
Adelaide Christmas Pageant to Go Ahead But With a COVID-Safe Twist


We’re all expecting Christmas to look a little bit different this year thanks to COVID – the grinch that stole Christmas. But, good news for Adelaideans – there WILL be an Adelaide Christmas Pageant this year.

It will, however, be a little different than previous years.

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The 2020 Christmas Pageant will go ahead, with a twist. Source: Supplied

The show will go on

The National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant (formally known as the Credit Union Christmas Pageant) has been a tradition for 88 years and one that kids absolutely LOVE.

While in the past the event parades through the city streets to thousands and thousands of viewers, this year the Adelaide Christmas Pageant will take place at Adelaide Oval and only to those with a golden ticket.

Credit Union Christmas Pageant
Source: Supplied

The last time we had a change of this significance to the Pageant was during the Second World War when it was cancelled for four years,” says Pageant Director, Brian Gilbertson.

“In 2020, COVID-19 has seen us adjust our traditional Pageant format and route, but with the support of National Pharmacies we are beyond excited to deliver this magical event to the magnificent Adelaide Oval and create new history for our Pageant story.”

How it will work

  • The Adelaide Christmas Pageant will take place on November 14 for a historic twilight event at the Adelaide Oval. 
  • The tickets to see the show will be free; however, there will only be 25,000 tickets available. 
  • There will be a ballot to decide who gets the golden tickets. Officials are still working out the logistics of this.
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The 2020 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will go ahead at Adelaide Oval. Source: Supplied

What to expect

Singing, dancing, possibly a celebrity MC. Plus, a parade of floats to impress the whole family! The floats will enter via the northern gate and lap around the oval twice before exiting.

This year, there will also be a special acknowledgement of front-line workers, first responders and recognition of the South Australians who fended off our bushfires earlier in the year.

Credit Union Christmas Pageant
Source: Supplied

Live for all to see

For the first time in its history, the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will also broadcast the spectacular twilight event live on Channel Nine so everyone can enjoy it.

After all, 25,000 golden tickets mean a lot of families will miss out this year.

Pageant director Brian Gilbertson added that families at home will be encouraged to watch the event and join in the activities including using chalk in the driveway and painting their own blue honour line.

Source: Supplied

COVID-safe and full of festive fun!

The reason behind the change of venue is, of course, COVID. But it’s great to know that this event won’t be cancelled entirely like the majority of other events in 2020.

While details on the sitting arrangements and so forth are still being nutted out, the Adelaide Christmas Pageant of 2020 promises to be COVID-safe for all.

What to read next

Christmas really is just around the corner – check out some of our recent Christmas stories:


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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