Halloween is fast approaching and for those mamas who don’t know exactly which way the Halloween costume broomstick will fall this year, here are some relatively easy-to-replicate DIY Halloween costumes ideas that even the LEAST craftiest person can nail.
Now full disclaimer, I’m not saying a trip to Spotlight or Kmart won’t be necessary, because it might be. But with the right props and supplies, even the most non-crafty of us can pull something off in time for trick or treating.
Spooky or sweet Halloween costumes
A trend I’m noticing as more and more of us here in Australia get into the Halloween spirit is that dressing up for Halloween isn’t all about who can be the spookiest, frightening the socks off homeowners as the kids knock on their doors. No siree, there’s an influx of kids dressing up as their favourite characters and just being plain ol’ CUTE.
So take the pressure off yourself, mama, if your kid wants to dress up in their Book Week costume or go as one of 100 Disney Princesses, let them! In the meantime, take a look below for some (relatively) easy Halloween costumes for inspiration.
14 Halloween costumes you can totally DIY
1. Wednesday Adams

The brief for executing the perfect Wednesday Adams Halloween costume is quite straightforward – just make it all black and add a stone-cold glare. The black wig and mop head friend finish this look off PERFECTLY.
2. Bag of jelly beans

Coming in under the cute costume category, what tot wouldn’t love to walk surrounded by coloured balloons (aka jelly beans) while they trick or treat this year? It’s a bag of jelly beans for the win!
3. Paper bag masks

Eco friendly? Check. Budget-friendly? Check. Space saving? You bet. These paper bag masks are brilliantly different Halloween costumes and ones that will keep the kids busy for the afternoon making. It’s a win, win!
4. Lego brick masters!

Lego enthusiasts will delight in being an actual real-life Lego brick for Halloween! Boxes and paint at the ready, let’s go!
5. Cluck cluck!

Show me a cuter chicken Halloween costume, I’ll wait. A couple of well-placed white feather boas, a red beanie hat and a pair of stuffed yellow plastic gloves on the feet. Halloween has never been SO sweet.
6. Bubble tea, drink up!

Can the kids dress as their favourite bubble tea drink? Of course, they can! Black balloons, clear cellophane and cardboard is all you need to be on your way to boba success.
7. Wrap it up, mummy

Is it even Halloween if at least one kid doesn’t have you running to Chemist Warehouse for a heap of bandages? Being a Halloween mummy never gets old!
8. Classic white ghost

Never underestimate the power of a white sheet. The classic ghost costume is a favourite of parents for good reason! TIP: Depending on the height of your spookster, you could even get away with a white tablecloth!
9. Stick man

This stick man costume is actually GENIUS. A white pair of pants and a long sleeve top is the perfect base. Topped with a paper plate mask and a trip to Bunnings for the electrical tape to make the actual stick figure. Brilliant!
10. Cookie monster gets CUTE

I’d give this sweet Cookie Monster poppet ALL of my cookies. Blue onesie paired with a blue tulle skirt and accessorised with felt handcrafted cookies, very well done. And no grumbly tummies in sight.
11. Paper snail trail

Don’t be so quick to throw that packing paper away – keep it and roll it into a snail shell and antennae!
12. Not too cool for face paint

Tweens and teens are often torn at Halloween. They want to trick or treat for the haul of sugar loot but they don’t really want to go out in full costume. Meet them in the middle with some epic face paint, surely they’re not too cool for that?
13. All the legs, a spider!

It’s time to dig out those opaque black stockings from the back of the drawer, we’re making spider legs. Stuff the stockings and attach them to a shirt for instant creepy crawly prowess!
14. Cotton candy unicorn
Has a bag of fairy floss (cotton candy) EVER looked so cute? Check out the reel below to see just how this mama made this epic Halloween costume!
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There you have it, 14 spooktacular costumes for Halloween to inspire you this year. May the ghoulish fun begin! Mwah ha ha ha!