Labour & Delivery

En Caul Births: Stunning Photos of Babies Born Still in the Sac

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Have you ever seen a birth photo that made you stop and think, “Wow. Just Wow.” 

All births are beautiful but there is something so mesmerising about an en caul birth – where bub is born with the amniotic sac still intact. Most of the time the waters break before bub comes out, but not always.

birth photos
Source: Instagram/janabrasilfotografia

Babies born en caul are said to be lucky, special or protected which is such a lovely sentiment. Folklore and mythology surrounding en caul births say that babies born en caul have a natural affinity for the water (possibly because they are literally born in it) and that they are born leaders.

Stats suggest around one in 80,000 births are en caul births. Over the years, many photographers have managed to capture the pure magic of a baby born this way and their images speak volumes!

Have a look at some of the most stunning en caul photography we’ve come across.

Baby born en caul in the car!

How’s this for a unique birth story. Not only was bub born en caul, but also en route to the hospital. Dad was driving and pulled over to snap an incredible picture of mum and bub still snug as a bug in the sac. Amazing, right?


A glimpse inside the womb

Janaina Oliveira of Jana Brasil Photography managed to capture some absolutely divine snaps of baby Noah being born en caul. Isn’t it amazing to see how babies look inside the womb – very similar to a 3d ultrasound pic don’t you think?

mum central

birth photos
Source: Instagram/janabrasilfotografia

Just look at that smushy, squishy face!

birth photos

Perfectly at peace

One of the things we especially love about en caul births is how peaceful babies look when they arrive. It’s almost as if they haven’t realised they are earthside yet, like this sleeping beauty below.

en caul births of instagram
Source: @naracte

En caul birth photography winners

Over the years en caul births have often received recognition in the form of birth photography awards. Below are just a few of the winning en caul photos in recent years.

This stunning shot below won the Delivery category in 2018’s Birth Photography Image Competition.

Birth photography winners 2018
En Caul Baby Birth by Daniela Justus

In the Birth Details category, Australian photography Cat Fancote won for this incredible image below. Wowsers!

birth photo winner Cat Fontane
Bulging Forewaters by Cat Fancote


More amazing snaps

en caul birth of twins
Protected inside and out. Source: @daddy.twinlife
mum central
Welcome baby! Source: @lifeandlens_photography
en caul births instagram
Source:  @katecarltonphotography

En caul birth video

Want to see it in action? Have a look at a video of an en caul birth below (if you dare!)


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What to read next

Check out some more beautiful birth images in our previous stories:

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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