
Oh Em Gee the Disney Princess Babies Are ALL Grown Up


Remember these little cuties? Brand new babies turned into teeny tiny Disney princesses? The world went mad for these sweeties when they exploded onto the internet a year ago.

We reckon you could safely blame the shots for a veritable baby boom. Well, guess what? They’re back!

Those bonny babes have turned one and OF COURSE it was only right to celebrate with a whole new photo shoot.

Disney princess babies grow up

Disney Princess Babies Turn One

Oh em GEE we cannot cope with the cute.

Beautiful Belly Portraits recreated the viral photos with each of the toddlers and the results are, well, a little bit magical.

belly beautiful portraits princess babies photoshoot
Image source: Belly Beautiful Portraits

Princess Jasmine

Those big brown peepers haven’t changed but Princess Jasmine is ALL grown up. And check out those toothy pegs!

Belly Beautiful Portraits Disney princesses


That’s one cute BIG mermaid! Ariel has grown her sea legs, but thankfully still has a soft spot for Flounder.

Belly Beautiful Portraits Disney princesses

Sleeping Beauty 

Oh Aurora you’re such a big girl now!

Image source: Belly Beautiful Portraits

Snow White

mum central

Belly Beautiful Portraits Snow White baby toddler photo

What a difference a year makes! Little Snow White has become a bonafide toddler and those gorgeous dark locks look just like her Disney namesake.


She’s the belle of the ball (and she’s well and truly outgrown that pumpkin!)

Belly Beautiful Portraits Cinderella baby


Oh Em Gee the Disney Princess Babies Are ALL Grown Up

She’s a beauty, that’s for sure! We can’t get enough of that gorgeous gown (and her Princess accessories!)

Even more princess babies!

And if all that cuteness isn’t enough, photographer Karen Marie has captured ANOTHER bunch of mini Disney princesses in a new shot that’s just as sweet as the original. This time there’s Moana, Tiannah, Mulan, Rapunzel and more modern princesses in the mix. Can we get a collective naaaaaaw?!

Belly Beautiful Portraits new princess babiesDisney Princess BabiesFor more Disney fun, check out these INSANE Disneyland weddings.

(All images via Belly Beautiful Portraits)


Naomi is 3/4 latte drinking, peanut butter obsessed former magazine girl who now does stuff with words for a living while juggling 2.5 kids, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, husband and an unhealthy obsession with slow cooking.

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