Craft / DIY

5 Super Cute (And Dad Friendly) Mother’s Day Crafts For Kids to Make


You can’t beat a handmade Mother’s Day present.

Ok, so a few things might come close but nothing quite tops the sentimentality of a macaroni bracelet/painted flower pot/papier mâché photo frame.

While we love all that crafty goodness (really), there’s no denying it can be kind of ‘same same.’ And there’s only so much wall space available for the 340020  paper handprint paintings that appear out of the woodwork every year.

Shake things up this Mother’s Day, with these super cute, dad friendly craft projects. There’s not a piece of macaroni in sight.

5 Super Cute (And Dad Friendly) Mother’s Day Crafts

1. The bee’s knees of books

When is a book not just a book? When it’s all about mum! This cute craft project from Hello, Wonderful allows kids to make their own printable Mother’s Day book. All you need to do is choose from the 10 prompts/questions available, print them out and help your kids to fill in their answers and draw a matching picture. Prompts like ‘ I like when my mum…’ and ‘My favourite thing to do with mum is…’ are easy to answer for kids of all ages and we reckon even the most craft-phobic dad could manage this one!

mum central mum central

2. Fun with photos

We’ll give it to you straight, this strays into ‘traditional craft’ territory but with the addition of some hidden, edible delights, we’ll give it a pass. This Picture Flower Kids Craft from Made With Happy is great for the littlest family members as it doesn’t involve anything complicated. You can also rope the bigger kids in to help with the cutting and sticking parts. You’ll need some small, cardboard ‘seed starter’ pots (available from Bunnings or your local nursery) and a few other bits and pieces but the actual process is very straight forward. If you’ve got a couple of kids under your roof, you could even create a mini ‘flower patch’ for mum with a photo flower for each child.

esy Mother's day crafts for kids to make - photo flowers

3. Jewellery with a twist

Think homemade jewellery falls into the ‘too hard’ category? Think again! These DIY Mother’s Day Bracelets use colouring pages to create unique (and pretty darn cute) keepsakes. The tutorial on Persia Lou is pretty straight forward and would be the perfect project for older kids who want to create something that mum will actually want to wear (see, we told you no macaroni!)Mother's day crafts - colour in bangles

4. Fabulous Fabric (Prints)

Coming in hot in the ‘cute and also useful’ category, are these DIY Kid Art Tea Towels from Hello Wonderful. Yes, paintings are nice. They also take up valuable wall space and end up in the recycling bin (let’s be real here). This project puts a new spin on painting by shifting mediums to fabric. All you’ll need is some white tea towels and your choice of craft paints or fabric markers. A bit of drawing fun and little ones can present mum with a kid centric original  that may actually want to frame for the wall after all!

easy Mother's Day crafts - tea towels for kids to make

5. The sweetest scent

We love this idea for something a bit different; Kid-Made DIY Mother’s Day Floral Herb Perfume! The instructions, on Hello, Wonderful, are easy to follow and the whole process requires minimal equipment (yes really!) All you’ll need are some small spray bottles, fresh flowers and essential oils. We actually think that these would make a lovely facial spritz if popped in the fridge. You can tailor the recipe to your tastes by mixing and matching the essential oils and flowers used and finish off the whole thing with a handmade gift tag.

Mother's Day Craft Projects

Need some more gift inspo? Check out our guide to the gifts mum actually wants to receive this Mother’s Day.

Avatar of Naomi Foxall

Naomi is 3/4 latte drinking, peanut butter obsessed former magazine girl who now does stuff with words for a living while juggling 2.5 kids, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, husband and an unhealthy obsession with slow cooking.

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