
Collect the Great Australian Book Collection – Great Reading for Kids Young & Old


Got a little book lover on your hands?

It’s quite likely that you do with the recently released results of the Great Australian Reading Survey revealing that 73% of children are reading books at home 5 to 7 days a week.

The survey, conducted by News Corp, aimed to uncover the reading habits of Aussie kids. The results will form the centrepiece of the national ‘Raise a Reader’ campaign launching in July.

It seems that reading still ranks as one of the most popular activities for the under 12 crowd (and in our opinion is far more useful and sustainable than anything ‘fidget spinner’ related). You can fuel that love for literacy with the launch of the ‘The Great Australian Book Collection on Saturday July 22nd.


A collection of Aussie classics

The collection features 15 of the best loved Aussie children’s books to ever hit shelves. Each title costs just $2.30 with the purchase of a newspaper. Participating papers include The Daily Telegraph, The Courier-Mail, The Advertiser, Herald Sun and other regional publications.

The first book to be released, Possum Magic, free with newspaper purchase on July 22nd, the much-loved tale tells the story of Grandma Poss and young Hush who wants to become invisible. Grandma succeeds in granting Hush his wish, only for him to decide that being invisible isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The story follows Grandma and Hush as they make their way across Australia to find the magic food that will make Hush visible once more.

Other titles including ‘Wombat Stew‘, ‘Pig The PugThe Wonky Donkey‘ and ‘Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas‘ will be released each day.

To get your hands on each book, all you need to do is:

  • purchase a copy of your chosen paper
  • present the original hardcopy token from the newspaper to your participating newsagent, Woolworths or IGA supermarket.

You can find your nearest stockist here.  For more details, visit


To celebrate the Great Australian Book Collection, we’ve got 5 x Complete sets up for grabs. To enter, simply complete the entry form below in full, tell us in the comments what you love about reading with your kids and you could be a winner!


Win 1 of 5 Great Australian Storybook Collections


Naomi is 3/4 latte drinking, peanut butter obsessed former magazine girl who now does stuff with words for a living while juggling 2.5 kids, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, husband and an unhealthy obsession with slow cooking.


    • kate schilling Reply

      Babies and young children don’t know how to read, but they can make up their own story by using the pictures and making noises which is just beautiful to watch when I turn the pages for my little man

    • Sara Simmons Reply

      I love that my daughter loves reading. Reading books, signs, menus, trips to the library… Reading opens up the world.

    • I teach Ealry Years at Primary school and I love seeing my class dive time and time again into a favourite book. Hearing me read it until they know all the words and reading it themselves. Wonkey Donkey is our current favourite. Now that my own kids are grown up and still readers, i love that my job lets me keep reading picture story books.

    • I love kids books, and i listen to my little sister read and these books would be a great and enjoyable read.

    • I’m a primary school teacher and absolutely love fostering an early passion for reading with my young students! We end up in another world when reading our favorite books, many of them written by Aaron Blabey and Mem Fox.

    • My 2 grandchildren and I have a ball every time we read our favourite books! It’s a very special time that we love to share.

    • My kids just love to be read books. My eldest is in preschool and has taken to picking books and asking to read them to us. Making up the words and hearing him create his own version of the story, particularly to Wonky Donkey, is one of the most hilarious and heartwarming things I’ve ever experienced. The joys of reading ❤️

  1. I love teading with my baby, even though she can’t understand yet, but her face lights up with the turn of every page with all the colourful pictures

  2. Millicent Stewart Reply

    I love hearing what their little minds are thinking. Nothing is funnier or can make you happier than an innocent child putting their opinion across.

  3. Angela McCully Reply

    We love getting lost in a good book. My hubby loves to do different voices which i’m not so good at.

  4. Jessica Ashbrooke Reply

    I love how enthusiastic they get at story time they really sink in the words

  5. Dale Pearce Reply

    Love that they can try and participate as they learn sight words. Makes reading fun for all of us.

  6. allirra judd Reply

    I love reading to them, the same as my mum used to for my brothers and I growing up. watching their little faces during the different sorts of stories

  7. Felicity Glindemann Reply

    I love reading to my daughter at bedtime… I think it helps relax her , she loves books but is finding it a little hard to learn to read.

  8. Richard Harrison Reply

    Love helping them sound out syllables and the happy look when they get it right

  9. Melissa Furmedge Reply

    I love watching a new world of magic and imagination open up to them with the turn of each page.

  10. We snuggle up in bed and read together so story time is also a sneaky way to get an extra cuddle in our house.

  11. Watching the little one gradually improve with each passing day, steadily moving from basic picture books to larger books of predominantly text!

  12. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    It’s a beautiful time together sharing a story and enjoying the beautiful illustrations, often with lots of giggles!

  13. Jacinta Nimmo Reply


  14. I love seeing my boys faces when we get to their favourite part of a story

  15. I love how you can see their minds ticking over, what’s going to happen next, but what if this happened?.
    Seeing the joy from reading opposed to tv and other tech items

  16. I love seeing the look on his little face as he gets to recognise the characters in stories and develops his favourites 🙂

  17. Both of my kids absolutely love reading, especially my 1 year old boy. He’ll find his favourite books, bring them over and make you read it 100 times! Whilst it gets a tad annoying after a while, I just adore his love for books!!! And his sisters too!!!!

  18. I love snuggling into Bed and reading with them each night, especially if it’s funny and we get to have a good laugh together.

  19. Kelly Lucas Reply

    I love hearing the stories my kids come up with by following the pictures while reading books that I grew up reading (they are to young to read themselves)

  20. I love reading to them and taking them into a new world of story telling and imagination !!!

  21. We love reading kids books! Its so much fun to read in different voices, and to see my boys laughing and being completely engaged in the adventure and storyline makes it more fun!

  22. Reading is an important part of a childs development. It’s also a great way to bond with your child.

  23. My boys have just started reading. Would be great to have some new books to read together

  24. I love reading with my son cause he really enjoys the nice and actions I do now that he’s in prep he is starting to read to me it. It wonderful to see how much he has grown and learnt in prep so far with letter words and reading

  25. Nicole Woods Reply

    Story time is quite possibly my favourite part of the day. The kids are all tucked up in bed and I get to read to them about magical adventures. It encourages their imaginations and we have a lot of fun talking about the books and the characters.

  26. Beth Streten Reply

    I love that my daughter (3) and son (2) bring piles of books to me and my husband each night asking us to read them. I love the excitement and delight on my children’s faces as they hear stories old and new. Most of all, I love the quality time we spend together as a family sitting and laughing as we read all the books together.

  27. Susan Mitterman Reply

    The Wonky Donkey never gets old! No matter what the age, fits of laughter ensue!

  28. I love it when my son starts creating his own stories after hearing the books we read together.

  29. Lesley Walker Reply

    The way you can change the voices, change the tone of way the story can change , no matter what words, has the child intrigued all the way through, even if heard many times over

  30. Sophie Gavrilidis Reply

    I love reading with my nieces and nephews (7) because it gives us a bonding experience and i love to see the progress they make with there reading.

  31. Hearing them giggle and laugh when you make up funny voices for each character because you know they are seeing the book come alive in their heads. That visualisation and imagination that we crave they keep.

  32. Marni Mead Reply

    I love everything about reading books to children!! My son has dyslexia and reading together help him so much.

  33. Viny Vabriany Reply

    Bonding time. Increase their comprehension skill and imagination. Its amazing how kids imagination can take you.

  34. I love that books can show my little boy the wonders of the world and transport him to such amazing places whilst still sitting on my lap!

  35. Heidi Wilkin Reply

    My son is 6 and he LOVES to read and when it gets a bit tricky for him we read to him and the joy on his face when we read a new story is the best. I also have a 3 month old who has really started getting really interested in the books i read to her. These books are just awesome to read to any age kid

  36. Reading is such a special gift you can give your kids. One-on-one time, communications skills and a sense of imagination.

  37. I am reading The Hobbit to my 7 year old grandson. It’s great fun for both of us. Childhood stories last many generations.

  38. johanna rees Reply

    I read a lot of these books to my children and am looking forward to reading them again with my grandchildren. Reading together creates a close relationship within families. I love the look on the children’s faces as they become in the stories.

  39. Caroline avard Reply

    I absolutely love reading to my grandsons. They love books and after nanny reads they get to read it back to me which is great encouragement for their development.

