Do you believe some children have been here before? Or that they have special gifts to see things we can’t? You might after reading these! Very interesting stuff!
Madeline and Malachi share their home with 30 life-sized plastic children and document their adventures as a family on their popular Instagram page.
A mum is sharing her son’s very scary story after swallowing 22 small magnetic beads out of a children’s toy.
“None of it felt real. It was all happening so fast, and I didn’t know what to do. I had the placenta in my hand and a baby in the toilet. I was just absolutely terrified.”
One moment Chase was playing soccer, the next he was unconscious. His parents are now urging others to know the signs of stroke in children.
American mum Jenica has gone through adoption and fertility treatment to complete her family but during the way she’s also lost two sets of twin girls. This is her story.
“The one thing I learned from Abi’s death is that there’s no closure on something like this. You don’t ever get closure, we just relive it every day.”
‘You should be grateful…’ And, I am. I am beyond grateful that I have three (mostly) healthy children. I have a beautiful home. A working car. Clothes. Shelter. Food. I AM grateful. I’m so blessed.
But on the flip side. I’m tired. I’m broken. I’m breaking. I want to run my phone over. I want to run away. I just need a break”
“I just don’t know how the girls will grow up without their mum – but I know I just have to be OK because I have two daughters who need me to be their dad and I have to be there for them.”
This toddler is pretty insistant that she’s been here before. It got us thinking about whether anyone else has ever had something creepy like this happen to them? Has your child ever shocked you with something they’ve said or something they’ve claimed to have seen?
MAAATTE! Step. Away. From. The. PS5.
“I know what you’re thinking… how is that even possible? But it’s true. I have no idea what it actually feels like to be pregnant. I don’t know what it feels like to be so nauseous to the point of needing to throw up. I’ve never gotten to see my baby’s sweet smiling face on an ultrasound. I’ve never gotten to hear their beautiful heartbeat. I don’t know what any of that feels like.”