
Heartwarming Picture of Twins in the Womb Gets ALL the Love!


There is no shortage of stunning baby bump pictures in this world. I think it’s a rite of passage that every new mum MUST have at least 30 shots of their pregnant belly.

Whether they share these, delete them or simply leave them on their phone to possibly scroll through one day is up to them. But, the point is – having a few photographic mementos of your baby in your belly is a beautiful thing. 

This stunning twin mum got a picture-perfect shot of her twins in the womb (well, from the outside at least!).

The two babies must have known a camera was nearby because they managed to form a heart for her. If this isn’t the sweetest thing… 

twin picture
NAWWW a twin heart for mum! Source: Facebook

Shared on Facebook (sorry we’re not sure of the original source of this so if it’s your photo, please let us know), we thought it was such a beautiful belly pic. And one that celebrates just how exciting a twin (or triplet) delivery is! 

Speaking of beautiful multiple birth stories, join us as we count down some of our favourite twin, triplet (and more!) stories we’ve shared in the past. 

Triplet baby bump alert!

One of our most popular triplet story is Michella’s triplet bump journey. Michella welcomed triplet boys this year, after already welcoming twins two years ago. She shared her baby bump progress on Instagram, proving a mum’s tum is more stretchy than Elastagirl herself! 

mum central
Source: Instagram

Check out all the photos here –> Let’s All Take a Moment to Admire this Mum’s Amazing Triplet Baby Bump

Triple the growth!

Maria Jorstad is another triplet Mumma who documented her baby bump on social media. Back in 2018, she gave birth to Iben, Filip and Agnes. Before their births, she took weekly ‘progress’ shots which perfectly captures her expanding belly. 


Maria also shared a follow-up post, showcasing her postpartum belly just four weeks after welcoming her triplets. While she admitted she wasn’t too ‘happy to share this photo’, her fans certainly were and Maria received plenty of positive comments of support. 

postpartum body after triplets

Read them both here –> Ever Wondered What it Looks Like to Grow Triplets in Your Belly?

–> This is What Happens to Your Body After Giving Birth to Triplets

Small but mighty love!

Another beautiful multiple-baby photo is this one where the twins in question are earthside, but back together after being separated for 2 weeks. It’s clear from the photos that these two little sweethearts had quite a strong bond in the womb, despite their massive size differences. 

twins reunite in powerful photos

When they were born prematurely, everyone expected Neve (the little girl) to need urgent care but, amazingly, she was breathing on her own. Her brother, Louis (the bigger boy) was the one who required a trip to the NICU. They were separated for 14 days before being placed back together again. And just look at that sweet reunion! 

See all the images here –> Powerful Photos of Twins Reuniting after Complications Sees them Separated for Weeks

Four of a kind

We saved one of our most popular multiple birth stories for last – this stunning photo series of life behind the scenes with four newborn babies. Dayna has quadruplets – Willow, Willis, Otto and Simon who are now toddlers. They often feature on her Instagram page Hello Quadruplets in matching outfits and perfectly staged pictures. 

But it’s the photos without the filters that we especially love – the ones from those hazy newborn days where Dayna admits she would remain in bed for the majority of the day, simply snuggling and feeding her babies. Here is one candid shot below. 

mum central

See the rest here —> The Reality of Having Newborn Quadruplets

What to read next

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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