  40. Just having that quality time with them and introducing them to wonderful and amazing worlds

  41. Stacey Navarro Reply

    I love reading with my son as it gives us a chance to bond. Also it is a nice way to relax at the end of the day and gets us both away from our technology devices

  42. I love how my kids know some of their stories so well that when I am reading to them they ‘read’ along with me!

  43. Kelly Hayward Reply

    My husband reads my toddler and newborn a bedtime story each night. I love watching them snuggled up and intently listening to his voice, and I love seeing him feeling free to be a bit silly with the characters. It’s beautiful

  44. Susan Banyard Reply

    Love the interaction with the kids, story telling together and having a laugh while encouraging reading

  45. I love the wonder on my 3 yr old face when we turn a new page and he sees the pictures, or when he picks out a favorite book to read been if sometimes we do start at the end not the beginning.

  46. Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    I love sharing stories from my childhood plus discovering new favourites with them too. I love that special time that is set aside each night for stories and cuddles before bed 🙂

  47. I love the adventures my kids and I go on when we open a book. We can share going to so many far away places together without leaving our lounge. Sitting on our lounge with my kids and a book to share is my happy place 🙂

  48. Dawn Taylor Reply

    I loved reading to my children, and the two oldest ones I was still reading with them every night when they were in high school. With my youngest, I had health issues and by the time he was in upper primary I wasn’t reading out loud any more. Now they are grown my two oldest always have a book they are reading, and the youngest doesn’t read anywhere near as much, and I wonder if not having bedtime reading for as long has made a difference.
    I really think reading with your children, helps them to develop their own love of reading.

  49. Veronica Shine Reply

    My daughter at 21 months old is just starting to name and point at pictures when we’re reading and it’s such a pleasure to see her building her vocabulary every day and associating what’s in the stories to what she experiences every day.

  50. Lisa Phillips Reply

    I love that they go to bed once we’ve finished the story.. Just joking, I love how my 4 year old tries to read to my 2 year old by what the pictures are as we look at books together.

  51. These are awesome books to read to your children at bed time !

  52. David Hocking Reply

    These books would make the BEST gift for my friends little boy.

  53. Michelle D Reply

    I love the way kids will ask questions about something they see in the story and from there they branch off into entirely new conversations that let us get to know each other better each time.

  54. My daughter (23mnths) & I love reading daily, & now she loves to read to my bump (her baby brother who is due in 5wks).
    Her love for books is wonderful, and I love the time we spend together snuggled up reading stories

  55. I love how after I read to my daughters, that my daughters then read to their dad. What great bonding time as a family!

  56. Jodie Rogan Reply

    I love watching her pointing out the things we are reading about in books and just her mind working as she tries to understand what is going on in the book we are reading

  57. Almost every day my son amazes me with new words and sounds which he has learned from reading with mum and dad, its absolutely delightful!

  58. My daughter loves reading she gets so excited when she gets new books

  59. Duane Van Schoonhoven Reply

    ~ I love when they stay still and listen to every word while I read! ~

  60. Helga Grenkowitz Reply

    I love the way your kids learn to listen and follow a story. It’s hard work for their little brains to follow the words to understand the story and not just follow the pictures on TV.

  61. I love when they start reciting the story back to me and I realise they are actually taking it all in.

  62. Debbie white Reply

    I have two grand children Boy who is 4 and girl is 3
    They would love these great story books

  63. This collection would be great for my four year old daughter as she is always asking me to read to her every day, and she loves the times we read together

  64. Sarah Armstrong Reply

    Encouring their imagination, storytelling and expanding their knowledge base

  65. Story time is imagination time and imagination is the most wonderful gift!

  66. Cathryn Goldstone Reply

    Exploring the world through books, learning about culture and diversity, world facts and general knowledge. Teaching them through the journey of the book. Great way to interact positively with your children and gain the love of reading at the same time.

  67. Loz Jordan Reply

    I love reading with my kids just before their bedtime because it is a lovely way to connect and have cuddles as part of their wind-down routine. It is a bonus that it will help them to become better readers themselves!

  68. Anna Amoroso Reply

    The kids love books, my year 1 girl loves reading and it amazes me how quick she picked it up!

  69. Kate Slack Reply

    I love how they get really into the story especially if it is a book that i enjoyed as a kid too.

  70. isabeau lynagh Reply

    I love how they evolve when they read and how they now do funny voices for different characters and emphasise the right parts of the words. It makes me so proud and I love that I can share my love of reading with them!

  71. My baby just loves when I read to him and I would love to add these Australian classics to his reading collection.

  72. Bernarda Robinson Reply

    I love how my baby looks at the pictures and how my five year old follows along and giggles at funny bits but mostly just spending the time all together and away from screens.

  73. christine Morris Reply

    These will be perfect for my Grand Children as they love me reading to them and also following all the beautiful Illustrations, thanks for the Opportunity, Cheers 🙂

  74. Vanessa rosie Reply

    I love watching my children progress from recognising pictures, making sounds, to remembering the words to now learning to read along and read to younger siblings who are just at the beginning of their reading journey!

  75. I love the way my sons face lights up when reading a story and with how excited he is to turn the page and find out what comes next.

  76. Nikki Harrison-Mcrae Reply

    I love reading books with my kids talking about the illustrations and what they will happen next, it’s a great way yo get kids involved in reading.

  77. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    Love their wide eyed expression when it comes to exciting part of the story!

  78. Lisa Summerell Reply

    I love that i can share one of my favourite pasttimes with my kids, you can see daily how enjoyment from time together is filling that brain up, a word he didnt know yesterday to telling me the story. I also think teaching someone to read is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

  79. I love going on adventures, near and far, when reading with my littlies and forging unbreakable bonds as we battle monsters, soar in the sky with fairies and blast into far away galaxies in search of treasures!

  80. Just starting on early readers… so actually enjoying being read to by my son for once.

  81. Renee Spiteri-Elturk Reply

    My son is 7 and a half months old and loves story time. The best thing about reading to him is the excitement and joy he receives which also helps educate him which is both rewarding for him and myself.

  82. I love hearing my daughter try and retell the story to me after I have read it to her. Or making her own version of the story looking at the pictures

  83. I think that great memories are made by reading – especially to kids.

  84. Its magical time together sharing stories together and learning. Nithing better than a good book and seeing little faces light up.

  85. Hi love to read with my kids because its great fun, and with my guidance they develop their pre-literacy and reading skills so that they can go on to read by themselves before long.

  86. Kylie-Marie Reply

    We love reading books in character especially the silly ones. My 2 boys 5 & 7 just absolutely lose it when the books are funny and silly. They like to repeat the funny bits after me and then find other ways the problem could have been solved in a funny way

  87. Tracy White Reply

    Love watching my husband read with our 2 younger child ❤️ And watching their faces light up when they get to pick their favourite book.

  88. Tracey Morris Reply

    I love how my daughter looks up at me while I read books to her! Seeing the excitement, wonder & learning in her eyes is just the best!

  89. I love it when the kids let the words wash over them. Stories enable their imagination to run free. They become immersed in the characters or the rhythm and rhyme of the story

  90. james pizzey Reply

    i read to my kids now i will read to my grand children having a good selection of books keeps them interested

  91. amie grech Reply

    because it gives me time to bond with my kids while they are learning and engaged. and i can take them to any place they want to go they just have to use there imaginations

  92. felicity Turner Reply

    I love how my granddaughter has her favorite stories at Nanny’s house and she can always tell if I skip the words or dont tell the story properly.

  93. Jessica Morris Reply

    I have loved reading to my now 2 year old from get go and the bond that has been created between us due to books and the imagination she now possesses, but most of all I love how now we sit down and she “reads” her books to her baby brother. Books are about more than just the words contained in them… it’s the family time while reading those magic words.

  94. Kodie McMullen Reply

    I love that we get to snuggle up together and read stories and watch her fall asleep having sweet dreams

  95. Jude Little Reply

    There is nothing like snuggling up with your kids at the end of the day for story time. Its educational, fun, bonding and joyful. This collection would be a perfect gift for story time.

  96. we all love piling into one of our beds and snuggling as we read. Good practice for the kids and increases their vocabulary when I read. It’s a most nights routine

  97. That we all get cosy and close and seeing their reactions to the different parts of the story.

  98. How amazing to go on adventures with your children. The giggles, the excitement and the wide eyes of fright or surprise. They grow so quickly, its a precious time.

  99. Our 2 year old loves us reading to her, ever since she was a newborn. She can’t read but she can recite entire books to us, word for word. We love watching her excitement when we surprise her with a new book. This prize would be amazing for her thirst for learning.

