Craft / DIY

16 Easy Dr Seuss Costumes, Perfect for Dr Seuss Day or Book Week


“Mum, I need a costume.”

Five words I dread every year. Normally around August when it’s Book Week.

“No, you don’t. It’s March,” I tell her. “I have months to organise Book Week.”

“Yes, but it’s Dr. Seuss Day.”



A quick google search and YES, ladies and gents, DR SEUSS DAY IS A THING. And MANY schools celebrate this momentous week by you guessed it, letting the kiddies dress in Dr Seuss costumes.

The official Dr. Seuss Day is today – March 2nd, which happens to be Mr. Theodor Seuss Geisel’s birthday. I totally support the legend behind SOO many amazing children’s books so I’m here for Dr. Seuss Day, even if it means I need to pull out the stupid glue gun and make a quick trip to Spotlight for supplies.

If your little one has also come home requesting a DIY Dr. Seuss costume, have no fear – we have Dr Seuss costumes galore, from The Lorax to Fox and Socks. Best of all, many of them require VERY little effort – just a quick look in the closets to see what supplies and clean clothing your kids have.

Great for Dr Seuss Day, these Dr Seuss costumes can also easily be used for Book Week too (hooray!).

16 DIY Dr Seuss Costumes to Make in ONE DAY

Cat in the Hat

Perhaps one of the most famous of all the Dr Seuss books, The Cat in the Hat brings us a few easy costume ideas including the Cat as well as the Things.

For the Cat, you’ll need black clothing, a fancy hat and tail plus eyeliner for the cat whiskers.

mum central
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

For Thing 1 and Thing 2, a red shirt with a blue tutu is perfect!

Dr Seuss Costume Ideas. Thing 1 and Thing 2
Source: Pinterest

Horton Hears a Who 

Horton’s a cute idea, especially if you’ve got some grey clothing and grey cardboard lying around the house. Pick up a pen with a pink fluff ball on the top and you’ve got the Who home flower too.

Dr Seuss costume ideas - Horton Hears a Who
Source: Pinterest

The Lorax

There are a few different ways to perfect The Lorax costume. You’ll need plenty of orange and yellow in their wardrobes for this one!

mum central
Image source: Instagram @lmack38

Or, you can think outside the book and go with a Truffula Tree.

Dr Seuss Costumes - The Lorax
Source: Pinterest

Fox in Socks

If you’ve got anything red – red tutus, red leotards, red jumpers – then Fox in Socks is an easy option. Add some blue socks and a homemade fox mask and you’ve got a winner!

mum central
Image source: Facebook
mum central
Source: Pinterest

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

This Dr Seuss costume is one to take them places! We love the balloon idea if you happen to have some balloons in the birthday cupboard!

Dr Seuss Costume Ideas
Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes

Green Eggs and Ham

If you’ve got a bit of green in the drawers, then Green Eggs and Ham is an easy option. Love the idea of using plastic Easter eggs as the green eggs.

Dr Seuss Green eggs and ham outfit
Source: Pinterest

Another good choice – Sam I Am!

Dr Seuss Sam I Am Costume
Source: Pinterest

There’s a Wocket in your Pocket

This is a Dr Seuss costume idea I’d never thought of before but it’s SO SIMPLE! Make your very own Wocket to bring to school in their pocket. Genius!

Dr Seuss costume ideas - Wocket in Pocket
Source: Pinterest

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The Grinch can be a tricky one but you can pull it off if you happen to have a Christmas outfit hiding in your dress-up area. If not, you can always go with green tights and an oversized red shirt.

Dr Seuss costumes - The Grinch
Source: Pinterest

One Fish Two Fish 

One Fish Two Fish is popular for a group Dr Seuss costume. I’ve seen teachers use this one often for Book Week. Each person dresses up as a different fish.

But we also love the idea of making your own One Fish Two Fish T-shirt. All you need is a yellow T-shirt, some googly eyes and different colours of felt for the fish.

One Fish Two Fish - Dr Seuss costumes
Source: Homemade for Elle

Who Are You Sue Snue?

We’re getting into the nitty gritty Dr Seuss costumes now – the ones many wouldn’t consider when asked to dress up for Dr Seuss Day such as the adorable Snue Sue! This little girl nailed it!

Dr Seuss Costume Ideas - Sue Snue
Source: Pinterest

The Sneetches and Other Stories

Good grief! The Sneetches are a great option for anyone who happens to have a yellow hat in the closet!

Dr Seuss costumes - Sneetches and other stories
Source: The Mom Creative

Daisy-Head Mayzie

For those with pink dresses in abundance, head to the garden and pick a flower (or head to Spotlight and grab a fake one). Viola – Daisy-Head Mayzie!

Daisy-Head Mayzie - Dr Seuss Costumes
Source: Pinterest

And finally, an actual Dr Seuss Book

This is next-level awesome! Kudos to any parent who can pull this one off!

book week costumes 2018
Image via Facebook


Is your child’s school celebrating Dr Seuss Day? If so, share their Dr Seuss costumes with us in the comments – we’d love to see them!

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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