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Remember Vagina Nails? Well This New Ultrasound Nail Art is a Much Better Choice!

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Remember when women were painting their finger nails to look like vaginas?

No? That’s okay, we wrote a story about it so the memory NEVER fades away.

Well, ladies and gents, nail art is back in fashion, but this time, we’re leaving the vagina in our pants (where it belongs, thank you very much), and focusing on something a little less personal.

Our uteruses!

That’s right. The latest trend in nail art is ultrasound nails, where you can get a photo of your unborn baby in the womb on your nails.

ultrasound nail art trend
Image source: Instagram @ladii_steel
ultrasound nails
Image source: Instagram @salongrecreate

Ultrasound nails? Nailed it!

Like all great trends (glitter butts, anyone?), we have Instagram to thank for ultrasound nail art. A number of nail artists and salons are sharing their works of art and the trend is picking up some serious traction.

For many mums, painting their nails with a pic of their womb is a beautiful reminder that yes, they are expecting a little one soon. But looking down at their swollen boobs and massive belly is also a good reminder.

ultrasound nails new trend
Image source: Instagram @lovelily_official

Baby on board. And on nails

For mums who have struggled with fertility and conception, having this reminder on their nails is also a great way to celebrate this exciting time. Ultrasound nails can also be a lovely way to commemorate a miscarriage and keep this beautiful memento of pregnancy with you.

As one mum writes on her Instagram post,

This manicure has been a long time coming. After three years and numerous fertility treatments, my hubby and I finally conceived in April. On May 30, my heart was broken when I found out my baby was no longer living and growing, and he was taken from me the next day. I love you jelly bean, and seeing you on my nails makes me smile.” @nailbysara

Ultrasound nail art
Image source: Instagram @nailsbysara

And for expectant mums, who, like me, are in the third trimester and about ready to throw a shoe at the next person who says, “Not long to go now.” (Actually, stranger, I have 11 more glorious weeks of this crap to go, but thanks anyway), looking down and seeing your little one on your nails may actually make the final days bearable. And it may just put a smile on my sweaty (no, that’s not a glow) face.

Yes, pregnancy is hard. And frustrating at times. Also, it’s kind of painful. Oh and confusing! But, it really is worth it (in the end, you know, after the whole labour bit). We all need this reminder sometimes. And on our nails is as good a place as any.

It sure beats having to carry your ultrasound picture around with you.

Looking for more ways to turn your womb into a work of art? Have a look at this stunning ultrasound art. 

You can check vagina nail art out for yourself too, but we’ve also included a visual for your vagina viewing pleasure below (you’re welcome).

vagina nail art

Which nail art is more you?

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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