  100. Stephanie Veljanovski Reply

    I love seeing their imagination grow as we read together. It is such a special time for us to share together.

  101. Deborah Heiniger Reply

    Reading opens up a whole new world of imagination and adventures for children to enjoy.

  102. Reading time with my kids is my favourite part of the day they have such amazing imaginations and bring the story’s to life with enthusiasm and fun perfect family bonding time.

  103. Mary Preston Reply

    Reading is more often than not a quiet, calming time. For us all. Take a break out of the day to just breathe.

  104. May Abernethy Reply

    We always read with our children and now we want to enhance our grandchildren’s experience of the same magic and wonder of reading.

  105. I love watching their expressions as the story unfolds. Some stories give them the opportunity to imagine other scenarios, which I just love the creativity.

  106. leonnie Rainsford Reply

    i love reading with my children as I love seeing them getting involved with the story and even teelling me the story after we have read them over and over

  107. A story on your lap is so much better than an app. Story time is bonding time.

  108. Maree Gray Reply

    I love the look of wonder they get on their faces as the story unfolds. Doing the voices of the characters always gets a laugh as well.

  109. We love reading new titles the kids enjoy some titles that are fun & they would this set they can read titles over & over but i would love to read new ones

  110. Selena Baker Reply

    For me it’s definitely the quiet bonding time, knowing we’re winding down for bed time. Plus it’s nice sitting on the couch with all my kids fighting over, whose going to sit on my lap!!

  111. We enjoy the stories and I love the questions about the books that create imaginative and informative discussions. I love the excitement of the children enjoying the story and working out what is going to happen next in a new book and I love that they help me read familiar stories.

  112. I love the special bonding time it gives us and the conversations that the stories lead to.

  113. I love fostering the lifelong love of learning, imagining, escaping, entertaining that only reading can do.

  114. Kristina S Reply

    I love the one on one time we spend together reading books and when they read the story back to me in their own super cute way

  115. I enjoy reading and sharing everything that contains cute,cuddly and most of all quirky.

  116. I loved the way my little ones snuggled up to me & the look of joy on their faces as we shared a story. After many years of trying my cousin in England has a little one to experience this with, I have plans to send some Aussie picture books for an upcoming birthday

  117. I love taking turns reading with both my kids, their little faces light up with such excitement when it’s story time.

  118. Snuggling up in bed ready for sleep,
    2 boys listening carefully without a peep.
    Escaping on an adventure-oh so fun!
    Time well spent with my little ones.
    We ring their dad who works away,
    Our way to connect at the end of the day.
    As a family we enjoy a good read,
    A shared love of reading-yes indeed!

  119. I love how after I’ve read them the story, my boys take turns “reading” it back to me. They are near perfect mimics of my expression and intonation!

  120. Chrissy Roberts Reply

    I love it that the kids like enjoy books. It’s so nice to share reading instead of watching them on ipads etc.

  121. Rhyming this, rhyming that, matching words my eldest is old hat.
    Little bro gets so tongue tied we belly laugh till we all cry.
    Sis has caught the rhyming bug, for bed it’s Dr Seus and a hug.

  122. Rebecca Jayne Reply

    Letting our imagination run wild! Making up alternative endings, building on the character’s stories, seeing which characters match up to which member of our family!

  123. Tammie Rees Reply

    I love the way she interacts now and tries to remember the story when you turn the page. Then you find her reading to herself saying he names of the characters

  124. I love the look of delight on younger children’s faces when they are being read to and, although annoying sometimes, I love the questions the older kids ask to increase their knowledge about the stories.

  125. Judith Ann Bryant Reply

    I Love reading to the little ones to watch their reactions to each story with lots of questions. I Love the interaction and learning that reading offers. And at times, cuddles. 🙂

  126. tracy wedding Reply

    Reading with my grand kids brings us so close we all take turns at choosing the books and it helps them recognize words and I love to see the smiles on their faces

  127. Reading to your child is the perfect way to bond and let imaginations run wild!

  128. I love when we find one of those books that we can read over and over and over and never get tired of!

  129. I love seeing the joy on my children’s face when something unexpected happens in the story

  130. Michelle Budge Reply

    Reading to your child brings you closer together. Spending time together reading is so important. They will remember these moments all their lives.

  131. My 5 year old daughter’s favourite book is Piranahas don’t eat bananas. It never fails to please and always gets a cackle out of her. She would love this set of books. Most of which we haven’t read yet so it would be great to add some newbies to the collection.

  132. Jordana Hodgetts Reply

    I love how excited my little 9month old boy gets when I read to him. He is like a little sponge soaking up everything. He loves when I read to him in different voices, and all the sound effects I make for him. I am amazed at how quickly he has been picking up words, and remembering parts of the books already! He has 5 words in his vocabulary that he can use correctly – mum, dad, dog, no, tah, and more words he can repeat back without understanding. I believe this is all through fostering his love of books starting from when he was a newborn

  133. I love when I tell my kids enough reading for the night but they always beg for just one more chapter. Which they always win. And I love the time we spend together reading the adventures.

  134. I love the watching my 8 month old’s eyes drink in the pictures of the books as I read to him, and point things out – everything is a wonder to him!!

  135. I love reading books to my children at bedtime, its the one part of the day I know I have their full attention away from tv and ipads for some quiet family time. I love the fact they listen to lively stories that help their little imaginations run wild and to but wonderful thoughts in their heads that hopefully turn into beautiful dreams whilst they are sleeping ♥♥

  136. Megan Canfarini Reply

    I love getting my kids to explain to me what we have just read in their own words. I love listening to the different ways they interpret the story and the way they let their imagination run free

  137. I love putting on all of the different voices. My daughters really enjoy that 🙂

    • Louise Patterson Reply

      I love putting on all of the different voices. My daughters really enjoy that

  138. Josie Mitzi Reply

    You have to love books and reading to kids when you work at the local library. The look on their faces is the best reward of all.

  139. I love teaching the kids to tell stories in different voices for different characters. Asking why does she sound like that.. they think more about the story.

  140. I used to read to my own Children when they were young, it made bedtime much easier. I now love to read to my Grandchildren, its a special time between us that I treasure forever.

  141. The comfort of the time together, the quietness and stillness after the crazy, the contented sighs. It doesn’t matter which story, it’s just the final rounding off of the day.

  142. Emma Murphy Reply

    With 3 kids (2 with extra needs), life can get so hectic so quickly. From the day they were born I have made it our routine to read a story at bedtime, just so that we at least have those few minutes of quiet time together every day, no matter what. I’ve always been a huge reader and I’d love for my kids to understand the value in reading and living through others, I believe that reading to them each day has shown helped me to achieve this.

  143. Candice Milner Reply

    Great for winding down at bedtime and spending time together.

  144. I would love to get the books for my 3.5yo and 7mth old. I’m always amazed at their imagination and pure joy at reading books together- it is truly heartwarming. It’s wonderful bonding for siblings and makes for memories to last a lifetime. It’s our special family time. These books are perfect to get this imaginations running wild

  145. We are expecting our first bub and I cannot wait to be able to snuggle up with him/her in a comfy chair and get lost in the world of books! Reading truly is magical!

  146. Jasmine Stanford Reply

    The main thing I love about reading with my daughter is the bonding. We are brought closer together because of a mutual love of stories and characters. Everything outside of the story is forgotten for a little while, work, school and life, are put aside so that we can share the story unfolding between the pages. It is the closest thing to magic I have ever experienced.

  147. Sarah Blockley Reply

    I love that it sets up the ground work for them to enjoy reading themselves which is good for school and adult life. I also just love the enjoyment that they get out of it when I put on funny voices and really get into the story for them.

  148. Sara Johnston Reply

    I love the way my sons snuggle in,
    To listen to every word.
    I love the pictures they choose to point out:
    The kids, the dogs, the birds.
    I love reading books on the couch,
    When they’re tired or sick.
    To escape into a different world:
    Only for a bit!
    I love reading books to my kids,
    Mostly because they’re close to me.
    To smell their hair and feel their warmth,
    There’s nowhere else I’d rather be

  149. Anne-Marie Wingfield Reply

    I love reading one on one with my girls and have that bonding time and I just love hearing their giggles when we get to funny part of the story.

