
Why This Mum Isn’t Her Child’s Best Friend and Why You Shouldn’t Be Either


“Aw, you’re my best little buddy” … if this is something that you say (and completely mean) often, one vlogger (video blogger) might have a word or two for you.

When Kristina Kuzmic sat down in front of the camera, what she had to say caught the eyes, and ears, of plenty of other mums and dads across the Internet.

With more than 98,000 views already, her YouTube clip about not being your child’s BFF has certainly garnered attention galore.

Seated in front of ice cream, a bag of chocolate chips and a glass of red wine (which she hilariously mixes all together by the end of the video – and who wouldn’t want a box of ice creamy, chocolatey alcohol?) this mum explains exactly why she isn’t her kids’ friend, and why you shouldn’t be either.

Starting out with, “All three of my kids are mad at me right now,” Kuzmic is far from being a bud to any of her children. Instead of counting her kids as her besties, this mum feels it’s her job to ‘parent’ and not just please.

Whether you’re of the mind that you need to be your child’s friend or you subscribe to the, “I’m the mum” school of thought, hearing Kuzmic’s reasoning is well worth it. Don’t believe us? Take a look for yourself!

Before jumping to get matching BFF charms, sharing friendship bracelets or giving in to all of your best friend’s (um, I mean child’s) wishes, wants and rants, consider what Kuzmic is saying. It’s not always fun to be the bad guy. And, sometimes your child won’t like you. Your child will always love you – especially when she realises that your job as mum has always been much more important that being her friend. After all, you’ve got plenty of friends. You make new friends at your child’s school, during swimming lessons and when you actually get to the gym. But, how many children do you have?


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

1 Comment

  1. Amanda Lucks Reply

    I disagree with this! I can be their best friend and their mother , its about setting boundaries which i hope you would do with your friends or best friends also. Do you give in to the every request, whim or demand of your friends? I should hope not! It is almost vital these days to be your childrens best friend because these days people let you down, people exclude you, people dissapoint at least you can be sure you are reliable for them because no one else will be

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