Carla, Ethan’s mum, is only the 12th mother in Australia and NZ to have had this amazing in-utero surgery. Read Ethan’s incredible journey so far. What a little fighter!
Trigger Warning: “He came back a few hours later with a gun, demanding I go with him again. And at 2:48pm, he shot me five times in front of our children.” Please, take a moment to read this brave woman’s story. Her message is one that every woman needs to hear.
A mum’s video of her waxing her toddler’s unibrow has gone viral on TikTok. Surprisingly most of the commenters support the mum’s decision.
Imagine going 9 months without realising you’re pregnant. This is exactly what happened this 15-year-old who gave birth on her second day back at school.
A mum has shared her son’s horrific experience after swallowing a button battery and how quickly it started to cause damage.
Amber was scrolling through Instagram like she did every afternoon when she noticed a park in an influencer’s story that looked familiar. This was just the beginning…
For four years Chastity had been texting her late father, knowing she wouldn’t get a reply. Until one day, she did.
“I was surprised by the results. I didn’t know this could happen.”
Do you remember Little Hercules? He was considered The World’s Strongest Boy and, holy heck, was he ever ripped! He’s now 30 years old – here’s what he’s up to now.
Talk about a crazy birth story! This one takes the cake.
“The little companion we thought we would never have.” Dina and Patrick are good friends and now partners in parenting! This is their beautiful story!
Did you know that the Spice Girls have 12 kids between them, ranging from 23 to 5? Let’s take a look at the next-gen, shall we – meet the Spice Girls’ kids!