What the heck is this weirdness? It sort of looks like Bluey, but it’s certainly not Bluey. This ladies and gents, is a new television series, created by the US conservative media brand known as The Daily Wire.
It’s being streamed by a new subscription streaming app known as Bentkey, which is owned by The Daily Wire and founded by conservative political commentator, Ben Shapiro.
It’s Chip!
The show is called Chip Chillas and focuses on a family of chinchillas, which are furry rodents. So not Blue Heelers. However, chinchillas are native to South America and this particular family lives in very-patritoic American suburbia. So that’s a bit weird.
The Chinchilla household home-schools their kids and often engages in elaborate role play, very similar to Bluey.
The whole colour scheme looks eerily close to Bluey, but there’s soemthing a bit off about the whole thing, kind of like how the original Simpsons characters look when you see what they look like after the first season.

Even the music in the teaser has some serious Bluey vibes going on.
Check out the intro to Chip Chilla in the video below. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but, I’m pretty sure this is next-level imitation.
And of course, there are the characters. Dad Chum Chum. Mum Chinny. Sister Charla. Baby Chumbly. And Chip.
Stop. Just stop.
This episode is called CopyrightÂ
Clearly, The Daily Wire is aware of Bluey. In fact, it would appear the whole show is kind of a kick in the pants to Disney and their shows. Bentkey intentionally launched on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Walt Disney Company.
It’s very clear that Chip Chilla is trying to use the same formula as Bluey but with a more formal spin on it. There’s no humour. There are no relatable parenting moments. There’s no out-of-the-box conversation or topics. There’s certainly no poo or fart jokes.

Viewers react to Chip Chilla
Bluey isn’t just loved by Aussies – American parents and kids have fully embraced the Blue Heelers and the Aussie humour that makes this show so great.
People from around the world have a lot to say about this blatant Bluey knockoff and we can see why. Reddit is blowing up with comments about Chip Chilla with one poster suggesting the show answers the question, “What if Bluey sucked?”.

While some find the show cute, many aren’t super keen on the show and find the blatant copying a ‘dog act’.
After all, Bluey is an icon and no one can do Bluey like Ludo Studios. And what does Ludo Studios have to say about it? They “respectfully decline” to comment for now.
I don’t know about you, but I reckon this is a pretty shitty move by The Daily Wire. If these weird little rodents start saying things like “Chupadoo” and “I slipped on ma spam,” I’ll be ready for a fight.
And if they introduce a Ganet and Brita to the show, the numb chucks are coming out. Watch out.
What to read next
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