If you have a teenager, this is a must-read! Isn’t it insane how different what teens say and what they actually mean can be!?
Kudos to Victoria on addressing the need for more consent education in our schools. Here’s what you need to know about the plans to revamp consent education in schools Australia-wide.
High School – it’s a whole new ball game from primary school. Here are 10 very useful things you should know!
We’ve unlocked the parenting side of TikTok and OH THE LAUGHS. We love these parents imitating their teen kids. Savage eye rolls included. CAN RELATE!
From medieval ‘dos to a Princess Elsa braid would be jealous of, this teenager is serving up serious #hairgoals worthy intricate hairstyles!
Have you heard of the Blue Whale Challenge? If you have teens who use social media, it’s definitely something to be aware of!
This teen spent 400 hours creating a COVID themed gown (and accessories no less) from duct tape and the result is nothing short of stunning.
It’s a dangerous fad sweeping our streets and impacting our teens. Here’s what parents need to know about the chroming crisis.
“My dad calls salad dressing ‘lettuce lotion” and other brilliant ways parents deliberately and inadvertently drive their kids crazy.
Is your son too old for cuddles? Take a page out of this mum’s book and knit yourself a new one.
Your little girl is growing up (too fast) and sooner or later, you’re going to…
Children are a blessing. They test us daily but they make up for it with…