
Meet YouTube’s Highest Paid Star. She Unwraps Disney Toys on Camera. Really!

You’ve probably even watched this woman opening Disney toys, then uploading the videos to YouTube! She’s pulled in a whopping $4.9 MILLION dollars for doing this! Crazy right?! Well it’s True!

Video Analytics platform Open Slate crunched last year’s numbers and made a list of the highest-earning YouTube channels, based on ad revenue. Taylor Swift’s channel and MovieClips Trailers made the top ten. But topping the list with the most cha-ching, was DC Toy Collector, a channel that features a mysterious woman, known only by her hands and her fun choice of nail polish, opening boxes of toys (mostly Disney).

Since this news release, media outlets around the world have been scrambling to identify this incredible woman. Buzzfeed suggested she may be a 43-year-old Florida-based Disney collector, while the New York Times singled out a 21-year-old New Yorker. Still, the woman’s identity has not been confirmed.

What we do know is that she uploads around a video each day, and that her highest performing video (over 178 million views!) involved her opening a box of Frozen-themed Play Doh. Check it out below!

YouTube video

Crazy but true!

So this leads us to ask YOU, do your kids like to watch her and what are your favourite channels to subscribe to?

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