“I fell into the mindset that it was all in my head. My pain wasn’t real. I was just being overly dramatic.”
“I’m not a daycare, I have my own life.”
“They jumped on the slide and came down and went in the water but didn’t come back up. They were pushing down on each other to get up. I was so scared to see them in the water, not coming out.”
For over 16 years Louise and her husband tried for a baby only for their baby dreams to be shattered around the 14-week gestation mark.
“I kept brushing it all off. If left unaddressed I would have never found out I had cancer.”
“She fought every single day of her precious life and is the bravest and strongest little girl I’ll ever get to know.”
“We all were enjoying popcorn during a trip at Disneyland so, of course, Briar wanted some. I let him join in knowing it was a no-no but telling myself everything would be just fine.”
The rare phenomenon has been recorded fewer than 200 times. Just WOW!
A timely reminder that snakes are everywhere!
So. Many. Children. And wait until you hear their names!
Two little children are without their mum or dad after they lost both parents in just one month.
“I don’t know how long he was out there. I feel like the shittiest mum ever.”