
17 of the Most Inappropriate Book Titles to Grace the Book Shelves


If you’ve ever wanted a book on 50 different ways to eat cock or how to successfully play with your puss, we have great news for you! We’ve found them! And so much more inappropriate book title goodness.

Take a walk down the library of LOLs and pull out your favourite inappropriate book title. There are so many to choose from, but I think Brenda’s Beaver Needs a Barber is my top pick.

1. Hookers and Blow Save Christmas

inappropriate book titles

I’m sure they do! I mean, who doesn’t want a Christmas Day filled with paid sex and white powder? In case you’re wondering, Hookers and Blow appear to be snow-ploughing machinery in this book, but, seriously, what a name!

2. Still Stripping, after 25 Years

inappropriate book titles

Good ‘ol Eleanor looks pretty darned chuffed about her stripping feat too. And that sweater vest..

3. Games You Can Play With Your Pussy

inappropriate book titles

What makes this book especially amazing is the chess-playing cat on the front.

4. How to Raise your IQ By Eating Gifted Children

inappropriate book titles

Not even sure what this is meant to say?

5. The Best Dad is a Good Lover

inappropriate book titles

No Dr. Charlie. No that can’t be right.

6. Jimmy Beats His Cock

inappropriate book titles

Oh, Jimmy. Probs not a good thing to share with the world.

7. The Muffin Muncher

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Sadly, I loved this book as a kid. Won’t be passing it down to my kids though… I’m pretty sure they’ve actually republished this book under The Muffin Dragon.

8. My Big Book of Pretty Pussies

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Can we all collectively agree to calls them CATS from now on??

9. So, You’ve Got a Fat Pussy

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Another one! Why didn’t anyone think, “So You’ve Got a Fat Cat” is probably a better option”?

10. Stop Beating Your Meat

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Smoke it instead.

11. 50 Ways to Eat Cock

inappropriate book titles

One way is enough, thanks.

12. Oozing for my Lord

inappropriate book titles

This is why people don’t trust religion, you guys!

13. Scouts in Bondage

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The much-anticipated sequel to Men in Tights.

14. The Day Amanda Came

inappropriate book titles

I’m sure this is meant to be an innocent book introducing kids to important sight words like “day” and “came”, but, we’re tarnished with evil thoughts only.

15. Brenda’s Beaver Needs a Barber

inappropriate book titles

Brenda, your beaver is out of control! Tame that thing!

16. Mommy Drinks Because You’re Bad

mum central

Well, it’s not wrong.

17. The Missionary Position

inappropriate book titles

We’ll end our list of inappropriate book titles with the wise and wonderful Mother Teresa sharing her expertise on the missionary position. You go girl.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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