Melissa Sloan is on a mission to secure her name in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most tattooed woman. In the process, she has admitted that she’s lost a lot.
Not only does her extensive collection of tattoos make it difficult for her to secure a job, but the tattooed mum has also been banned from her local bar as well as her children’s school.
Most tattooed woman
The mum from Wales has over 800+ tattoos including several on her face. She admits she is addicted to tattoos after first being inked around the age of 20. Now she gets 3 tattoos a week, done at home, by her boyfriend.
“I probably have the most tattoos in the world, and if not then at the rate I’m going on I probably will have in the end — I keep going over and over them,” she said.
While Melissa is proud of her tattoo collection, she shares that they do make it difficult for her. Finding a job has proved to be extra tricky as Melissa told Daily Star that she keeps applying for jobs but no one will hire her.

“I can’t get a job,” she shared. “They won’t have me. I applied for a job cleaning toilets where I live and they won’t have me because of my tattoos. But, if someone offered me a job tomorrow I would go and work – I would take that offer.”
Made to watch the school play through a window
The mum of two also claims that her children’s school has refused her entry due to her tats. While Melissa is used to being an outsider, she was asked to remain out of sight during her children’s nativity play at their school.
Melissa claims she was told she could only watch the play through a window in the garden. She also admits that she’s been called named like “freak” while walking on the street with her children.
Pub refusal
Melissa revealed to the Daily Star that many of the local tattoo shops also refuse to add any extra ink to her as she already has too many.
“They won’t do it because I’m beyond help – because I’ve gone too far,” she chuckled.
She also has been banned from her local bars due to her pubs.
“I [have gone] into pubs and have people look at me like I’m nobody, you get judgemental people. [I miss] just speaking to people, I’m the one who speaks to everybody when I’ve had a drink and I’ll be talking to everyone. But, there’s nothing I can do about it.”
While Melissa gets a lot of hate, not only in real life but also on social media, she is proud of her tattooed body. She often shares selfies of her tattoos on social media as well as images of her hanging out with her children.

While she’s been offered free laser treatment to remove her face ink, Melissa has declined, explaining that she would simply just start the tattooing process all over again. She’s also hoping to have her eyeballs inked at some stage too.
She also shared a photo of herself with heavy makeup on which covered the majority of her face tattoos. The mum admits it took over 24 hours to get the several layers of foundation off and that her children – and her dog – were scared of her without her tattoos.

Teacher also banned from teaching kindy due to tattoos
Melissa isn’t the first person to deal with hate over her decision to tattoo her body. A kindergarten teacher in France was allegedly banned from his job due to his extremely tattooed appearance. He has spent nearly $50,000 on tattoos and has them all over his body including his hands, neck, face, and even the whites of his eyes.

One of the parents complained that his appearance was scaring the children and the tattooed teacher was told he can only teach children age 6+ from now on.