The humble Post-It® Note is front and centre of these incredibly clever ideas! How do you use Post-It® Notes?
A new mum is sharing her shocking story about her dog and her newborn’s dummies after almost losing her beloved pet. HIDE THOSE DUMMIES!
“To my son, my primary school graduate, remember this: You may be nearly taller than me now, but you will always be my little boy in the big black bucket hat. And I will always be there, watching you every step of the way and ready to squeeze your hand, if you need it.”
Sorry cake smashes, the drunk best friend photoshoot officially wins 2021. #SeriousBestFriendGoals
Imagine how terrifying this would be!
“He gave the best bear hugs, and I believe he grabbed our daughter and protected her. It’s her last memory before the crash.”
Someone give this woman a medal! Could you imagine being pregnant for 13 years???
When Evelyn was a baby, she only used to move her feet. Her parents even gave her the nickname Happy Feet. However, recently they were devastated to find out that this quirk was actually the sign of a very rare and deadly genetic condition.
“You realise that this is the last time they will be your only baby. Forever. It’s one of the hardest goodbyes, followed by one of the best hellos.”
Wow – talk about a collection of babies!
A little kindness goes a long way. You often hear of people sharing stories of…
We are cringing right now – check out this video of what mastitis actually looks like! EEEEE!