It’s a case of once you see it, you can’t unsee it for this baby’s new, cute-as-a-button pyjamas. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And you certainly can’t keep a straight face when dressing your baby in it!
Be careful what you buy on sale
Mums love a good bargain, don’t they? UK mum Anna spied a two-set of pyjamas from the supermarket, Sainsbury’s, for the equivalent of AUD$7 and quickly popped them in her shopping cart, smug with the bargain.
When later dressing 6-month-old son Raphael in his new pj’s, the thrill of scoring a gorgeous brand-spankin’ new pair of pyjamas was somewhat overshadowed by, well, the giant blue phallic symbol glaring up at you. Hellooo there.
We’d be lion if we said this didn’t look like a big blue penis on this child’s T-shirt.
Sure, it’s meant to be a lion’s face, but, come on guys, if that’s not a penis with a pair of blue balls, then I don’t know what is!

Art is in the eye of the beholder. Or the pyjama wearer.
I tell you, once you see it you can’t NOT see it. A delightful lion face makes for a super cute pyjama set, SURE. But LOOK CLOSER. That lion’s muzzle is clearly a blue peen.
Oh, the laughs…. *snort*
Not the only one
Anna shared her experience on social media, explaining she wasn’t sure if it was just her dirty mind or if the designers at Sainsbury’s were having a laugh and we wonder the same.
Would we notice it if someone didn’t point it out? Alas, there are people out there with their minds NOT in the gutter.
“My friend bought the same outfit and didn’t notice until her husband pointed it out.”
There’s hope for us yet, folks. #LOL
A popular choice in infant pyjamas sells out
It was reported that the pyjamas have since sold out at the supermarket giant. And we’re not surprised – we like a good giggle too!
“No wonder they were in the sale!”

Whether the sleepwear sell-out was due to them being a brilliant bargain or parents wanting to have a bit of a laugh and shock the grandparents, we’ll never know!
Those of you partial to an animal print or design in your children’s clothes, consider yourselves warned, you could potentially be heading into awkward X-rated territory, depending on how dirty your mind is. Just sayin’.
This isn’t the first massive shopping fail we’re shared. Check out this X-rated Frozen book Kmart once sold. Or this unicorn toy which clearly has a dido as a horn. And we can’t forget about that time nana went shopping for a picture book for her granddaughter and came home with this inappropriate story of animals behaving VERY badly.
Oh, the fun!