
100 Extra Cool Baby Names with Plenty of Attitude


Have you ever heard a mum scream out their child’s name at the playground and thought, “Hmm, that’s a cool name”? Some names just have that special something about them – they are sassy, suave, smooth and a little bit spicy.

They may be a bit rockstar or badass, they may be etched in mythology or literature or they may simply may sound edgy AF. Whatever the case, we’ve rounded up 100 baby names with that extra ‘cool’ factor.

Full of attitude and sure to command the attention of everyone on the playground, these cool baby names are in a class of their own.

Cool baby names – the immortals

The legends, gods and celestial bodies, all glisten with star power and coolness.

cool baby names - star power
Source: Bigstock
  1. Ajax
  2. Titus
  3. Rome
  4. Alpha
  5. Apollo
  6. Ares
  7. Orion
  8. Zephyr
  9. Astra/Astrid
  10. Minerva
  11. Ophelia
  12. Cleo
  13. Cosmo
  14. Dionne
  15. Demi
  16. Electra
  17. Hero

The literary legends and musical gods

Rockstars, bands, musical notes, authors, poets and characters in famous books all serve as inspo for some of the coolest names out there.

mum central

  1. Alden
  2. Poe
  3. Atticus
  4. Byron
  5. Poet
  6. Fitzgerald
  7. Briar
  8. Sawyer
  9. Orson
  10. Bowie
  11. Jagger
  12. Hendrix
  13. Echo
  14. Ziggy
  15. Lennon
  16. Lyra
  17. Zepplin

The vintage cool 

There’s something chic about bringing an old-school baby name back. Lots of retro names from the past are popping up but these ones are the pick of the cool litter.

retro baby names

  1. Calvin
  2. Edison
  3. Dexter
  4. Brooks
  5. Vinnie
  6. Beatrix
  7. Thora
  8. Aphra
  9. Eloise
  10. Dixie
  11. Esme
  12. Hattie
  13. Etta

The short and sassy

There’s something extra edgy about a ‘nickname’ name with only three or four letters. Here are a few of our faves but we’ve got plenty more to choose from here:

four letter baby names

  1. Ace
  2. Aya
  3. Knox
  4. Xiam
  5. Hart
  6. Ione
  7. Zia
  8. Jora
  9. Lace
  10. Gus
  11. Irie
  12. Mack
  13. Zali
  14. Neo
  15. Ike
  16. Jett
  17. Zen
  18. Dash
  19. Lux
  20. Van

Nature’s children

Inspired by nature – colours, flowers, gems, even critters, these nature names are a breath of fresh air.

nature baby names
Source: Bigstock
  1. Juniper
  2. Wilder
  3. Aspen
  4. Cyan
  5. Stormi
  6. Opal
  7. Terra
  8. Onyx
  9. Tiger
  10. Wolf
  11. Birdie
  12. Fox
  13. Cub
  14. Raven
  15. Otter
  16. Wren

The badasses

Finally, we give you the coolest of the cool – the kids destined to be cheeky, sassy, fiery and full of adventure.

mum central
Source: Bigstock
  1. Maverick
  2. Diesel
  3. Axel
  4. Kane
  5. Blade
  6. Axton
  7. Cannon
  8. Saxon
  9. Steele
  10. Harley
  11. Rogue
  12. Blaze
  13. Rebel
  14. Xena
  15. Sian
  16. Sloane
  17. Trinity

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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