We all love a good autocorrect fail. But these ones win ALL the laughter. They take autocorrect awkwardness to a new extreme – especially the ones with mum involved.
It’s amazing how much smartphones love to change conversations to make them extra dirty! Genitals, fondling, boners, it’s all happening, folks. And we’ve got the autocorrect goods to prove it.
Come share a laugh at other people’s embarrassing SMS encounters with our fave autocorrect fails ever.
1. Alison and her auto cat rectal

2. One holy jackass
3. First date fail
Killed. Kissed. Same same, right iPhone.
4. Dead husband
5. Blame the butthole
That’s one strong butthole.
6. White noiseÂ
7. The straw that broke the cameltoe
8. Excess baggage
9. Gluten-free placenta
10. Smell ya later
11. The ultimate relaxation
12. I say potato, you say bitchgobblet
13. Grandpa’s gift
14. A gallon of chocolate shart, please

Epic Mum Fails
The above are awesome, right? But wait, it gets better because these texts are sent to (or from) mum! Nothing like a little bit of family SMS fails to brighten up your day and make your next family dinner extra awks.
Love mum texts? We’ve got plenty more! Check out Hilarious Mum Text Messages That Prove Texting Your Kids is an Art Form.
15. Moooooommm
16. Dr. FondleÂ

17. Step away from the phone, Mum
Sorry, we mean Gollum.
18. A huge bowl

19. Look what mum found!

20. We saved the best for last – SO. MUCH. AWKWARD.Â

We may never ask our parents for shaved pork again.
What to read next
Love funny text messages? We’ve got heaps more funny ones up our sleeves. Check out: