
Parents Are Now Choosing Car-Inspired Baby Names: Here are 27 Considerations


Honk the horns, ladies and gents – there’s a new baby name trend driving into a delivery room near you. You guessed it – car-inspired baby names.

Now, hear us out because as weird as this sounds, there are actually a few decent names that fit the mould. Let’s have a browse, shall we?

The data for popular car-inspired names paving the way for the next-gen of trendy tots comes from US insurance company Uswitch, which analyses a whole slew of car makes, models and manufacturers compared to babies born last year.

While the info is American, plenty of car-inspired baby names also swerve into our top 100 most popular baby names as well. Hudson, Cooper, Lincoln, for example.

baby names predictions 2050
Holden or Ford? That is the question. Source: Bigstock

Most popular car-inspired baby names

In America, the most popular car-inspired names for all genders include:

Astin – After Astin Martin, and a cute alternative to Austin or Ashton.

Cooper – From the Mini Cooper, naturally. Cooper happens to ring in at #27 in Australia’s 2021’s most popular baby names. 

Devin – Devin is an American car manufacturer. I’ve actually never heard of it but, hey, there you go.

Lincoln – Lincoln is synonymous with luxury so it makes sense that people are choosing this moniker. Lincoln is the 41st most popular name for boys in Australia.

Bentley – Another stylish car, Bentley continues to climb the baby name charts in Australia as well as around the world.

Hudson – After the Hudson Hornet, this popular name is #14 on the most popular baby boy names.

Lexus – A cute alternative to Lexi or Alexis, perhaps?

Holden – Aussies represent!

Mercedes – Oddly enough, Benz doesn’t seem to be as popular in terms of car-inspired baby names.

Morgan – After Morgan Cars Company which, sadly, only just stopped manufacturing their Classic Morgans in Australia in December 2020. Side Note: Morgan can also be considered a boozy baby name after Cpatian Morgan if you’re so inclined to go that route.

Other car-inspired baby names to consider:

Elantra – I don’t know. I kinda like it. Elan is a cute nickname.

Caprice – Another Holden gem, Caprice has an appealing ring to it. It means “impulsive change of mind” which is a bit odd.

Cruz – We’re just going through the whole Holden catalogue aren’t we? But Cruz remains a popular name in Australia and we predict it will break the top 100 at some stage in the near future.

Tesla – You KNEW Tesla was going to make the list, right? Little Tessie is giving Mercedes a run for her money.

Tesla cars

Chevy – It’s a bit rough and American for my liking, but Chevy can work for both a little guy or gal with a bit of spark to them.

Nova – One of the most trending names of 2021 is also the name of yet another Holden car (or a Chevy car if you’re in America).

Camry – A cute alternative to Camryn, Little Camry is reliable, zippy and packs a punch.

Jetta – The VW Jetta is a trendy zippy little thing and the name Jetta is a bit wild too. A cute alternative to Jett.

Ford – Owen Wilson named his kid Ford and it’s quite common in America. But here, well, Holden dominates.

Audi – This unique name means “listen” and remains incredibly uncommon at this stage. But, hey, you never know – it could pick up speed.

Porscha – The princess of car-inspired baby names, Porscha obviously comes from Porsche and is another variant to Portia, which actually means “pig”.

Royce – Rolls off the tongue nicely, right?

Alpha – Or Alfa, after Alfa Romeo, Alpha comes with a whole slew of interesting meanings. It’s the first letter in the Greek alphabet – oh look – and the first part of the word alphabet too! It also means dominant. Or you could go with Romeo (pronounced ruh·may·ow, not Rome-E-O). 

Indy – 360 anyone?

Kia – Sure, it’s a Korean car manufacturer, but it’s also a sweet and simple three-letter name that means “season’s beginning”.

Mack – Okay, technically Mack is a truck, but it’s still a cool name.

Dodge – Just kidding. Don’t name your kid Dodge. Get the hell outta Dodge.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. I have a Aston ( the correct way to spell Aston, as in Aston Martin. Not Astin) and a Bentley at the school I work at.
    My former foster daughter also just had a boy named Calais (after the Holden Calais. Thankfully she pronounces it properly… unlike another family I’ve come across who named their daughter Calais, but pronounce it Ca-lay-ass.)

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