
17 Time Saving Laundry Tips That’ll Revolutionise the Way You Do Washing


Wash Up:

10. Before tossing those dirty clothes in an even dirtier washer, clean your machine with white vinegar. 

how to clean washing machine

11. Use a mesh bag to wash stuffed animals. Then let them drip dry. 

Stuffed Animal in Mesh Bag

12. Learn how to make your own totally inexpensive laundry detergent tabs, minus dyes and harsh chemicals! 

How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent Tabs Without Borax or Fels Naptha

13. Give your washing machine a good clean with this dishwasher tablet trick. 

washing machine cleaning hack

14. Give the kids mesh laundry bags to toss dirty socks into (instead of putting them in the bin, where they’ll definitely get lost). Then throw the bags (with the socks inside!) into the washer and dryer. 

best laundry sock tip ever

Release Those Wrinkles:

15. Get rid of wrinkles after the fact (or rather, after you wash and dry your family’s clothes) with a DIY liquid fabric softener recipe. 

mum central


16. Or, use vinegar to get the post-wash wrinkles out.



17. And finally, check out this nasty but super effective way to strip wash your bedding, pillows and more. 

strip wash

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Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

1 Comment

  1. Interesting tips, but time saving? Looks like a heap of extra jobs making your own products.

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