Health Warnings

EpiPen Shortage Puts Thousands of Australian Adults and Children at Risk


Thousands of Australians relying on life-saving EpiPens are at risk as supplies RUN OUT around the country for the second time in three months!

Those with severe allergic reactions are facing a major EpiPen shortage of the life-saving adrenaline medication after supplies of the EpiPen injections run out across Australia leaving parents and allergy sufferers frustrated.

With no similar treatment currently available, Pfizer (the EpiPen manufacturer) said they were ‘working tirelessly’ to increase production, blaming the lack of supply due to ‘changes in processes’ and ‘a lack of parts’.

The shortage follows one of the company’s devices running out in November and a major epipen recall in March 2017.

Worried mum Jo Abi told Nine News:

‘It just makes me so scared because my son is 13, he needs to carry two EpiPens, they expire every year,’

It’s anticipated that more devices will be available by 23rd February, however, spokesperson Maria Said from Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia says the root of the cause needs to be properly dealt with to prevent a shortage happening again, given the ‘roll on’ issues flagged there was a larger factor at play.

‘First and foremost I think we need to get to the bottom root cause of why we’ve got this shortage and why these shortages keep happening,’ Ms Said said. 

epipen-shortageThe Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved two similar devices, however they’re yet to be made available in Australia.

Further, advice has been given to those who have EpiPens who are or about to expire, to hang onto them and that they can be used once expired, however the effectiveness of the adrenaline could be less effective given its expiration, however would be better to have on hand than nothing at all.



Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

1 Comment

  1. Children aren’t allocated Epi-pens until they are 3 years old. In the mean time their parents need to be close to a hospital, especially in country areas as not all towns have access to a Doctor 24/7 in an emergency, neither do they have a hospital close by in an emergency and ambulances can be at least 20 minutes away. Sometimes parents can get their child to a hospital before an Ambulance could arrive at their place because of volunteers having to be called and collect the ambulance.

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