
She’s BAAAACCK! The Original 90s Polly Pocket Set To Return


Be still our 90s beating hearts. Because Polly Pocket, the pint sized playmate from our childhood, is blasting back from the past.

And we’re not talking about the latest modernised versions of Polly either. Oh no. The real original, Polly Pocket. Compact clamshell houses and all.

Polly Pocket is kind of a big deal right now. She’s making many collectors a small fortune on eBay with her vintage houses selling for thousands of dollars.

mum central
Image via eBay

With the cult-like following for the little gal, Mattel has decided to relaunch the popular product, much to the delight of 90s kids everywhere.

Because what’s better than returning to the world of Polly Pocket? How about returning to this childhood world with your OWN children?

mum central

I, for one, cannot wait. And I’m pretty sure my daughter is gonna be stoked too. Except when she realises I secretly purchased the sets for myself, not her.

A sneak peek at the new Polly Pocket

Although Polly and her friends will be slightly larger than the original vintage collection, they are still itty bitty in comparison to other dolls on the market. Each doll stands less than one inch tall and comes with that signature bend in the stomach.

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What about the little shell-like houses? Yep, they are coming back too. There’s a fully-decked out two story house, a night club, a star-shaped music studio and even a tropical beach party, complete with mini inflatable floaties. I know, I’m squealing inside too.

polly pocket return studio set

Like the originals, the new compact worlds are easy to transport and come with heaps of cute accessories.

polly pocket return

Mattel is launching the new sets in June 2018 over in America. No word on if or when they will make their way to Australia. But fingers crossed they do. After all, shipping can’t be THAT much on the teeny tiny toys.

This isn’t the first product from the past that’s making a MASSIVE comeback this week. Check out the crazy return of Cadbury’s Caramilk chocolate bar, which is sending everyone into a chocolate-induced frenzy.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. Hi I am sorting through toys but don’t want to toss away things that may be valuable how do I find out and if valuable where do I sell them

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