  150. Kerrie Tullipan Reply

    Bedtime story time is a time honoured tradition in my family. My great grandparents read to my grandparents, my grandparents read to my parents and my parents read to me and I hope that my children will carry this tradition on with their own children. It helps build strong and loving relationships and I love watching my kids engage with me in a book and turn the pages and giggle when Mummy’s voice sounds silly as it changes to suit a character….lol

  151. April Trengove Reply

    I love reading to my children & my class. The imagination and laughter that comes from them is infectious and just adorable. The lessons I can come forth with some of stories from Aaron blabey is fantastic!

  152. Kristie Tanner Reply

    Reading with kids is a magical experience. You get to go on adventures with them and to have a chance to bond. My favourite thing though is that it odels reading outloud to others and I have seen my older children read to my youngest and that is just the best!

  153. I don’t yet have kids but when I do, I plan to read to them and with them as much as I can. My parents did this with me and it clearly showed through my schooling.

  154. I love watching my kids world grow a little larger with every book that we read.

  155. Kathy Ferguson Clark Reply

    I always read bed time stories before bed to my kids and Granddaugther

  156. yvonne ryan Reply

    its quality time reading with your child. Children love being read to and its not only good that they are learning its bonding time with your child. Its probably the only time of the day that you have one on one with your child so it really is a special time

  157. Helps to extend their vocabulary by teaching them different words from a young age. Also gets them to associate words with pictures.



  159. The excitement in their faces when you read the words and they join in!

  160. Caitlyn Healey Reply

    I love the closeness it brings. Cuddles on my lap and then the questions once his little imagination explores the story.

  161. Brittany Williams Reply

    my daughter loves to read, any moment i can get her to just stop running up the walls and do a quite activity i am happy

  162. cheerie murnane Reply

    The bath and bedtime routine is something we love, it is a quiet peaceful time we spend together, tucked up in bed and reading a story from a book they have picked out. They have their favourites and with some books they can recite the words without me even saying them just by looking at the pictures. That gives them so much pleasure.

  163. I love to watch their little faces enjoying the story and fantastic illastrations. We take our time and more often read them more than once. Just enjoying the moment with them is nice.

  164. Nothing cures a meltdown or a heart broken by a friend not wanting to play at lunch time like Mums arm wrapped around my son or daughters waist, under a quilt, escaping into a magical imaginary world in which no harm or hurt can occur. Bliss!

  165. I love cuddles with the kids on the couch or bed reading a book. Nothing soothes the soul (theirs or mine) more.

  166. Amanda-Jane Reply

    I love reading to my three youngest boys the closeness and watching their little faces light up with the biggest smiles is absolutely the best.

  167. Rachel Bletchly Reply

    My husband reads a book with our son every night before he goes to bed and I love the special bonding time it has created for them!

  168. Casey Quin Reply

    My almost two year old loves books as we started at a very young age. We read 5-10 books every day, plus extras before every nap/sleep.

  169. Bronwyn Bell Reply

    I love Aussie storybooks they are creative and hilarious I loved reading possum magic and wombat stew as a child and so did my stepson 🙂

  170. I love reading to my 3 year old daughter. She can’t get enough of reading! The library is one of her favourite places to visit. I love her joy, curiosity and enthusiasm when we read

  171. Daniel Lee Reply

    I love to read about animal adventures with my children. We are currently reading the Animals of Farthing Wood and learning about friendship and protecting the environment.

  172. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    I love that reading my with kids brings us closer together, is fun and often teaches them something new.

  173. Mary Phillip Reply

    I love to seeing the excitement and expressions on my kids face. It is clearly a special time between us, they love learning new things always looking forwards to the next day reading time!

  174. I love the expressions on my little boys face when we read to him. He is too young to understand what we are reading but he loves listening to mummy and daddy during story time

  175. I love increasing their vocabulary and letting their imaginations run wild!

  176. I love the questions my kids ask – what does that word mean? Could you really do that? Is that true? – and the great conversations a book can spark.

  177. Fiona Charlton Reply

    I love how my son loves reading and really likes some of the fabulous book characters!

  178. Luigi costantino Reply

    My son really looks forward to reading with mum and dad!

  179. I love the look on their faces when you change you voice to be a character in the book

  180. These books are timeless. I grew up on them and now I can share them with my child.


    These are all great books for children to enjoy themselves of join in with parents reading with them

  182. Reading is our bonding time. Its fun and a great chance to share.

  183. I like reading time with my children as its a great time to see how they are coping and we get a laugh at some of our choice of books.

  184. I enjoy the stories just as much as she does (children’s books are so entertaining). 🙂

  185. Kori Kollmann Reply

    The books I read when I was little like snugglepot and cuddlepie.

  186. Corin Fleming-Morris Reply

    I love having my little ones curled up against me, in their safe place, sharing stories that encourages their imaginations to grow, such special times!

  187. I love their excitement and the extended exaggeration of when they are re-telling the story.

  188. Kasey Evans Reply

    I love the adventures we go on, my voice changes to blend with the story and the exciting looks my child gives eagerly awaiting what’s on the next page.

  189. catherine burns Reply

    I love when I read to my children that we to “travel” to different times and places.

  190. gail davies Reply

    My gorgeous granddaughter is only 2 but she absolutely loves books and reading to her gives me great pleasure ,,,

  191. Sarah Phillips Reply

    I love that is nice, quiet time that we can share together at the end of a hectic day. I love hearing my kids sound out words they think they can’t read. Reading is such an amazing skill to have.

  192. Lauren Barnes Reply

    Cheeks lush shimmering bright,
    Reading cat in hat to my son.
    Making him smile with plenty of delight.
    Nighttime we bond with so much fun.

  193. Rebecca Costa Reply

    The best thing about reading with your kids is the excitement on their faces when their imagation takes them to the story and then they want to learn the words so they can read it themselves, such precious!

  194. Julie Pede Reply

    I love the questions they ask,
    I love the shear delight on their face,
    I love to read a book through their eyes,
    and to share a warm embrace!
    I Love to snuggle up upon their bed,
    With their arms around their favourite Ted.
    I love to look at the pictures as they point,
    And tell me about their favourite things!
    I see their world through their eyes
    How it’s a magical thing!
    I love the way they hang on my every word,
    And turn the pages eagerly,
    I love the way they always believe
    I love the way they read the story too me,
    And I love the way they stop me walking out the door
    But most of all I love the way they always get “just one more”!

  195. Jennalee Ratley Reply

    My Son 3 is wonderfully Autistic and ADHD and reading to him has been the best gift. We are able to enjoy quality time together that can be quite, if needed to help him cope when overwhelmed ( we can block out the world and he can focus on my voice which to for keep is safe and calming) or if we are having a good day at home I can use silly voices to try and make him laugh! Reading brings such joy. All whilst helping
    Him learn new words/sounds and we hope in the future to use books to explain things like emotions and social interactions and situations. My son is visual so books are his best way of engaging and understanding

  196. Melanie Kelly Reply

    I love reading to my son in bed just before he goes to sleep because I have his undivided attention and I love to watch him being so engrossed in the story I am ready to him.

  197. Brian O'Keefe Reply

    I just love reading to Luka and discussing the stories
    – discussing the artwork
    – discussing the lessons the characters have learn’t
    but best of all I love the close genuine cuddles and peck – grandad’s reward!

  198. Terri Todd Reply

    I love reading because it gives us quality time together and gives a good example for future learning

  199. Shaun Madden Reply

    I hope my daughter gets to read as many classic books as i got to when i was younger.

  200. izabella di tomasso Reply

    The glint in their eyes when the magic of reading touches their hearts…brings me so much joy!

  201. Nothing beats being snuggled up in bed with my kids reading a good book, The closeness, the laughter, the adventure…. Plus they are learning at the same time…

  202. I love how when I read to my kids, they notch down their loud unpleasant noises a few decibels 🙂

  203. I love to see my kids’ eyes light up when their favourite characters have adventures.

  204. Stacey Lagana Reply

    I have just completed the “1000 Books Before School” challenge with my 3 year old. It took 9 months but we did it! When we reread a book, he remembers a bit more each time until he gets to the point that he sits up in bed, and starts telling me the story. That moment, when he is fully engaged in the story, loving the books, and the quality time, is what I love most about this time.

  205. Nicola Busch Reply

    I love watching their imaginations run wild while reading!

  206. Elizabeth Kaminski Reply

    I love the magic you can see in their little faces as their imagination kicks in and the story takes over. It is such a special moment What a fantastic proze – fingers crossed!

