This dad’s birth story is definitely one to tell at his daughter’s 21st!
Oh I can sooo relate to this! Anyone else sometimes feel like we should stop giving kids medals for merely turning up and give them to us parents instead? I reckon I deserve a Most Improved Mum trophy this week! How about you??
Oh, this is too funny! Imagine if your child did this. I would probably throw his stupid trombone out the window.
An important reminder we could all use! Raise those wine glasses high, ladies, we’re doing a great job.
Feeling crabby about your period and where to keep your stash of pads and tampons? You need a menstruation crustacean station. STAT.
Move over man buns and hipster hair, there’s a new trend in town – flower beards!
Have you ever wondered what one of your kids’ drawings would look like it were real? Things I Have Drawn blows us away with these pics!
One parent shares on Twitter, her kids’ reaction to hearing about how sex works and thousands of strangers added their own stories, amazing!
When you see it, you can’t UNSEE it! We’d be lion if we said we didn’t have a good chuckle at this!
This accusation is so bonkers, you really can’t help but laugh! What’s the most absurd thing someone has said to you at the checkout?Â
What happens in labour, stays in labour. Right? Not anymore! We’re lifting the lid on what REALLY goes on behind closed labour doors with hilarious unfiltered accuracy.
These non-parents made us all LOL with their completely inaccurate comments about parenting.