General Health

Nanna’s Epic Life Lesson on Hefty Cost Of Cigarettes


Smoking is an expensive, addictive habit, we all know that. But when Tassie nanna Judy thought she’d show her grandchild a visual comparison just how expensive smoking is compared to buying food, well her photo speaks for itself.

I’m not preaching, I’m really not. A former smoker myself, I understand the lure and addictive nature of tobacco only all too well. I’m thankful that 15 years ago I thought about my health and my body. And my budget has thanked me ever since.

But anyway, I digress – smoking is YUCK. Food is GOOD. And Nanna Judy’s social media post has been shared thousands upon thousands (17000 in fact) of times across social networks to help bring the message home. GO JUDY!

Smoking is definitely not more bang for your buck

Smoking is not cheap. Food is also not cheap. But you get much more value for one than the other – as seen here by Judy’s cigarettes to groceries comparison post she made on Facebook over the weekend. With the cheapest packet of cigarettes said to be clocking up $29 at the supermarket till, the days of a “pack a day smoker” surely must be numbered.

Cigarettes v Food… grandchild commented on how much cigarettes are, after watching someone purchase them.. So we made…

Posted by Judy Kerrison on Friday, January 24, 2020

Photos or it didn’t happen

Judy provided a series of photos (even receipts for the non-believers) to back up her cigarette to groceries comparison, all while writing:

“Cigarettes v Food… grandchild commented on how much cigarettes are, after watching someone purchase them.. So we made a challenge… smoking v eating challenge…grandkids and I tried to purchase the most value for money “basic” food items and the most popular cigarette brand … they were surprised at the amount of food you can buy for the same monetary value …Cigarettes @ 56.95 pkt 40 Grocery’s @ 56.85 ( included breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks… must say I hope this exercise has made them aware of life’s choices … and not to take up this habit #nonsmokingchallenge”

cigarettes to grocery comparison
$1.42 per cigarette for this packet. SHEESH. Photo: Facebook / Judy Kerrison
cigarettes to grocery comparison
We’re all going to Judy’s for lunch. Photo: Facebook / Judy Kerrison

It’s important to note that Judy didn’t scrimp on the shopping. This nanna knows her stuff and hit up Woolworths for what would be an average kind of shop for many families. Her impressive $56.85 haul included fruit, breakfast cereal, milk – even chips!

cigarettes to grocery comparison
For the non-believers – receipt shows Judy’s haul cost LESS than the cigarettes. Photo: Facebook / Judy Kerrison

Let that be a lesson kids

We all know kids sometimes learn better when they can SEE the difference, not just hear about it. And perhaps adults do too if the response on Judy’s Facebook post is anything to go by. It’s since been shared more than 17000 times and attracted around 9300 comments. Kudos to you Judy for going to all that trouble, we’re sure your grandkids will think long and hard about these kinds of life choices.

How would you rather spend your hard-earned money – a deadly habit or feeding your family?

If you’re thinking of quitting smoking or are ready to quit smoking, give Quitline a call – they’re there to help!

If you need more inspirational stories, try these:


Avatar of Lexi Klaebe

South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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