  207. Cindy Nickels Reply

    I love storytime with my grandson for the closeness between us, sitting on my lap, and how he gets so captivated with the characters and pictures. I can feel his little body tensing up as I change the tone and emotion in my voice to go with the story and his little eyes looking up at me, seeking reassurance that all will work out well, and then to feel his little body relax against me as it all ends happily ever after. And then to hear “Another book Nanny…”‘, Ahhhh, we could do this all day……

  208. Bethany Allen Reply

    Reading with my parents was the highlight of my childhood. Through their voices, and the words on the page, I was taken to far-off places, saw the most exquisite sights, all from the comfort of my parent’s knee. Now, reading with the little ones, I see the lights in their eyes as their imaginations bring my words to life, I see them tracing the intricate illustrations on the pages, and asking questions about the world around them. They engage more than ever when we’re reading, and I can’t get enough of it!

  209. Lauren Hunt Reply

    Reading is a family affair. We each take a turn whilst sitting on our storytelling chair. Sometimes dressing up as a character builds the adventure. From Wizards to Princesses occasionally with venture.

  210. Them taking joy out of going to bed, going to bed can be a chore and a half in itself sometimes, but when they are settled in and we read them the stories they picked out, it’s nice.

  211. I love the very visible effect reading stories has on my young children. Not only do they enjoy sitting quietly to hear a story, they also love spend hours drawing pictures re-imagining what they’ve heard, playing dress-ups re-enacting tales and making up their own story variations.

  212. Kylie Embury Reply

    The quiet time, the cuddles, the laughter and fun! Discovering new worlds through books and opening that door into reading, so they will forever be able to escape with a good book!

  213. Tanya Elston Reply

    My girls don’t know read yet. But I love reading to them every night. We look at pictures and they ask about who they are and where the story will take them.

  214. Rebecca Ziersch Reply

    My son (22months) loves books. It’s a lovely quiet bonding time. James will pick out his favourite book and bring it to me to read to him. I love watching his face light up as we read together or we get to his favourite character.

  215. The joy of listening to my girls read and enjoy books has been amazing. My middle child has only just started to read and she amazes me how involved she gets in to a story.

  216. Reading together allows a bond to grow, imagination to soar, brains to develop, and eyes to widen. We have so much fun reading in our family, and to hear our kids reading their favourites to a sibling or cousin just melts my heart.

  217. I love sitting down together at the end of a long day and that closeness that happens when you snuggle in reading them a story ❤️

  218. I love reading with my 2 boys because it means we can spend quality time together as well as having fun… my boys love when I do lots of different voices for the characters and act it out to bring the story to life. They now do the same. Reading is a magical and we love it.

  219. I love the way reading certain books evoke memories of reading from my childhood. Possum Magic reminds me of my nan reading it to me.

  220. I am 26 weeks pregnant with my first. While I am born and bred Australian, my husband is from the Republic of Georgia and already has an amazing collection of Georgian stories and well known Georgian books. I am looking forward to being able to give our child an opportunity to immerse themselves in both cultures through stories and pictures while bonding and sharing quality time together as a family.

  221. It’s about the cuddles and bond. We have stories together and individually. We also follow the concepts of print to include learning in a fun environment and it’s all part of the natural reading process.

  222. Zoe Dunlop Reply

    My eldest reads to me. He’s 7 and loves to read. I adore watching his reading ablity grow. His little brother and sister (2 and 4) get such enjoyment listening to him as well. The closeness and love they share reading warms my soul.

  223. Alisha Ward Reply

    I love reading to my children and having that quiet cuddly time. We read some books so often that my 4.5 year old has memorized the story.

  224. I love reading with my child. The best part is seeing/hearing his own interpretationofthe story/pictures.

  225. I love our night time story. Bathed, all snug in warm pjs and blankets reading with my son. Smiles, laughs. It’s great to see them use their imagination and guess what’s happening! Treasure these moments each night… we are raising our kids to be bright; intelligent and have their own creative souls!

  226. Carli Penley Reply

    I love reading with my boys, and hearing them try and copy what is being read to them, its a big help with my eldest and his speech delay

  227. My 3 kids ( now 17,19 and 20)all loved books when little and loved having story time and now I’m hoping my almost 1 year old will have the same love

  228. Jessica Giles Reply

    My son’s face just lights up when we read, he loves choosing a book and reading together. He even pretends to read by himself, since he can’t actually read yet, but he’s great at imagining with the pictures.

  229. Kimberley Smart Reply

    I love reading to my kids at bed time, its a great wind down routine and it gives my kids the imaginationto dream a lovely dream after being read a story

  230. Would love to add these to our collection. My kids choose the books then its story time to relax them to sleep .

  231. I love the enthusiasm my kids feel about reading books. I’m pleased I read to them as babies and they have grown to love books as I do.

  232. Mary Irwin Reply

    The sneaky cuddles. With a range from 6 months to 9 years sometimes the only snuggles I get from Miss 9 are when we are reading Harry Potter or the Spell Sisters together

  233. Story time means cuddles and bonding time. Now its even more special when my 2yr old helps try to read to my 3mth old.

  234. My little one has been asking about these books. Keep missing the paper though…..we live in a rural area. She loves to look at the pictures and lobes her nightly book routine. I know she would love these books as many of us did growing up to read them. Good luck everyone.

  235. just the excitement she has in her eyes when we read her favourite books in funny voices and she cuddles into the crook of our arms and when we are finished that she wants another book read to her, it would be endless if she had her way

  236. Amy Hucker Reply

    Rapunzel, Harry Potter, Katniss
    These are characters we can’t miss
    Neverland, Narnia, Mordor
    Are some of the places we adore.
    Let’s go on a bear hunt
    Let’s go find spot
    How much can a caterpillar eat
    Before he’s gonna pop.
    Each page is a brand new door
    That we simply must explore
    So many memories to for us to keep
    And just where IS that green sheep?

  237. Catherine D Reply

    Each night going to bed includes picking out a book, and reading it together. Sometimes, it is even the same book for a few days. It is so exciting to see them develop a love of words, imagination and reading.

  238. Alicia Henn Reply

    I love reading with my daughter because i love the way it opens her imagination. Plus the cuddles whilst we lay reading.

  239. My 3 yr old loves having books read to him – by me and his dad and his big sister! It’s so lovely to listen to them together!

  240. Kirstina.w Reply

    I love cuddling in my daughter’s bed reading her a book before she goes to sleep. She just started school so at the moment we take turns reading words as she is learning how to read.

  241. Kimberley Miller Reply

    I love when I sit down and read with my 2 yr old sone that he is so drawn in by the pictures. He loves to follow a long as I point to the words. Each time he chooses a different book so he is learning new things

  242. Lisa Coyle Reply

    I love that reading with my 2 year old son gives him the opportunity to learn language such as new words, rhyming sounds and vocal expression.

  243. I am a big reader and I love spending time with my boys reading with them and expanding their language and using their imagination.

  244. Love to read just about everyday with all my school kids and watch them become very creative with their own stories through listening to the stories that are read to them.

  245. I can’t wait to read these books to my daughter, after 3 years of trying we finally got our miracle and she deserves the best!

  246. I absolutely love reading to my daughter, but I love listening to her read aloud even more. It’s amazing how much and how quickly they learn new words and meanings. I especially love when she gives life to the characters in the books she reads by giving them different speaking voices.

  247. Jess Murray Reply

    Mine is not here yet but my niece is crazy for books. They would be for her. She takes all her favs to bed and you have to choose from them to read to her. Usually peppa pig it would be a nice change

  248. Amanda Hamiora Reply

    I love it when after I read to my kids a story they at a young age want to read me the same story. I love seeing their proud little faces.

  249. I love being able to introduce my daughter to all the books that I read when I was little. Being able to snuggle with her as we read at the end of the day is an awesome way to bond as well as unwind after a busy day.

  250. I love cuddling up to my grandkids and reading with them. Watching them enter new world’s and new adventures, I love seeing things through a child’s imagination

  251. Melissa Cornford Reply

    Its a great bonding time. Plus no fighting, they both pick a book each.

  252. Emiley Leray Reply

    A beautiful collection of books to hopefully help bedtime run smooth and easy

  253. Anything by Aaron Blabey, my kids adore his books they are all fantastic, the pictures are beautiful and they are wonderful rhyming books too.

  254. Sara MacDonald Reply

    I love it when i am reading to my son and he questions the story or uses his imagination to add to it.

  255. Kylie Heath Reply

    My husband reads with our daughter every night. I love the special bond they have and reading together is something they both love to do.

  256. My 8mth old loves ‘The Wonky Donkey’, his little arms and legs go crazy when you start reading it to him and he tries to do the “Hee Haw”

  257. Nicole Bartlett Reply

    I love that my husband reads to our girls before bed each night. It’s a beautiful bonding time for them.

