Now is certainly NOT the time to be throwing out your odd socks! You see, right now in the middle of the COVID craziness, even an odd sock can make a handy face mask. We get it … how, what, huh?
Perhaps the best hack you’re going to see all week, here’s how you can turn a simple, CLEAN sock into a wearable face mask. Better yet, ANYONE can make one of these.
There’s no need for a sewing machine or even any seamstress skills (thank goodness). Just a sharp pair of scissors and a sock are required. That’s it. PHEW.

Masks will no doubt get harder and harder to find as the demand increases, so it’s good to know a sock can act as a backup. Thanks, Oh My DIY for the heads up!
Watch the video below to see exactly how it’s done.
There you have it, a valuable craft activity to commence during COVID-19 lockdown. Dive deep into the odd-sock pile, there’s bound to be plenty of fun mask patterns lying in wait! And of course the patterns, well we can all have a bit of fun with that too!
[mc_block_title custom_title=”Current Mask Wearing Guidelines”]
At the time of writing, the mandatory mask rules are that from midnight Wednesday, everyone aged 12 years or older outside of their homes in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, MUST wear a mask or face covering. If you fail to comply, you risk a $200 fine. If you have a medical reason NOT to wear a mask, you may be exempt. They can be removed if entering a bank or running, although you must still carry one.