A trauma counselor has shared several confessions children and teens have made to her during her sessions, putting their words on post-it notes and sharing (with permission) to help bring a new perspective to how our kids are feeling.
“I truly believe that the reason my family is at home sitting on the couch with a pair of crutches instead of down at the hospital is because of my annoying nagging mom voice,” Rebecca wrote.
“I wasn’t going to post this, but you know what … this is being 8 yrs old in 2022 and maybe we should be talking about it,” her mum shared on TikTok.
“They jumped on the slide and came down and went in the water but didn’t come back up. They were pushing down on each other to get up. I was so scared to see them in the water, not coming out.”
Trigger warning. “Everything about what happened that day was so wrong, awful, and scary and painful, but when it came time to push him out, it was like time slowed down and it was the most beautiful moment of my life. It was sacred. I felt so much connection to my son even though his life was already gone.
An infant in New Zealand has been temporarily removed from his parents after they refused their child a blood transfusion in fear that the donor may have had a COVID vaccine.
For over 16 years Louise and her husband tried for a baby only for their baby dreams to be shattered around the 14-week gestation mark.
“We all were enjoying popcorn during a trip at Disneyland so, of course, Briar wanted some. I let him join in knowing it was a no-no but telling myself everything would be just fine.”
The rare phenomenon has been recorded fewer than 200 times. Just WOW!
Trigger Warning: “I didn’t know what I was doing. I was frightened and I had made a terrible mistake. He showed no fear – and was not remorseful at all.”
A timely reminder that snakes are everywhere!
So. Many. Children. And wait until you hear their names!