  258. I love the excitement in miss 2 when we read her books together and her try to repeat the story after she hears it.

  259. Love spending quality time with my kids reading their favourite stories and love that they are learning to read and that they use their imagination to come up with what happens after the story finishes.

  260. Christina E Reply

    I love how after reading my kids a book they go around reciting the sentences for days. Plus the little ones try to read thd book them selves, refusing help from anyone. Love jow much they love to read.

  261. I love reading wombat stew. It reminds me of the days that I would lay in bed as a child and have my big sister read to me. She passed away four years ago. I love reading these books to my girls.

  262. It doesn’t matter how he day has panned out, once it’s bedtime and I’m sitting on the bed reading my girls a story, I have their full attention! We all snuggle together to look at the book and every night is a different story! To them, it’s a new adventure and to me, it’s a chance to wind down

  263. I love it when my son eventually uses new words from books that we read regularly. It has really helped his language along, even though he is only 20 months!

  264. I love reading with my girls. They read stories from looking at the pictures, so there’s a different, funny and unique story everytime. I love that!!!

  265. I love seeing their minds and imaginations come alive, and when they go away for a while and then come back and ask questions about the books. You know they’ve gone away and their little minds are thinking about all the fantastic things they’ve just heard.

  266. My son has Asd an me reading to him each night has helped him from reading at level 1 to 6 mths later he is now readibg at level 7 the smile on his face knowing he is going ahead is beautiful an ne having them beautiful cuddles each night …

  267. Melissa Longmire Reply

    My daughter and i read every night. I can recite where is the green sheep without looking at a word. Lol

  268. I love that sharing our love of reading now has my 4yr old reading to his younger brother.

  269. Eriin wright Reply

    My son is 5 and in prep this year. So he his rwading has really taken off. He is getting so smart. And the joy in his little eyes when i read to him is heart warming.

  270. Verity Bottcher Reply

    I love listening to the enthusiasm my almost 7 year old has when reading stories that I loved reading too, and how my 1 year old really gets in and is so attentive, when listening to her big sister read them.

  271. Carlin Lee Reply

    I love sharing the joy of reading with my children. I love that it can transport them to other worlds (a journey we can share), give them knowledge and foster imagination.

  272. So many of my childhood memories came from the imaginative stories I created while reading my books. I read to my son every night after his bath and it’s not only a wonderful bonding time for us but as he grows he will remember the classics forever, just as I do. X

  273. Yvette anderson Reply

    My and my 2 boys read every night it is a special part of our lives that we enjoy together. Reading was a big part of my life growing up and with all the new technology reading is something that I have shown my boys is a great way to unwind and relax and open up to a world of imagination.

  274. I read to my 5 year old and 3 year old every night and I love seeing their faces light up and laugh when I make up silly voices. Reading was a big part of my childhood and I loved to escape into different adventures. The library was my favourite place and now it’s my 3 year olds and she has to take books everywhere which makes me feel so proud.

  275. Melissa Grubb Reply

    I love seeing my girls exploring the pages, learning to recognising words and relating the words to the pictures. Hearing my littlest try and tell the stories along with us.

  276. My baby is still in my tummy but already I read to him/her. I love knowing s/he can hear my voice and we get that quiet bonding time together. I can only hope my love of books is passed on!

  277. Sarah Jennings Reply

    Reading time before bed is so peaceful and calming for my girls (5 & 2) they lay there snuggled up as I read. They love when i do different voices for the characters too.

  278. Absolutely love the enjoyment they get and look on my boys faces when I’m reading them books. Also love how even tho my two younger ones who can’t read yet can sit for ages “reading”. Most days when I ask them where they would like to go for a quick outing, the library usually wins.

  279. i am due to give birth in 5 weeks and already my husband and i are reading to our little one. we are working on a good collection of books for bubs bookcase and hoping bub will enjoy reading as much as we do

  280. The feeling of them curled up on my lap, contentment of the moment as they are immersed in the moment of storytime and imagination.

  281. I love when the kids retell the story back in their own special way

  282. My 18 month olds favourite activity is reading book after book! We love cuddling up together with a good book and I just adore watching the way she engages with the story.

  283. I love how my girls started understanding what they were reading so young and they use great expression now when they read. I love their great sense of humour and how books can make us laugh out loud together.

  284. I love that we all settle down and relax together. Its the only time that all 3 of our girls huddle together and listen in anticipation. It is real family binding time x

  285. I have 2 young daughters who are just starting to learn to read. They have already starting to make letter and word association from the time I have spent reading to them. I remember alot of these books from when I was a child and I would love to continue the tradition and help make lasting memories of their own. Xoxox

  286. I love watching my 3 year old react to the story. I love how it teaches him about emotions, and I love that it promotes imagination. I love that when we read every night we are strengthening our relationship, his vocabulary and his love of language.

  287. The excitement in my child’s voice when I read to him. Especially the old favourites where I remember the tones and voices in which I heard them read to me when I was a little girl. Its the one activity we really can connect. I’ve turned my child into a bookworm & I love it.

  288. Reading to my kids brings closeness and bonding time. It’s a great way to spend some quiet time during the day and the kids love it.

  289. Lisa Williams Reply

    Reading transports my little girl to other worlds and teaches her vital things like empathy and resilience.

  290. I love bringing the pages to life and have them hanging on my every word when reading to them. It’s so lovely in a digital word to have good old fashion family time. Nothing like getting your nose stuck into a good book and reading it so often you know the words off by heart and the pages are sticky taped together for you’ve read it to death.

  291. I love listening to my eldest, who started school this year, grow in confidence with her reading. I also love sharing my childhood favourites with her.

  292. Beautiful, fun & amazing stories by fabulous Authors. Reading to our Children is such a precious time for us all & then as they grow older helping them to read themselves with their determined little faces & smiles of delights when they are learning is the best feeling. They then read all these stories again & again, never growing tired of them. No matter what technology brings or supplies, it will never take the place of of having a Child looking at the pictures, learning & reading a wonderful Book. We’ve all been were our Children have been & many of us never loose the love for reading & holding a paper copy Book. Books, help us to console our Children, to help them into dream land, to keep them busy, to mesmerise them, to make them smile & giggle, to help them ask questions, to learn & to grow & much more. This collection of books is an absolute delight & any Child would adore them.

  293. Elham Nassiri Reply

    we love to read to our 2 8 months, the eagerness in his eyes, his absolute attention to every word and mostly great memorable times for all of us are the reasons we read to our boy.
    I enjoy listening to him talking when dad is reading at bed time.
    This grew a sence of book enjoyments for our son too.

  294. I love reading with my daughter and watching her imagination and vocabulary grow. Each night before bed we are transformed into an amazing ‘new world’ to explore, which inevitably becomes the basis for a tale, or role play game for Miss 3 the next day.

  295. My 5 & 7 year old kids love to read to their baby sister. It’s heart warming to watch them bring the book to life ❤️

  296. I love how my 3 year old always has 100 questions after each story we read and how excited she gets when we have a new book to read.

  297. As a working mum it’s hard to spend a lot of quality time with my daughter and reading every day is a great bonding experience for us both. We both get excited when it come to the snuggle and story time part of the day.

  298. Reading is part of the nightly ritual and give this working mum a little quality time with my five year old.

  299. I love feeling bubs kick when daddy reads to him. Can’t wait to hold him in my arms and share my love of books with him

  300. My daughter’s face lights up when I tell her to go choose a few stories to read. She might be my big 5 year old now but she’s never too old to sit on my lap and soak up the adventures we go on together through imagination! And now my 5 month old son is here to join in too. Reading, the most valuable gift you can teach a little person.

    • I love reading with Miss 3 before bed each night. I read the book first & then she decides whether or not she wants to read the book herself & base the story on the pictures or if she actually wants help with the words! Makes for very interesting story time, every time!!

  301. I love reading to my 14wk old little girl! I want books to be a big part of her childhood!

  302. Melissa Wrigleyrigley Reply

    My children bed every night with a bedtime story. They love new books

  303. I love the cuddles that come with story time, the looks of enjoyment on their faces, and hearing my kids use words and phrases they have picked up from their latest favourite book.

  304. Tracy astbury Reply

    My kids love bedtime reading! And I love how they are excited to read to me even if they make up their own stories to the pictures they have great imagination and reading books have expanded their minds to enrich all aspects of life

  305. I love the look of excitement on their faces and the connection that we share when reading together.

  306. Tracey Taylor Reply

    A child needs to hear 1000 stories before they can tell one.Reading is as much about storytelling as it is about learning, spending quality time together, being physically close and giving total attention.

