Labour & Delivery

Starbucks Drink Linked to Inducing Labour


You’ve most likely discovered the pure joy that is Starbucks. Their assortment of delicious beverages has won the hearts of people around the globe but one specific Starbucks drink is making waves, especially with heavily pregnant mums. 

The Starbucks drink especially for pregnant mums

Several mums in the USA claim that the Starbucks Iced Passion Tango Tea is sending them into labour and it is quickly becoming a labour-inducing staple alongside other common aids like pineapples and spicy food. 

@itsmedajaa Safe To Say It Definitely Worked! I Was 36Weeks When I Drunk My First One & Got 2 more between then and 37weeks🥲 #naturalbirth #momsoftiktok #passiontea #starbucksdrinks ♬ Cuff It Wetter – JAYBeatz


The tea is a combination of lemongrass, apple, and hibiscus, according to Starbucks, but it seems it is the four pumps of raspberry that might just be doing the trick as far as inducing labour is concerned. 

Starbucks Drink linked to inducing labour
This specific Starbucks drink is causing quite the stir. Source: Starbucks

“Red raspberry leaf tea, that’s been around for a long time in terms of people using it to try to start labour,” Dr Victor Feldbaum,a department chair of obstetrics and gynecology, tells Romper.

“Studies have not shown that it decreases [the length of] the first stage of labour, but there has been little proof it limits the second stage of labour. The thought is it helps with the tone of the uterine muscles. As far as whether it induces labour, it’s questionable, but people have done it for years.”

If you are nearing your due date (or over) and looking for a way to get things going, you may want to waddle down to your nearest Starbucks and give this drink a try. While it’s called Iced Passion Tango Tea in America, you’ll find it under a different name in Australia – Iced Hibicus Tea Lemonade. Make sure you order a Venti! 

Other ways to induce labour

Over the years we’ve shared some pretty insane labour-inducing methods that mums guarantee did the trick.

Activating Labour Video

This 7-minute Activitating Labour instructional video has racked up some impressive views and comments from mums who swear these weird exercises worked for them. 

The exercises are pretty straightforward – there’s a squatting one, followed by a weird frog squatting one (good luck getting up without farting after that one), knee lifts and a pregnant-twerk that is sure to speed things along. 

Coffee Squat 

Back in 2018 squatting over a pot of steaming hot coffee was a way to induce labour. Not recommended by any doctor, of course, but pregnant mums did try.

To caffeinate your cervix, 

  1. Place a plastic bowl in toilet.
  2. Place one to two cups of ground coffee into the plastic bowl.
  3. Heat up water in a kettle.
  4. Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds.
  5. Squat over the bowl and place a towel over you legs to keep the steam in.
  6. Steam your lady bits for about twenty minutes.

According to some women, the caffeine in the coffee stimulates the uterus to contract. The steam can also loosen the mucus plug to get labour going.


Pineapples are also meant to induce labour – something about the bromelain in them which is thought to help soften the cervix. However, you’d most likely have to eat about 80 of them. Imagine the pineapple poops after that!!

There have been several other labour-inducing fads over the years including spicy pizza, castor oil and clary sage oil. One doctor even insisted that eating cow poo can help bring on labour but this isn’t something we suggest anyone doing!

Let us know in the comments if you’ve had any luck with any method. 

If you are getting induced medically, you may be curious about what this entails and what option you should choose. Check our our guide to the different induction methods including the balloon catheter and prostaglandin induction. 

What to read next


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. The syrup contains raspberry fruit which does not have the chemicals from the leaves. And three pumps of it isn’t that much, you’d have more effects from eating a single raspberry. I drank raspberry leaf tea the entire third trimester to help with Braxton Hicks pains and I had my third kid at nearly 42 weeks.
    The Starbucks drink is tasty sugar water which might give you the endorphin and energy boost needed for your body to start moving along, but there’s nothing special about it really.

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