Everybody, meet Amazing Abby (my oh my those big blue eyes!). Abby is 4 years old and is suffering from leukaemia.
This courageous little girl is currently being treated in the Melodies Centre for Childhood Cancer at the Albany Medical Centre Hospital, New York, and she has just one simple wish… To marry her favourite nurse, Matt.
In a post to the facebook page dedicated to her journey called “Amazing Abby”, was a message we can only assume was written by Abby’s parents.
It seems Abby got her wish!
“Well… Abby’s count came up a little but only enough to do half doses of her chemo pills. Otherwise today was pretty amazing.
The Melodies Center at Albany Medical Center has the most amazing, caring and thoughtful people working for them.
As I’m sure you may have seen… ABBY MARRIED MATT (her nurse) TODAY.
All week Abby had been telling me that she was getting married this week. I asked her to who and of course she said Matt. They have always had a great connection since the beginning of her diagnose. I asked her where… She said at the clinic. I explained we weren’t going until Thursday. So she waited.
I texted Matt yesterday to give him a heads up on her cuteness and a received a text saying… “We’re planning a wedding tomo…” That was about all the information I got.
I know the people at the Melodies Center and know their creativity and thoughtfulness but never expected all of this. Abby’s response… “This is the best day ever!” We are both in awe from today’s visit and smiling ear to ear.
Thank you to everyone involved in making this day awesome.
Special thank you to Angie, Courtney (Abby’s bridesmaids), Dr. Pearce (for officiating the wedding), Clorece Weir at Enchanted Garden Florist who’s slogan is “Always there when you need us.” Pretty true… and of course to Matt who saw a chance to make Abby’s visit a memory of a life time.

Blessed to have all these people in our lives…”
Watch the video of this beautiful yet simple gesture of few special people making a sick little girls wish come true.
So today I got to help make a 4 year old leukemia patient’s “wedding” to her favorite nurse Matt Hickling happen at the Melodies Center for Childhood Cancers at AMC. Thanks to Scott Wright and the team at the Enchanted Garden for donating your time and amazing flowers and to everyone at AMC that helped pull this together in less than 24 hours. You people are amazing. THIS is why we go into nursing.
Posted by Lori Ciafardoni on Thursday, July 16, 2015