  307. Sharon Ford Reply

    I love reading to my kids each night. It is a great way for us all to relax and spend some special quiet time together snuggled up with a book.

  308. Thao Soares Reply

    My little one loves it when I read to him. He giggles and smiles with every change in my voice. It sounds like he’s on a fun roller coaster of words. I love how reading provides us with such a beautiful bonding time.

  309. My kids love reading. My 7yo daughter is really getting into reading to herself. My 9yo son is loving chapter books. They still love having books read to them though, but they get a thrill when reading their favourite books to me.

  310. I’ve always loved reading myself, so I have really enjoyed being able read to my daughter, and of course the bonding that comes with a lengthy reading session. But lately I have so loved watching her create her own little stories, and absolute my favourite time, she has been trying to read a book to me every night.

  311. I love the excite on a child face when you read them a story. Also love we you read your child’s favorite book and they read along with you too.

  312. Fiona Safadi Reply

    Love reading stories with my little ones. Nothing beats sitting together sharing a book. It’s our favourite part of our bed time routine too. Snuggled in bed sharing a story fills your sleep with magic. I love it even more now that 2 of my kids can read for themselves. Listening to them read their favourite stories warms my heart.

  313. Kellie Mac Reply

    I love tge look in their eyes as they engage in the story and the questions they ask as we read. It opens up all these thoughts and they learn so much. Also I like reading in different character voices haha

  314. Michelle Lasek Reply

    I am a grandmother of two both live in another state. I skype alot with them and wpild love to be able to read them bead time stories iver skype.Thanks

  315. Its the last thing on our night time routine. 1-2 books before sleep. Love to cuddle in bed together and a read. My little one even has a go at ‘reading’ back to me.

  316. I love the rhyming books, our son loves them too, it’s easy to read and make up different sounds and voices, he’s loves repeating his favourite books.

  317. I love how reading with my children each day is a chance to reconnect and strengthen bonds. We all squish together huddled around the book, smiles and giggling. The closeness created while reading is what I love most and shows to my kids they are important and loved.

  318. Jessica Gabris Reply

    My eldest has just started reading so at the moment my favourite thing about reading with my kids is watching my son (just turned 6 yesterday) read to his little sister (3) – these books would be an amazing addition to our book collection.

  319. Lyndelle C Reply

    My husband and I have read to our son every night and now our 5 year old has started reading to us. Nothing beats those memories of sharing new books and time spent together.

  320. I love seeing the moment the book sets off the imagination in my child’s eyes, no matter how far technology goes nothing can compare to what reading a story book with your child creates.

  321. I have a 9 yr old daughter & 20 month twin girls. My eldest loves reading and i love listening to her read but most of all i love when she reads to her baby sister’s as they just sit with her and listen word for word and point at the pics while my eldest tells them what they ( the pics ) are.

  322. A Langfield Reply

    My two little ones have loved books since they were babies. Each night they each pick a story and we snuggle down to read them for bedtime. I love seeing their vocabulary and imaginations grow, not to mention our extra bonding time. Sometimes Mr 5 asks to put little sister, Miss 3, to bed and I peek in to see him reciting a story to her. Mr 5 is just starting to learn to read small words and loves practicing his alphabet by spelling out words as we go. Thanks for the opportunity.

  323. Reading together is a great bonding experience and allows us to explore our whole universe from our loungeroom.

  324. I Love reading with my kids and listening to my 6yo read to the younger siblings. The kids love discussing the pictures and what’s happening. The snuggles and experience is one to treasure!

  325. Reading to my 4 yr old granddaughter gives me immense pleasing by allowing myself to become the characters in the story which she thinks is funny because of all the different voices and expressions I use. Her little eyes light up when we tell her it’s bed time…and secretly so do mine… all the stories we read together bring back so many memories of all my own childhood. These stories enhance her imagination…bless her.

  326. My son has always had a love for reading but has always struggled with reading so we made reading a daily routine. I love reading with him because I love seeing the progress he has made with his reading and seeing the passion he has for books even when he he struggles.

  327. My grandchildren live overseas & would love to send them Aussie books so they don’t miss out on things from their Aussie Nanna. My granddaughter is just starting to read for herself & she reads (what she can) to her baby brother regularly so these books would be great x

  328. I love reading to my 4 children! It not only helps them to learn to read themselves one day but it also creates many wonderful memories that i am sure they will cherish forever.

  329. I love seeing what my children read become incorporated in their own storytelling. Once upon a time…

  330. Jennifer Higgs Reply

    I love to animate the stories and actually escape into the story with the kids.

  331. Arlene Brown Reply

    I have grandchildren and one in particular just loves to read. I believe that reading is very good for children and it stimulates their imagination.

  332. I love to see the joy on faces as you read a new story or even an old favourite.

  333. I love to reading books and seeing the smile on the face. Books will shape the imagination of the kid and will help them. I even enjoy reading them myself.

  334. Ann Bryant Reply

    I Love the close time spent reading to my kids and watching their little brains tick over 😀

  335. I love watching their little faces intrigued in a new story, hanging on my every word

  336. Elisabeth Martins Reply

    Spending quality time with the kids,
    They always pick out the book,
    and I love seeing their faces light up as I read,
    they enjoy the stories,
    and sometimes we even make our own up.

  337. Sharon Markwell Reply

    Reading takes us all out of the room to a new world of intrigue and mystery. We’re all bookaholics in our happy family.

  338. Jud Peters Reply

    What I love about reading to my kids is the interaction between them and myself and the questions, which prove they are listening and learning and enjoying with me.

  339. I love spending good quality time with my girls reading a book. I think they see too many screens these days with ipads tv etc. It’s bonding and getting back to good old basics.

  340. Lauren Ibbotson Reply

    My son actually sits still for more than 5 minutes. Its some lovely quiet time right before bed.

  341. Shannon Waters Reply

    I love reading to my 7 month old and watching his little face light up as he listens to the patterns in my voice

  342. I love making my 6 month old laugh and smile when we read to her. She loves the funny voices and accents we read with and the exaggerated facial expressions we pull, as well as looking at the pictures

  343. hayley murrells Reply

    I love reading to my 2 year old (today is his birthday!) and my 4 year old sons before bed. They pile up the books and sometimes fall asleep in my arms as we read because they want LOTS of book before bed. It is a great part of our day.

  344. Wendy Hatton Reply

    I love that the kids can read/hear the same favorite stories over and over and still delight in them, find new things in them and feel satisfaction and pleasure. It makes story time a little bit amazing and magical.

  345. As a teacher and foundation mum this year, I’ve seen for hand the beauty of reading with my little 5 year old hitting reading benchmark above expected level! All those nights reading when she was 6 months has paid off already!

  346. I love reading to my kids (four of them) and watching their faces when the hear the story. They get excited when its their turn to choose the book for story time. As the older two get older i enjoy listening to them. Reading to them when they were young has paid off they all enjoy reading it just great to watch xxx

  347. Karen Harris Reply

    Reading time is a time to teach your children the amazing gift of reading and imagination. It is also a time for my children to talk and raise questions they have in general.

  348. I love seeing their little facial expressions as I read to them. I love watching them process all the information

  349. Melinda Bolitho Reply

    Book time is precious time. The one moment of the day where we sit (mostly) still and dedicate our time to each other. We laugh, we hug & I treasure the time – I know it won’t last forever!

  350. My 5 year old is learning to read in Prep. He loves being able to read to his 3 year old brother, and will hopefully start reading to our new baby when it arrives too! Reading is a big part of bringing up my children.

  351. I have a 5 year old step son that I regularly read to as a bonding time for him and myself. I am currently 3months pregnant and would love to have some of my child hood books to help bond baby and big brother

  352. I love the excitement on my two boys faces when I read them a new book before bed. My two year old refuses to put ‘The Very Cranky Bear’ down.

  353. Krystal-Murray Reply

    Reading with my autistic son is sweeter than chocolate.
    Books provide a ‘Bounty’ of ways to enter his world and funny books always generate ‘Snickers’ !

  354. The one-on-one personal time with the kiddies… no tv nontous just us. Then just when your about to tear your hair out for being asked to read the same book for the 100th time, he says “I’ll read it to you now mummy” and he does and even remembers to chuck in the extra makeup bits I did…. special times and memories I’ll keep forever

  355. I love introducing my children to the magical worlds found in the pages of books

  356. I love our reading time because I get to cuddle up with my kid and not worry about doing things around the house.

  357. Nicola Childs Reply

    I love watching my 1 year old son start to recognise animals & other things in books. I love when he brings us a book to read to him.

