Like many sets of twins, little Neve and Louis were born prematurely last month. Delivered via emergency c-section at 30 weeks gestation, the twins have proved from day one that they are both fighters, both inside the womb and earthside.
Neve and Louis’ proud parents, Laura Hough and Chris Carey, of Liverpool, UK, were so excited to find out they were having a boy and a girl but discovered at 28 weeks that there was a problem.
Baby girl not expected to survive
Baby boy was doing fine in the womb but baby girl wasn’t. There was a problem with the little girl’s placenta, affecting her ability to receive the nutrients she needed to grow. They would have to be delivered a little earlier than anticipated and, sadly, baby girl was not expected to survive.
Chris and Laura prepared for the heartbreaking task of having to say goodbye to their daughter at birth. At 30 weeks gestation, their twins were born via emergency c-section.
Small but mighty
Louis weighed around 1.45 kg which is quite small. Neve, however, weighed just 652 grams. But both children were alive. In fact, it was little Neve that was breathing on her own!

Louis, however, wasn’t. Despite being stronger in size, the infant’s lungs collapsed and he ended up receiving treatment to drain the air from his lungs. Louis was separated from his sister to receive the immediate medical attention he needed.
For two weeks the twins remained in the same critical care unit but away from one another with Laura and Chris praying both of their babies would make it. After two weeks the twins were shifted into the same hospital room and then placed into the same incubator.
The power of a hug
Almost immediately the twins wrapped their arms and legs around each other, clearly relieved to be together again and find comfort in that closeness they knew from the womb.
Louis and Chris were able to snap a few pics of their twins and their almighty hugs and, they are just too sweet, especially with the dramatic size difference between the two babies. The parents shared the photos on a Facebook page and has since gone viral.
Just look how protective Louis looks of his teeny twin sister already?

Despite the complications, both Louis and Neve are doing well and expected to leave hospital this month. We are Chris and Laura will be pulling out these pics on their 21st!
Even more twin birth stories
They say twins share a pretty incredible bond and this is certainly the case for Autum Shaw and Amber Tramontana who not only had their first-born babies – both boys – just 10 weeks apart but also delivered their second babies – both girls – on the same day.

And get this – their daughters’ birthdays also happen to be their own birthday!
Read it here
Brothers, twins and cousins?
What happens when twin sisters and twin brothers procreate? And those babies happen to have nearly the same birthdate? Something called “quarternary twins”.

Jett and Jax Salyer, the two cheeky sweeties in the pic above, are not only cousins but also genetic siblings and quarternary twins. Here’s their ‘twinsane’ story: Jett and Jax Cousins, Brothers and Twins.
Kidney stones actually triplets
Dannette Giltz thought she had kidney stones. But, after presenting at the hospital fully expecting to be whisked away for kidney stone surgery, she was told she was actually in labour instead.

An ultrasound confirmed it wasn’t one baby, but two. While Dannette and her husband were busy processing this (ie: rocking in the corner), doctors threw another curve ball – another baby. Yup. Triplets. Could you even imagine? Read it here – Mum Mistakes Kidney Stone Pain for Labour Pain, Then Gives Birth to Triplets.
Check out our birth stories section for even more.