
Cadbury Chocolate Recipe Changes & People Are Not Having a Bar of It


Dear Cadbury, DON’T DO IT!

This is the general consensus of consumers after Cadbury announced that, for the first time in 114 years, its iconic Dairy Milk chocolate bar will undergo a recipe change.

That’s right ladies and gents! The classic chocolate bar that we all love (and do NOT share with our kids) will be slightly different from now on. It’s not a big change, but it’s enough to get plenty of people riled up over it.

After all, this is chocolate we’re talking about!

New look. New taste. Less sugar 

To keep up with the Kardashians of healthy living, Cadbury will be changing their recipe to include 30% less sugar than the traditional Cadbury chocolate recipe. Instead of sugar, they’re using a type of fibre that has a similar structure to sugar – to keep the texture the same. The healthy version will have 39g of sugar per 100g compared to the original, which has 56g of sugar per 100g (Wow, that is A LOT of sugar!).

Cadbury chocolate recipe changes

Of course, it’s a good move health-wise, especially for those who are diabetic or watching their sugar intake (which, really should be all of us). But, ugh…fibre.

‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’

Many Cadbury lovers are feeling the sting of this ‘minor’ recipe change, calling it the “change no one asked for”. After all, chocolate doesn’t need to be healthy. Chocolate is chocolate and we like it just the way it is.

Social media is swarming with comments about the Cadbury chocolate recipe change:

No way … I like it as it is. If I wanted a healthier option I just wouldn’t eat it. Sad times.”


No. If I want to get fat, give me all the calories, stop taking out the sugar.”

mum centralCalm down Carol, the normal version’s still available 

It took Cadbury two years to come up with the new-and-improved recipe and another year to work out how to mass-produce it. It’s not in Australia just yet but it will be soon.

So, for now, the iconic full-sugar version is still available and may remain on the shelves (quick, stock up!) alongside the fibre-rich alternative.

If you love Cadbury chocolate as much as we do, then have a look at this Cadbury Chocolate Caramilk recipe. 



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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