  358. We read together every night and at 3.5yrs she has started trying to tell us the story by the pictures before we read to her. Great for the imagination.

  359. I love that my daughter loves to read books with me and all the new things she learns to let her imagination grow and how happy it makes her.

  360. Margaret Mary Reply

    I love that my son’s imagination just runs wild when we’re reading -can barely get a book finished before he’s retelling and embellishing the story. Love it!!!

  361. When I was growing up, I remember the joy of reading these Australian stories. What a blessing it has been to be able to pass on this joy by reading these stories to my own children. A love of reading a gift that gives for a lifetime.

  362. Michelle T Reply

    I love that my 18 month old son knows that reading books is part of his bedtime routine. He picks the books every night and I love our cuddles as we enjoy each story. He also loves bringing them out to the lounge room during the day and looking at the pictures.

  363. Rebecca Drosse Reply

    I love hearing the progress my older kids are making in their reading skills, and it’s very cute to listen to my 3 year old “read” to himself (making up the story based on the pictures). 🙂

  364. “Mummy I can’t sleep till you read me a story” is my favourite saying

  365. I love that reading with my son opens up his imagination and that he asks questions to learn more about topics we read about,

  366. Reading time with my son is something we both look forward to. It’s our special time of the day to spend together cuddled up under a blanket sitting on a pile of pillows. I love being able to share my love of books with him and open him to new and exciting world through turning a page

  367. It makes me feel young again! Reading with my kids reminds me of the endless hours my grandmother, who raised me spent reading stories to me.

  368. I love reading to my 4.5 month old. He is just starting to sit and look at the pages. It something special we do together and helps them learn

  369. I love hearing the laughter of my toddler when we read a new book.. it is absolutely magical!

  370. Marg CHAFER Reply

    I love seeing the excitement and joy on their faces when I read to them. It is a really special time for us.

  371. The closeness, I remember snuggling under my grans chin while she used to read to me as a child

  372. I love the way my kids and I spend some quite time reading and learning, we have done this everyday for the last 3 years.

  373. I love that it encourages their imagination and it is great bonding time with my kids. I also have an excuse to read my old childhood favourite books again

  374. I love reading with my 2 year old as she is at the perfect age to be able to sit there and enjoy a story but also start to get her to recognise words so she can start to read herself.

  375. Sacha Pech Reply

    I love reading to my two kids. Each story is an exchange of information and knowledge no matter how trivial the book might be. Watching them light up and engage in the story, putting on funny voices and seeing them genuinely enjoy reading on their own is fantastic.

  376. I think there is no better bonding time than sitting and reading with your child

  377. I love that my kids are taken on a magical journey into imagination and developing a love of reading that will be with them throughout life 🙂

  378. The feeling of accomplishment when the little ones can read a whole sentence! They love getting excited about what is on the next page. Their little minds are so imaginative and full of creativity.

  379. they sometimes tell better stories using their imaginations than the books do

  380. I love their excitement and their infectious giggles. I love reading stories to them that I was read when I was their age and most of all I love it when they read books to me that I have been reading them since they were born 🙂

  381. Lynne Lillington Reply

    I love their excitement when they know somethings coming up, how quick they memorise a book and know when you skip a bit. How it’s our time,how happy they are to hold your arm cuddle in and like to be read to.

  382. Leanne Bree Reply

    Watching their little faces light up in anticipation
    hanging on every word
    stirring their imagination
    Sharing this close togetherness they’ll remember always

  383. cheryl ellis Reply

    I love the expression on my grandchildren’s faces when I read to them and their excitement of what is going to be on the next page their love of the pictures and the story, how they pick there favorite book and if you try and trick them and skip a page they know straight away. Reading is for life and sets them up for the future in so many ways

  384. Grace Baker Reply

    My kids enjoy reading books, It improves their spelling and language and helps there imagination.

  385. hayley shaw Reply

    I love the way their innocents come through so naturally – when they find something so absolutely hilarious that they laugh a big belly laugh! its beautiful!

  386. literacy opens doors and reading to young children improves their literacy, it is so important

  387. I love that each night my little girl says “bookie” and she runs to the shelf to pick which one we will read. She has just turned 2 and it’s become such an enjoyable part of our routine. Besides the bonding time I can see her vocabulary improving everyday! It’s so rewarding.

  388. Ashley Beech Reply

    We love reading books
    big and small.
    Changing our voices,
    or mimicking a lion’s roar.
    Storytime brings laughter and fun
    at the time we say bye to the sun.
    Now it’s time to go to sleep,
    can you ee? We’re counting heep.

    • Ashley Beech Reply

      We love reading books
      big and small.
      Changing our voices,
      or mimicking a lion’s roar.
      Storytime brings laughter and fun
      at the time we say bye to the sun.
      Now it’s time to go to sleep,
      can you see? We’re counting sheep.

  389. Jacoba Evans Reply

    Kids love all the different voices required for different characters when reading to them. They love all the pictures that come to life when you are reading a book.

  390. I don’t.
    “Dad, what happened to the princess?”
    “Dad, what’s that mean?”
    “Dad, why do i ask 32,000 questions?”

    “Please…. Go to sleep… PLEASE!”

  391. Kristina S Reply

    Books are so much fun! My kids love them and I work in a kindergarten class who adore them. To watch kids who struggle to sit still, sit entranced, waiting with anticipation on what’s going to happen next. They get it, the moral to the story, giggle at all the right parts. It’s just a precious thing to watch and Aaron Blabey is their favourite author. He just gets kids.

  392. I have read stories to my little boy Tom since he was born. He was born prematurely at 31 weeks so I felt reading was something I could do while having a lot of skin to skin contact to encourage Tom to hear my voice.. today he is 18 months old and loves walking to the bookcase and grabbing a book and we read often… such a joy to see the delight.. if I was to win I like to donate the books to the Mercy Hospital for Women in Heidelberg where Tom was born… so other mums and families could read to their little ones xx

  393. Tmeeka Henricks Reply

    I love the quiet time, the way they all snuggle in and listen avidly as I read aloud their favourite stories and breathe life into their fantasies, watching their imagination take over as they exclaim with wonder and excitedly discuss what they think will happen next or how something happened already.
    Reading is a whole new world and our little escape into that world each night is pure magic.

  394. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing the excitement on my grandchildrens faces when each page it turned to see what happens next , listening to the stories brings so much adventure into their lives.

  395. Laura scriven Reply

    It’s hubby’s bonding time,
    He does the voices just fine.
    Dragons and good guys,
    He makes giggles, not sighs!

  396. Aleisha Sullivan Reply

    A book of a morning and another before a nap,
    Reading books while snuggled on my lap.
    Learning new words and pictures galore.
    She always wants to read just one more!

  397. Theoni Versace Reply

    I Love reading about the history of the world with my kids. I tend to learn with them!

  398. I have always loved the closeness that it brings. The ability to cuddle up to them or lie next to them and share a journey somewhere amazing, learn about different characters and then speak with them about the book after that. Then watching them have the love of reading and reading on their own immersed in a world they will share with me in discussions. Books are brilliant!

  399. I love the quality time we spend together reading fostering my daughters language development and imagination. Hopefully she’ll grow up to be a book worm just like her mummy

  400. Carla Thomas Reply

    Love watching my children grab a book with excitement for me to read to them. Book after book.

  401. Suzanne Horrocks Reply

    I love reading with my daughter, she has a great imagination and loves to tell an extra story at the end of each book.

  402. My little one is only a baby but I cannot wait to read the stories I enjoyed as a child to her. We are lucky in Australia to have so many wonderful childrens books with our delightful native animals featured as the starring characters. I especially love Possum Magic by Mem Fox and I know she will too.

  403. My son and I enjoy making up different stories to the wonderful pictures in all the books we have.

  404. Seeing Master 6’s brain tick over and ‘get’ something is definitely the best part of reading together!

  405. Learning his letters from A to Z,
    perfect for after school or just before bed,
    reading boosts my little ones mind,
    and allows us more together time!

  406. I already enjoy trips to the library with my 5 month old. They host a story time aimed at children under two, it’s a great way to meet other babies in our neighborhood.

  407. Jared Giesige Reply

    The smile on their sweet little faces before they nod off to sleep.

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