I have the secret to turn the hardiest of feet to being summer ready. And you should all know a product is going to be HOT DAMN GOOD when I’m willing to throw a pic of my ugly, unkept feet on the internet for the sake of evidence.
Disclaimer: If you’re offended by feet, well, you should probably prepare yourself. Because there’s a LOT of foot-chat to follow.
My feet are, well, a horror show
I’m the first to admit my feet are neglected. One look at them will tell you the story of their less-than-pampered lifestyle, with more cracks than the Sahara desert.
I rarely wear socks and enclosed shoes and I definitely don’t moisturise on the daily. I mean, I know I should. But I don’t.

The $2.99 transformation
To be fair, if I have an event to go to I will make an attempt to clean them up. But even the most harsh of foot masks take some time to turn these ugly ducklings into swans. ‘Milky Foot’, ‘Baby Foot’, pumice stones, heck, even fine-grade sandpaper – I’ve tried them all with mixed results.
But nothing has transformed my hard, cracked heels like this miracle worker. And it’s going to cost you less than a cup of coffee. The Heros Chiropody Sponge is sent from the sandal gods. And a STEAL at $2.99. Yep, a whisker under THREE DOLLARS.

There’s no foot mask, weird shower cap arrangement, harsh chemicals or any of that bizzo with the Hero Chiropody Sponge. It’s a lightweight lump of rough porous sponge which sloughs away at dead skin. It’s also great for stained skin – no more fake tan hands!
The process is as simple as using soap
Using it is as easy as using soap. In fact, I keep mine in the shower to give my feet a daily once over so I don’t even have to really think about it. It literally takes about 30 seconds per foot.

Simply wet your feet, wet the sponge, add soap and in a firm (but not too firm) circular motions, scrub your heels. Voila! THAT’S IT.

Just $2.99 and your feet are summer ready! Plus, the Heros Chiropody Sponge lasts for weeks, months even, making it even MORE of a bargain.