Addyman, “I think if you Google laughing babies and science my name pops up quite often. I seem to be cornering the market in the psychology of happy babies.”

If that doesn’t already sound like a recipe for baby bliss, read on.

If you’re happy and you know it …

When bub is inconsolable, it can be so hard to know what to do once the usual boxes are ticked. So C&G Baby wanted to give struggling parents – and sad babies – a solution.

“The great thing about this is it’s sort of something just so obvious and yet nobody’s thought to do it.” Dr. Addyman observes.

The Happy Song was rigorously tested on real, live, adorable babies prior to its release. And now its creators are encouraging parents around the world to try it for themselves.

A Song Proven To Make Babies Happy

So what are the key ingredients that make The Happy Song a strong contender in the baby-cheering-up stakes? From the cheery melody, the gentle breathy voice it’s sung in and the simple, happy lyrics, the song is clearly delightful for little ones. But according to music psychologist Dr Lauren Stewart, the thing that really sets it up for success is the use of specifically selected sound effects.

According to Dr. Stewart, babies consistently respond positively to short, popping words and sounds. Plus, the song also weaves in lots of adorable baby chuckles and sounds, which we think is key. After all, babies just love everything about other babies!

People are already raving about The Happy Song, claiming that it really does work for their little ones.

Hundreds of convinced parents have taken to the song’s YouTube comments section to sing its praises.

One converted mum commented: “My baby loves the song, if he’s crying or fussy it calms him down. He can be screaming and I put the song on and he listens and starts smiling!”

Another agreed: “I was very skeptical however…this is my go to when my 16 week old daughter is very upset and crying hysterically… no matter what the situation she smiles every time I play this to her.”

The Happy Song even made it to the number one spot on the iTunes children’s chart soon after its release, cementing its place as a firm favourite for baby parents and caregivers alike.

Give it a go!

Have a baby nearby? Pop the song on and see what kind of a response you get! (Watching the screen is not a requirement – the full effect of the song can be achieved via audio alone.)

And while we LOVE that someone has taken the time to scientifically create a song to cheer up babies, parents have known the power of music for a long time. Watch this crying baby calm down and find her happy place thanks to a David Bowie song!

Avatar of Klara Donovan

Klara is a Perth Mum Blogger with a background in finance and admin. When she's not typing up a storm, she is running around after her two beautiful kids, buying too many recipe magazines, wrangling her crazy dogs, cooking eggs on toast and calling her husband every 15 minutes to ask when he thinks he will be coming home from work.

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