
Nine-Year-Old Son Supports His Mum Through Labour and Birth


We’re told to raise our boys to be kind. We’re told to teach them respect and the importance of family. To teach them to be sensitive, to be supportive, to be caring, loving, gentle. But how do we know we’re doing it right?

For Ohio mum, Hollie Lau, the proof is in these incredibly emotional birth photos of herself and her son, Charlie. He’s the young man in the blue and grey, holding his mum’s hand as she labours and births his little sister, Robin.

son birth partner
What an incredibly supportive son and amazing big brother!  Source: Milk and Hannah

The big brother award goes to… 

Through every contraction, Charlie was there. He held her hair back, he rubbed her neck, he let her lean on him as she went through the painful motions of labour.

He was even there to catch his little sister. This young man did it all and without a single complaint, ‘eew gross’ or eye roll. 

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Charlie was ready to catch his little sister. Source: Milk and Hannah

A family affair

Charlie wasn’t the only one there for his mum. Younger brother Hank, 7 was also there as was Hollie’s husband and a doula (this was pre-Covid before restrictions).

Also present was birth photographer Hannah Spencer, from Milk and Hannah. And aren’t her photos something else!?

Milk and Hannah Charlie birth partner
A beautiful bond between mother and son. Source: Milk and Hannah

Birth photographer captures it all

Hannah captured the whole thing behind her camera and was truly taken aback by Charlie’s incredible support throughout the experience.

Not only during the contractions but through the crowning, the delivery, and postpartum. As Hollie breastfeeds Robin, Charlie pushed the hair off her face, pulled the blankets up, and simply sat with his mum, staring at his baby sister in awe.

So so sweet. 

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The first breastfeed made even more magical thanks to Charlie. Source: Milk and Hannah

There is certainly an overwhelming joy and admiration that comes barreling at you when you see the bond between Hollie and her son in those photos. 

She raises her children to be and embrace all that they are and THAT is what you see reflected in those photographs,” Hannah says. 

Hannah and Milk birth photo big brother Charlie
What a beautiful moment with her boys and baby. Source: Milk and Hannah

‘We wanted to support this opportunity for them’

Hollie and her husband spent months preparing their boys for the birth. The boys attended childbirth education classes and were both adamant that they wanted to be by their mum’s side, especially Charlie. 

Having our sons at the birth was a long, well thought-out process. We wanted to support that opportunity for them,” Hollie explains to Cafemom. 

But, of course, many people disagree with the idea of having your kids present at birth

After sharing the photos online, Hollie admits she received plenty of backlash from people who disagree with her decision. 

For Hollie and her husband, it was the right decision to let their boys watch the birth. And we totally support that journey for them. 


Good on you for educating and allowing your kids to witness the miracle of life. Bravo!

What to read next


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Lisa M Malczewski Reply

    This is the sweetest, most beautiful thing I have seen all week. These boys will grow to not only respect woman in a way that all men should but they will be the best partners to their future spouses/companions. The world needs more compasionate, caring people in this world and what a better way to teach than with love. This is something that needs to be normalized and not looked upon as wrong. They were educated before hand so they knew what to expect and Charlie handled it better than some grown men I know. Way to go Mom, Dad, Charlie and Hank, baby Robin is in excellent hands.

  2. It was very nice to see and read the article about mom having the boys in the room with her my oldest was there for me with my 2nd child until he heard me moaning in pain but that is her choice and was my choice to let my son be there that is an awesome thing to do and see happen and I feel it will make those boys great when they get older great job mom and boys congratulations on your new sister

  3. Adriana Sudol Reply

    This is absolutely beautiful. We gave our 9 yr old this opportunity too but she wasn’t ready for it, she wants to though if we choose to have another and I completely support that decision. It’s a life changing event all around. Beautiful pics beautiful memories!!

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