Jamie Oliver has spilled the beans on an easy peasy THREE ingredient gnocchi recipe! Guys, you don’t even have to have Naked Chef skills to deliver this gnocchi sensation to the dinner table. As Jamie would say, it’s lovely jubbly!
Those who have the Jamie Cooks Italy cookbook might already recognise the recipe, but for many, the first time seeing it was on Jamie’s Instagram page where it promptly blew up with all of us pining for a bowl of pure potato dumpling comfort, STAT.
Wait. Just three ingredients?
Technically, yep! The gnocchi recipe itself is just three ingredients! 1 kilogram of floury potatoes, Tipo 00 flour and grated nutmeg.
Of course, you’re going to have to sauce those pillows of comfort with something. Some brown melted butter and sage would be perfect but also you can totally crack open a lid on a jar of supermarket sauce. No judgement here, we know there are lots of awesome pasta sauces at the supermarket!

Jamie shares recipe with all!
Because Jamie is the OG of great guys and celebrity chefs, he’s shared the gnocchi recipe so we can all follow along at home. Accompanying his drool-inducing photo of the finished dish, Jamie captions the post:
Homemade gnocchi. Quick to cook and total comfort food. In Rome, Nonna Teresa introduced me to this method, which doesn’t use eggs. Recipe link in bio. Give it a go and let me know what you think x
And that they did. Comments of gnocchi gratitude and appreciation from his account followers flowed into the Instagram platform to the tune of:
Oh, I could dive right into this!!! Pure comfort, heaven in a bowl!!
My feisty 82-year-old Mother In Law never uses eggs either!
I just love gnocchi! Little pillows of tasty joy! 🤤
Oof literally could eat gnocchi for breakfast lunch and supper
Ahhhh, Jamie. You got us all right in the feels with this delicious looking dish. For the record, we love pasta too. Check out our awesome midweek pasta dinner choices – be sure to bookmark it before you go shopping next!

Want to make a quick tomato sauce?
If you want to go the whole shebang and cook a speedy tomato sauce, Jamie suggests the following:
- Fill a dish with ripe cherry tomatoes, season with sea salt and black pepper, add a pinch of dried chilli flakes, some finely sliced garlic and a drizzle of olive oil. Toss well and roast in a hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Leave to cool slightly and carefully pinch the skins off the tomatoes and you’re left with a delicious, juicy tomato sauce to toss with your gnocchi. Bon Appetit!
What say you? Will you be having a go at Jamie’s three-ingredient gnocchi (I know I will be!)? Let us know how you get on! You’ll find a Dutch oven’s worth of the celebrity chef’s fantastic recipes over at Jamie Oliver.